So I've been catching up with the season over the past few days after a huge break due to work. I'm not going to lie, I was close to dropping the show right away after the first couple of episodes (which is when I took a break), but all those raving threads about the season getting better dragged me back and I have to say they were spot on.
I just finished Laws of Inferno Dynamics and it's been pretty damn rad once past the slog of the first four episodes or so. Director Beefcake is great, Ghost Rider was quite probably the best TV MCU character this side of Frank Castle (and the effects were fantastic), there was this crazy SOB making Chinese bangers cough diamonds and somehow the writers managed to redeem Skyeskye, Yo-yo and Mack in one huge swoop. I actually like them now. Meanwhile, Iain De Caestecker continues to outact every other person in this show and even Coulson is less stiff. Also, Aida is making me feel things. Improper things.
8/10 will keep watching.