NeoGAFs Kent Brockman
Alien: Rogue Incursion finally brings the terrifying Xenomorphs into VR, and we were pretty impressed with our first hands-on demo. Previewed by Leanne Butkovic.
Alien: Rogue Incursion finally brings the terrifying Xenomorphs into VR, and we were pretty impressed with our first hands-on demo. Previewed by Leanne Butkovic.
Man VR is dead.
PSA: buying this game funds the pocket of a major grifter who is directly responsible for gamergate, the 10 year long culture war that infested gaming and who pushed a fellow game dev to suicide by spreading false accusations about him which lead to the sister of said man funding the start of SBI.
Don't be that kind of gamer.
No, they getcpaid a set amount, no sales bonuses (unless stated otherwise).Do AAA narrative designers get paid based on sales? From my understanding almost all game developers make money off the time they worked.
No, they getcpaid a set amount, no sales bonuses (unless stated otherwise).
It's more about making it known that working with toxic people like Zoe will hurt your sales. They know very well who they hired.
Thanks for saving me money.PSA: buying this game funds the pocket of a major grifter who is directly responsible for gamergate, the 10 year long culture war that infested gaming and who pushed a fellow game dev to suicide by spreading false accusations about him which lead to the sister of said man funding the start of SBI.
Don't be that kind of gamer.
ffs. Cheers for the heads up. Will perhaps be sailing the seas for this one thenPSA: buying this game funds the pocket of a major grifter who is directly responsible for gamergate, the 10 year long culture war that infested gaming and who pushed a fellow game dev to suicide by spreading false accusations about him which lead to the sister of said man funding the start of SBI.
Don't be that kind of gamer.
Here's a fairly quick.read.wallpost about the whole situation: https://nichegamer.com/report-zoe-q...ex-holowka-abuse-claims-now-seeming-doubtful/So, lets look at this in terms of actual evidence. How do we know what Zoe did contributed to the death of this individual? Is there anything you can link me to understand the facts, because I hear about stuff like this and we find out later there were tons of other details unrelated to the original narrative. Not saying either way in this case because I don't know.
And what about all the other people that worked on the game? Is it okay to punish everyone else to punish her? If the evidence is so clear, why weren't actions taken to target her directly?
Here's a fairly quick.read.wallpost about the whole situation: https://nichegamer.com/report-zoe-q...ex-holowka-abuse-claims-now-seeming-doubtful/
In the wake of #MeToo she came out with news that he was an abusive prick and started riding the cancel train which made him disclose everything about their past relationship which painted them both as ewually bad, not that he was an dirty abuser.
Holowka was strugling with his mental health at the time and the hate most likely was a part of him taking his own life. Quinn went into hiding after the whole shitstorm.
The usual way to wait the storm to die out.
And don't play the whatsboutism card. Other devs were paid foe their work already. There is no other way to remove these elements from gaming other than making them (Zoe and the other looney tunes) unhirable. They won't leave willingly.
The issue is that since the start of GG people were vocal about not hiring certain grifters but were put down as "toxic gamers". Just about now the message is starting to get through.Thanks. I'll do a deeper dive.
I just don't understand how canceling the game would only affect her. Their portfolio is damaged if they ship a game that doesn't sell.
That doesn't seem like whataboutism, it just seems like people are willing to trash products others worked on in an attempt to hopefully send a message about someone else. I'm not talking about hiring managers either.
Here's a fairly quick.read.wallpost about the whole situation: https://nichegamer.com/report-zoe-q...ex-holowka-abuse-claims-now-seeming-doubtful/
In the wake of #MeToo she came out with news that he was an abusive prick and started riding the cancel train which made him disclose everything about their past relationship which painted them both as ewually bad, not that he was an dirty abuser.
Holowka was strugling with his mental health at the time and the hate most likely was a part of him taking his own life. Quinn went into hiding after the whole shitstorm.
The usual way to wait the storm to die out.
And don't play the whatsboutism card. Other devs were paid foe their work already. There is no other way to remove these elements from gaming other than making them (Zoe and the other looney tunes) unhirable. They won't leave willingly.
Thanks for the heads up.PSA: buying this game funds the pocket of a major grifter who is directly responsible for gamergate, the 10 year long culture war that infested gaming and who pushed a fellow game dev to suicide by spreading false accusations about him which lead to the sister of said man funding the start of SBI.
Don't be that kind of gamer.
Thanks. I'll do a deeper dive.
I just don't understand how canceling the game would only affect her. Their portfolio is damaged if they ship a game that doesn't sell.
That doesn't seem like whataboutism, it just seems like people are willing to trash products others worked on in an attempt to hopefully send a message about someone else. I'm not talking about hiring managers either.
It's a shotgun targeting approach.
The issue is that since the start of GG people were vocal about not hiring certain grifters but were put down as "toxic gamers". Just about now the message is starting to get through.
I don't like the idea of group responsibility, but in case of Zoe? Man, she aint a nobody, all this stuff is public and HR just didn't care.
I mean, the stuff related to Quinn is not new. When this company decided to do business with her, they did knowing what's in her closet (it's well documented and as the other poster said: it pretty much detonated the culture war). Would you think they are aligned to her values or not?
Not saying you should buy it or not, that's up to each individual but I would understand why some people don't want to support a product where this person participates just as I understand why some people don't want to purchase stuff where sweet baby inc is involved. I even understand people not wanting to buy Howarts Legacy because they don't like how JK has handled herself regarding certain topics.
It's a shame but the only fair thing an individual can do is decide to buy or not buy based on whatever parameters they think are fair.
PSA: buying this game funds the pocket of a major grifter who is directly responsible for gamergate, the 10 year long culture war that infested gaming and who pushed a fellow game dev to suicide by spreading false accusations about him which lead to the sister of said man funding the start of SBI.
Don't be that kind of gamer.
Looks great but killing full grown xenomorphs with a handgun is a bit lore breaking.
Yeah I'm not supporting a whore, and manipulative asshole's game. Caused the death of a man, as usual man's problems got ignored, and became a one sided thing were women are always right and never lie.PSA: buying this game funds the pocket of a major grifter who is directly responsible for gamergate, the 10 year long culture war that infested gaming and who pushed a fellow game dev to suicide by spreading false accusations about him which lead to the sister of said man funding the start of SBI.
Don't be that kind of gamer.
Looks great but killing full grown xenomorphs with a handgun is a bit lore breaking.
PSA: buying this game funds the pocket of a major grifter who is directly responsible for gamergate, the 10 year long culture war that infested gaming and who pushed a fellow game dev to suicide by spreading false accusations about him which lead to the sister of said man funding the start of SBI.
Don't be that kind of gamer.
It's the same in the end. When boycotting you can't take prisoners.My point wasn't related to hiring managers etc. I'm talking about coders and artists that were just working on the project.
It's the same in the end. When boycotting you can't take prisoners.
Vr needs more games like this and gaming needs VR more important to me than "gaminggate" or whatever im pushing everyone to buy this and Behemoth
If the game is good, I'm buying it!
Looks great but killing full grown xenomorphs with a handgun is a bit lore breaking.
The problem is videogames have warped people's minds on how powerful a handgun actually is, most people would shit themselves if they shot a 45 caliber once
The type that punishes a team of dozens of people because one person works on the project? This is actually worse than promoting a boycott of all things Harry Potter because the reason for boycott is someone at a individual contributor level and not the IP creator.PSA: buying this game funds the pocket of a major grifter who is directly responsible for gamergate, the 10 year long culture war that infested gaming and who pushed a fellow game dev to suicide by spreading false accusations about him which lead to the sister of said man funding the start of SBI.
Don't be that kind of gamer.
I’ve shot a .50 cal Desert Eagle and i still would be running for my life if that’s all i had against a Xenomorph![]()
Exactly. I'm tired of every release being tied to "this person" or "that person" or anything in-between. If the game is good, the game is good. If you want to ignore it because of some person you don't like, that's fine. But that doesn't make folks that are just genuinely interested in the game and not care about that person or the air revolving around them some kind of "enemy" lol.![]()
If the game is good, I'm buying it!
you are rightThe type that punishes a team of dozens of people because one person works on the project? This is actually worse than promoting a boycott of all things Harry Potter because the reason for boycott is someone at a individual contributor level and not the IP creator.
but at the same time its just psa for fans who do not know and if they did might save the cash so no harm no foul.Exactly. I'm tired of every release being tied to "this person" or "that person" or anything in-between. If the game is good, the game is good. If you want to ignore it because of some person you don't like, that's fine. But that doesn't make folks that are just genuinely interested in the game and not care about that person or the air revolving around them some kind of "enemy" lol.
I want more Aliens games, and good ones at that. So if this can be one of those, great! We need more good/great xeno titles.
Look, the basic element of boycotting is not getting shit you don't like. This game is most likely affected by that philosophy and some people don't want to consume that just as the others examples I provided.The point of boycotting is to set things right, but also willing to fuck over innocent people in the process because maybe, hopefully, possibly, the boycott will "send a message."
Even with the boycott, the chick will probably get hired somewhere else. She's probably given another chance because she's well connected.
Stop downplaying people informing about toxic grifters.
Look, the basic element of boycotting is not getting shit you don't like. This game is most likely affected by that philosophy and some people don't want to consume that just as the others examples I provided.
If she gets hired somewhere else that's some more shit not to buy. Pretty simple.
Not me in particular as I quit VR a few years ago but probably other people. The basics are the same.
In my last post I mentioned your assessment of the boycott was "no prisoners" basically meaning fuck anyone involved that could be damaged by this.
You didn't respond to that in this post, so I'm assuming you stand by it 100%?
In my last post I mentioned your assessment of the boycott was "no prisoners" basically meaning fuck anyone involved that could be damaged by this.
You didn't respond to that in this post, so I'm assuming you stand by it 100%?
I don't feel particularly passionate either way in the gaming realm but I have boycotted stuff before and I understand how it works.
I have done it for example for clothing when I don't agree with certain manufacturing practices. Would the people in sweatshops be affected negatively as well as innocent bystanders working in corporate and such? Yes. Should that stop the only mechanism we as consumers have to pressure manufacturers? I think not.
I get what you are saying but it's just the way it is. People can only vote with their purchases and a lot of people evidently feel strongly about Zoe and other characters in the industry. Every single publisher worth a damn knows perfectly well this kind of hiring decision comes with polarization: some people will go out of their way to get whatever they work on and some people will do the opposite.
I want GAF to be LESS like REEEE, not exactly like it. There's a reason I never liked that purple site and stayed here.
I think it could be looked at on a case by case. In the sweatshop case, some of the reason is we don't want people working in those conditions in the first place. In this case, these are people very likely want to be there.
And I'm not really sure how to evaluate what an effective boycott campaign would even look like. How do you actually gauge success? If the game is projected to sell 1 million copies and only sells 750k-500k who do we actually know the boycott caused that? I could attribute it to a variety of things. This boycott sounds nice on paper, but ends up being a "feel good" thing and we'll never understand the real consequences or results. In this case anyway.