I'm sure I could look this up, but just had a quick thought. Is radio the only thing that SETI is monitoring?
They're looking for anything that might occlude the light of a star (such as a so-called Dyson Sphere or any other astroengineering project being run by a highly advanced civilization).

Dyson sphere - Wikipedia
Tabby's Star was thought to be a Dyson Sphere.

Tabby's Star - Wikipedia
They're looking for anything that cannot be explained by the known laws of nature (and our knowledge of the Universe), such as the disappearance of star, a star that has gone missing, etc

A hundred stars reported missing could point to alien civilizations, scientists say
Astronomers compare old views of the sky with what we see today and find that at least 100 stars appear to have vanished, or were perhaps covered up.

"On March 16, 1950, astronomers at the US Naval Observatory pointed a telescope roughly in the direction of the constellation Lupus the wolf and took a picture. When scientists look at that same patch of sky today, something is missing, and it could be evidence of something else lurking out there.
Back in 2016, researchers in Sweden reported that a star had been lost. One of the roiling distant suns visible in that USNO image from the previous century could no longer be seen, even with the more advanced and sensitive digital sky surveys in use today.
"Unless a star directly collapses into a black hole, there is no known physical process by which it could physically vanish," explains a new study published in the Astronomical Journal and led by Beatriz Villarroel of Stockholm University and Spain's Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias. "The implications of finding such objects extend from traditional astrophysics fields to the more exotic searches for evidence of technologically advanced civilizations."