With all respect, the average person is a moron. Though if ten years ago, you had shown me video of the beijing drones flying in formation to create shapes for the olympics i would probably lean towards drones. Show me that 20 years ago and I would have been at a loss. That drone tech existed longer than 20 years ago.
I can't talk about the tictac because yeah, its a shape we abandoned 100 years ago because of its' poor aerodynamic capabilities (we had zeplins that were tictac shaped). As for the propulsion systems, yes there are craft that have such small propulsion requirements that they look like they are self-propelled.
A light-year is a measure of distance

but i know what you mean. There are parts of the Stealth bomber that are top secret, even knowing about their existence is Classified information (you might be able to find it on Wiki though)
ET's on the surface sound like the most logical explanation, but when you peel back the layers of what you're saying, it soon goes in to the realms of less logical. If another intelligent lifeform is indeed buzzing about our planet, how they travel is a question that would be way down the list.
There's a few reasons that the Nazi's go as far in front with tech as they did, in some areas, and most of it comes from Mengler. The uncomfortable truth is that the experiments that were carried out on the Jews (And PoW's in Japan's Unit 731) pushed our understanding of technology ahead by decades. That, and Hitler wasn't just some genocidal maniac. He had spent time in Vienna in the 1910's/1920's with some great thinkers like Freud and Jung, among others. He was a man who knew the value of science and technology and, from what i understand, he let his team do what was necessary to get ahead. He also admired Britain and her Empire and how She achieved all of her advances. Even trying really far-out and whacky ideas. It's no coincidence that Operation: Paperclip led to a huge jump in American tech. We all know about Von Braun and Oppenheimer. What about the ones we don't know about? MK Ultra and the LSD tests were conducted with the help of 'former' Nazis
Planes were in their infancy during WW1. They were mainly used for Reconnaissance and to drop bricks, grenades and tar on the enemy from above. In some cases, the pilot would take a pistol and fire pop shots at the enemy. Before that, flying squadrons were made up of hot air balloons and the odd zeppelin. IIRC (and without using wiki) the first flying squadron was a french balloon squadron in the 1880's which IIRC, did report UFO activity. Don't take my word for it though, i'm going off of a rum-soaked memory, have a look online (I'm too lazy).
The Brits invented the jet fighter before the Nazi's. Though the Nazi's were well on their way to creating a mass-explosive device. Which is why 617 SQN (Dam busters) raided the dams using the absolutely genius 'bouncing bomb' (Seriously, the guy who invented that may well have saved the world) that they did; to slow the production of 'Heavy water' that the Nazi's needed for their Atomic Bomb. Just to go further off on a tangent; imagine if those raids didn't happen or weren't successful, Hiroshima and Nagasaki could have been London and New York.