Its on sale right now.And that's exactly why I liked the first.
The game probably shouldn't be called Amnesia then, I'll still buy it but I'll wait for a sale.
Its on sale right now.And that's exactly why I liked the first.
The game probably shouldn't be called Amnesia then, I'll still buy it but I'll wait for a sale.
It isn't jump out scary, but it's truly disturbing.All of the comparisons to Dear Esther have sold me on it. The first was just way too scary for me so it sounds like I may be able to finish this one, haha.
All of the comparisons to Dear Esther have sold me on it. The first was just way too scary for me so it sounds like I may be able to finish this one, haha.
It isn't jump out scary, but it's truly disturbing.
This game has controller support? What the what?
The sound design in this game just nails it. Part 3 of my walkthrough. I literally freak the fuck out at 16 minutes in. O_O
I'm getting horrible, terrible screen tearing, constantly. Anyone have any ideas as to why?
Wow just finished it, a friend had a review copy and I played it at his. Can absolutely see how this game would get polarising reviews, you will either love it or hate it.
Personally - I love it! The game doesn't need monsters or jump scares to creep the fuck out of you. Hard to explain but it's an experience you have to try.
If you like the psychological aspect horror of the old Silent Hill games you will love it.
The ending, the ending! That was incredible! I haven't seen narrative closure like that for a long time!
Keeping the puzzles simple and in world works quite well in never pulling you out of that atmosphere. And there's a reason the atmosphere gets bought up in the reviews, it's unforgiving, horrible and amazing. There were a few points where I was physically sweating. Anyway, you might love it, you might hate it. But if this is where indie narratives are going then count me in!
I just watched a playthrough of it.
The buildup to the end was pretty fantastic.
I agree with what some people are saying when they say it isn't as scary as the first, but more deeply disturbing. Narrative, sound design, and voice performances were pretty goddamn good.
I would call it the Mass Effect 2 of the Amnesia games, it's pared down from the first (more linear) and a bit easier to make it more accessible (infinite lantern) but the story is still good.
Although I'm a bit lost on some of the story...
Can someone please explain to me what exactly happened inMexico? All I was able to discern was that an Aztec Jaguar god invaded Magnus' mind showing him visions of the 20th century and the death of his sons in battle in WWI and constructed the machine to finish what the Aztecs tried to accomplish by human sacrifice before they died off (or did they die off because they made a similar machine?/pigmen?). Also, what the hell why pigmen? Did they help him build the machine?/pigs because it's under a slaughterhouse?
Also, at the end:
What was the cause of hisspace/time/memory loss jumps nearing the end of the game as he was journeying to the heart of the machine? And what exactly was the heart of the machine? ie: those prongs holding the heart/stone before he teleports. What was in the purple room where the Jaguar diety was talking to him?? Were the orbs from the first game hooked up to his sons? How did he stop the machine/Did hooking himself into it overload it and kill the energy field keeping the pigmen alive?
Or I don't know, explain the whole thing to me like I'm slow if I didn't get anything right.
What I gathered this is where it. Looking forward to the proper plot analysis.pays homage to TDD, Mandus at Mexico discovered the Orb (TDD) which gave him visions of the future, the 20th century. Overcome by the visions, he INSERT MAJOR SPOILER and left back for London. The machine from what I gathered was the orb indoctrination talking to you. I think himself and the orb were intertwined in some way, so him sacrificing himself destroyed the machine
A lot of people reporting launch crashes with the Steam version. What's the deal?
I was getting crashes myself. Tried 6 times to get it running, with different settings chosen. It always crashes at the load screen after clicking new game. I'm pretty disappointed. I deleted and redownloaded, I'll give it a try again tomorrow. I have more than enough muscle. [email protected]/12Gb Ddr3/GTX 680/W7. Dunno, hopefully tomorrow is better after a fresh install.
Not very impressed so far as the screen seems murky/hazy. Are the graphics intended to be this way?? I couldn't stand playing for very long due to this crappy unintended? (I hope) effect.
Same issue here.Also appears to be a lot of "stuttering" going on but I've not been able to really test anything regarding this yet.
I love your review style, but I'm actively avoiding your videos as to be spoiler free as possible.
Not very impressed so far as the screen seems murky/hazy. Are the graphics intended to be this way?? I couldn't stand playing for very long due to this crappy unintended? (I hope) effect.
Wait, does this game not have you running from danger like in the first game (spoiler the answer if you want)? I was interested in the original Amnesia for its narrative and atmosphere but I really can't handle running sequences, Pac-Man is stressful enough, so if that's not here I might actually be interested in checking this out.Personally - I love it! The game doesn't need monsters or jump scares to creep the fuck out of you. Hard to explain but it's an experience you have to try.
So, in summary:
So, they concentrated more on story instead of scariness? Given the lesser reviews, couldn't they have done both? Also, why lose all the interactivity? It made the environment in TDD feel alive. Losing the ingenious mechanics is also woeful, because they provided the perfect survival horror storm.
The sound design in this game just nails it. Part 3 of my walkthrough. I literally freak the fuck out at 16 minutes in. O_O
I don't get this, the game is fucking scary as hell, it just doesn't rely on jump scares (there are a few, at least a couple per level). It also tells a disturbing story. Also I found myself running away from monsters numerous times. They just aren't in abundance that you'll come across them every 10minutes like other games
The blue haze is intentional, different levels will have different variations of it, second level in the mansion probably has the most of this effect.
so reading here, I am getting a Gone Home with Horror Elements?
is that right?