EDIT: Chief said he wanted my Coelacath, I said no! This is museum material!
Is there any way to play online with Randoms? I seem to be alone on the island.
My Internet is so slow. I'm not sure I'm gonna be downloaded til the early hours. What's the file size in proper terms?
My Internet is so slow. I'm not sure I'm gonna be downloaded til the early hours. What's the file size in proper terms?
My very simple house so far. Nothing to wacky
What?! Dammit. My 2Mb connection will not allow me to play tonight, I fear. At least it gives me time to think of a town name.About 1.1GB i think. Shouldn't take that long.
club tortimer I think
I don´t believe for one second that even a single player exist that hasn´t used this feature for something similar at least once. It´s just so incredibly dumb and funny.
"Hmm, that has a nice ring to it, Mayonnaise! I will keep using that from now on!"
"Blitzkrieg! I always see you running around late at night."
"AAAAAAAAAAAAA, how are you today?"
How do I get there? I'm on the island, but I can't find the place to register.
It sucks so much that you can't make custom pants in this game. I wanna make full outfits, not just shirts and beanies. How did they not think to add pants to the custom clothes feature? Also, the hat selection itself sucks. How hard would it have been to add caps to the list of customizable hats?
I have them and have been sporting them for a few days but I'm willing to part with them I'll hit you up in about an hourOne of you guys wouldn't happen to have this pair of pants?
They would look so boss with this one outfit i'm making. Will trade stuff for it.
50 Coins. It's the paper thing purchased from Gram.
What? That really does suck. Stop killin' ma buzz man! Also, they removed the classic "viking" horn hat from the first AC. Sucks.
I have them and have been sporting them for a few days but I'm willing to part with them I'll hit you up in about an hour
Should we expect the EU promotion codes to be sent out soon?
Is it up? I'm looking at the UK eShop and nothing is there!!
What?! Dammit. My 2Mb connection will not allow me to play tonight, I fear. At least it gives me time to think of a town name.
Man, the museum looks amazing when it starts to fill up. Particularly the aquarium. I love being able to pan the camera around and look at all my fish. Even the piranha who tries to eat me through the glass. But the big fish, especially, look gorgeous in their tank.
Grainy JPG doesn't do it justice.
...I find it weirdly heartwarming that a game that isn´t about shooting people in the face and running them over with your car, basically a game without any actual conflict, antagonists or end goal still can be so popular.
I mean, this game just warms my heart. Running around with somebody you barely know, chilling on the couch, banging drums, catching fish, running in circles, writing cheesy letters to nonexistent talking animals, watching the sun set, enjoying the sound of running barefeet in the rain, listening to funky little VGM tunes, lovingly crafting new clothes for your childlike alter ego... As much as I enjoy finding something like a big bullet bill cannon, I enjoy giving it away to somebody else without expecting anything in return even more rewarding.
It´s a game not about running towards some big reward, not about being better as somebody else. It´s about enjoying life, plain and simple. It´s very zen (and I say that as somebody who usually hates when people throw that term around, like "this new MacBook Pro has a very zen look to it").
This is already sound cheesy as hell, but I´ll make it sound even cheesier: It reminds me what it feels like to be carefree and childlike again. Doing dumb shit just for the sake of it. Being silly, being outgoing.
You could say that it all happens "virtually", that it is just a fantasy world and that it is just a waste of time - I mean, nothing really happens in this game, isn´t that kind of boring? But in the end, the kind of feelings it makes me (and us, I assume!) feel are very much real. It´s basically a gigantic playset that fits in our backpacks. It reminds us how important it is to be silly once in a while, to be unreasonable, to throw our worries in the wind for half an hour.
Should we expect the EU promotion codes to be sent out soon?
They're out already. Log into your club nintendo account and look around, it should be in a fairly big banner somewhere.
I like it! I have too much stuff in mine, need another expansion quite desperately.
Ohmygodthatsawesome.I have a 1.5Mb connection and it took me roughly 40 minutes. It's about 840 MB if I remember right.
There's really only one village per copy of the game? So only one person can use a copy of the game on 3DS? What can other players do? I'm confused.
There's really only one village per copy of the game? So only one person can use a copy of the game on 3DS? What can other players do? I'm confused.
Other players have a house in the village, like previous versions.
Did you sleep download?
As someone who wasn't feeling AC till this version, you've completely nailed the strength of this game. It's not nickle and diming you, it's not demanding anything from you, just some time to actively drift into a little alternate universe. It's almost the perfect video game. And the social online element of this one is what I felt the old ones were sorely lacking.
Whee, got my free code and downloading now.
Tempted to make a female character rather than a male one, I like the choice of hairs for females much more than the males.
Tough decisions!
Go to your club nintendo account on the site, it should be there somewhere already. Mine was in a big infobox after I logged in (If you have a monster hunter code, it should be in the same place you found that.
Does the tropical island reset the next day? Like do cut down trees reappear and stuff or is it between visits?