What does campsite do?
some days new villagers will set up a tent (or igloo) at the campsite and you can hang out and convince them to move to town. just got my first camper today! kinda neat.
What does campsite do?
I'm glad I paid off my 2nd bridge even if it's just a paltry 128k. That was my biggest concern since my layout is atrocious and the 2nd bridge will help me out tremendously between island and home switching.
Can wait to get my Axe tomorrow. I need to do some major landscaping.
How long does it take for a stump to disappear after you chop a tree down? These presents floating on balloons are just taunting me. No slingshot.
Ah, thanks.It doesn't you can leave it and use it like a chair or dig it up.
Do you still need a net? I have an extra you can have for free.Argh so pissed right now. I hadn't seen a damn bug net at T&T's for two days, finally got whats her name at the Town Hall to sell me one. I go out and start catching my first bugs. Sweet!
I get a few extra fireflies, fill up my sack with some seashells, and head back to Re-Tail, sell my stuff. I go outside, and there's a cool looking bug on the sign. So I pull out my net, wait that's my fishing pole. Hit right again - that's my shovel. One more time - fishing pole again. What. The. Fuck. I just sold my net by accident.
Am I going to have to wait days for one to become available? The last two days just the shovel and fishing pole have been for sale.
I just wanna catch some bugs!!!
You have to unlock the QR reader by talking to Sable everyday until she offers do the QR codes for patterns work? i don't see how i get them and plug them in...
how do the QR codes for patterns work? i don't see how i get them and plug them in...
You have to unlock the QR reader by talking to Sable everyday until she offers it.
You have to unlock the QR reader by talking to Sable everyday until she offers it.
Yes.Which one's Sable? The one using the sewing machine?
I love it, gives you something to work for.ah okay.
it's really weird how this game forces you to unlock the community features, making it so that the pool of people using these features is really small...
streetpass isn't unlocked till later, random matchmaking isn't unlocked till later, QR nintendo
Keep talking to Sable at Able Sisters every day and that functionality will unlock.
I love it, gives you something to work for.
Pretty soon almost everyone will.i usually like it, but streetpassing is rare enough for me as it is without them locking it away in-game. and i haven't seen any QR codes get shared in this thread. hell, i have patterns i'd love to share online but i can't...and even if i could, how many people in here could actually use it?
i usually like it, but streetpassing is rare enough for me as it is without them locking it away in-game. and i haven't seen any QR codes get shared in this thread. hell, i have patterns i'd love to share online but i can't...and even if i could, how many people in here could actually use it?
Geez, not having much luck with the multiplayer so far.Seems to crash after 20 min or so.
New villagers will visit your town and you can convince them to stay potentially.
some days new villagers will set up a tent (or igloo) at the campsite and you can hang out and convince them to move to town. just got my first camper today! kinda neat.
ALSO, how do you access the catalogue in game? I need to figure out when Cyrus will wake up at Re-Tail.
How close can I plant trees to each other? One space in-between or two?
After a night (about 3 hours) at the island...
322,500 Bells
Not Bad.
I am still mastering the art of beetlecatching.
ALSO, how do you access the catalogue in game? I need to figure out when Cyrus will wake up at Re-Tail.
Geez, not having much luck with the multiplayer so far.Seems to crash after 20 min or so.
I made almost 400,000 in 1 hour on the island. Step it up!
My Nooks opens in 20 minutes. If you want to come over. My FC is in my profile here on GAFAnyone online atm so I can sell my pears and maybe get more types of fruit?
After a night (about 3 hours) at the island...
322,500 Bells
Not Bad.
I am still mastering the art of beetlecatching.
ALSO, how do you access the catalogue in game? I need to figure out when Cyrus will wake up at Re-Tail.
wondering as well
Had fun with some gaffers, even if we did have a connection issue. We probably lagged out because I was from Florida and my visitors were from Las Vegas, France, and Australia.
(I totally smoked 'em at bug catching though.)
Cyrus wakes up after 7 days from owning the game