Nice. Cheers. Mine is 3136 6553 7968.
Redd is in my town selling rare art (and probably some fake stuff, knowing him). I also have a few apples, peaches, and my native pears for the taking, and I don't have any GAF friends yet.
FC: 5026-4855-4974
Let me know if you add!
Redd is in my town selling rare art (and probably some fake stuff, knowing him). I also have a few apples, peaches, and my native pears for the taking, and I don't have any GAF friends yet.
FC: 5026-4855-4974
Let me know if you add!
added you, 5198 2414 6154
Hey.. do trees grow back on Tortimer's island?
Idiot friend just chopped one of the banana trees down =_=
Hey.. do trees grow back on Tortimer's island?
Idiot friend just chopped one of the banana trees down =_=
You're in the wrong place. You need to go into the back and sit in your chair.
Yeah go sit on your throne.
If I open my gates, save and quit, do my gates stay open? I want it to not close so that visitors could come and go even if I'm not playing...
You can just stay on and close the 3DS and it'll stay connected. Unless you get a disconnect lol. Sometimes online can be spottyIf I open my gates, save and quit, do my gates stay open? I want it to not close so that visitors could come and go even if I'm not playing...
Let's talk about ordinances.
I just bought one today which was the "late night town" one.
What does this exactly do? It says it goes into effect tomorrow. I play late at night/early AM, so I'm hoping this makes the Re-Tail shop stay open into the early AM.
What do they all do?
Let's talk about ordinances.
I just bought one today which was the "late night town" one.
What does this exactly do? It says it goes into effect tomorrow. I play late at night/early AM, so I'm hoping this makes the Re-Tail shop stay open into the early AM.
What do they all do?
No, you need to be playing for them to go to your town.
You can just stay on and close the 3DS and it'll stay connected. Unless you get a disconnect lol. Sometimes online can be spotty
That was fucking awesome. Thanks man!Gate's open! Anyone else would like to join, feel free to add me:
added you, 5198 2414 6154
Thought I would join in the festivities, make the game even better.
FC: 1418 - 7211 - 8413
Just let me know if ya add me.
EDIT: Gates are open, town's name is Demacia
I had to go to work, so no more play time for me. Well, not online at least. I'll just fish and mess around until the morning time when I get home. Add me up, as I need all the help I can get!!!
FC - 3995 - 6499 - 7707
Town Name: Brinstar
Not sure if I'm doing something wrong, but I've even opened my gate so anyone can come in and no one has. Forever alone? Guess I'll try again tomorrow morning.
Ah thanks for the clarification and solution.![]()
Anyway, I added myself to the masterlist but might as well post it here: FC is 5472-7010-5863 feel free to add me guys. PM me as well if you have a sec. (I'm gonna be off pigging out on food, but feel free to stop by, get fruit from trees, catch bugs, drop off stuff from your town, etc.) Gates are open. Town's called Spira.![]()
hey guys, my FC is 1848-3013-1651
i added Louiegeetoo, Chopper, blitzwolf, iceking, abstract alien, and zombieplatypus
i'll be around if you wanna hang. i have cherries as a native fruit.
I absolutely loved AC on the GameCube and the DS but I could never get into City Folk. Would anyone recommend New Leaf for older fans who fell away from the series? Does it feel fresh?
So anyone have knowledge on "Red Leaf" icon items?
hey guys, my FC is 1848-3013-1651
i added Louiegeetoo, Chopper, blitzwolf, iceking, abstract alien, and zombieplatypus
i'll be around if you wanna hang. i have cherries as a native fruit.
So anyone have knowledge on "Red Leaf" icon items?
They're items that have been edited by Cyrus at Re-Tail.
I seeeeeeeeeeee, thanks.They're items that have been edited by Cyrus at Re-Tail.
how are you guys making so much from the island?
how are you guys making so much from the island?
workin for dat bug off
top floor still random as fuck, tryin to make it a game room
and this show's so good I need 2 tvs
almost there with the modern wood set. Let me know if you have something not pictured here and would like to trade.
Cut down all non-coconut(/banana) trees, tear out all flowers, chase off worthless bugs like wharf roaches, and just farm beetles until your drop off box is filled to the brim. The average one sells for 8,000 bells.
get bugs at night
Guess I may as well post again since I'm not getting anyone replying to me that they have or have not added me, which I'll assume means nobody cares since I don't have any fruit or anything to offer. But just in case: 1719-6262-1272
I have learned now that both somebody else and myself have to add each other and tell the other that they've added each other for this to work properly. But I'm still fuzzy on the details on how to actually add friend codes for Animal Crossing.
What happens when we have added each other? How do I open my gates? Can I ever close my gates? What's to stop people from coming into my town and chopping my trees down and picking up all my flowers?
And I still need a watering can. So I'll pay 5,000 bells for it at this point, since nobody is responding.
Here's a simple Beetle price guide for the island. These prices are what my Re-Tail is buying them at so they should be accurate.
With Wealthy Ordinance
Without Wealthy Ordinance
The Hercules Beetle's price is from the Animal Crossing Wiki site and the Wealthy Ordinance calculation is based off that price. The wiki matches my prices so I'll say it's accurate enough.
I do need a encyclopedia picture of the Hercules Beetle , but that's a July beetle so unless you time travel. I don't see myself getting that picture anytime soon.