My top score is 120 with a cyclommatus stag beetle. I don't think I can beat that.
That's exactly what I used too. At least I know in the future to save those for later.
My top score is 120 with a cyclommatus stag beetle. I don't think I can beat that.
Forgive me if this is obvious, but if I want to trade with someone do I leave stuff in the locker at the station for them, or actually meet up in their or my town and drop the item for them?
Apologies, I'm new to AC...
Are the bugs from the island valid for the Bug-Off contest as well?
It's till six pm.
Are the bugs from the island valid for the Bug-Off contest as well?
Added you
If you open your gates i'll come drop off 3 or 4 foreign fruits for you!
That's exactly what I used too. At least I know in the future to save those for later.
Okay, so I'm in first place currently with a 71 point Agrias Butterfly.
In my house, I have a Birdwing, a Raja B Butterfly, a Horned Atlas, a Horned Elephant, a Goliath Beetle and a Cyclommatus Stag.
Has anyone got any idea what order I should submit them in order to capitalize on gifts from Leif? I've already come into first place twice, but the prizes he gave me are ass.
Finally visited someone's town. So simple yet so cool.
Train station. Talk to the monkey.
Anyone know what mask this is on the left?? It would go great with my Two-Face suit.
Absolutely. In fact, probably your best chances of getting a high score.
I think the loud SLUUUUUUUURP is a giveaway. His plan is pretty brilliant, you must admit.
How do I add more 'greenery'? I've put flower types together in hope of creating hybrids, I assume it works the same as Wild World. That'll take ages though.
My friend code is...
...if anyone wants to add me.
Current state of my garden. Doing hybrid tulips elsewhere.
Current state of my garden. Doing hybrid tulips elsewhere.
But, got a watering can and a foreign fruit from her so those are planted. Fingers crossed for big profits.
Holy fuck 373 pages. Is the game that good? I haven't played an animal crossing since the GameCube one. it was ok but eventually I got bored. Is it more of the same?
Thanks! Currently making orange tulips. I have 2 axes now and want to clear out a few trees. This will eventually be an expansive botanical garden thing. Also need to start making a cobblestone path or find a decent QR one. Something that looks natural like mostly exposed stones.That's beautiful! And a good idea to boot.
Haha! Got three growing and there's currently a move in progress - fingers crossed.Watch some asshole move in the next day on top of your sapling.
My perfect pear tree T_T
Where did that fountain come from? I
It's one of the public works projects.
I really don't want to give the guy my birdwing butterfly. I'm already at first place with 85 points (emperor butterfly) is that a safe place to stop?
I'd like to add everyone as well, head to some towns or something.
FC: FC: 1461-6195-0867
Anybody on right now that can spare oranges? I've got pears and cherries atm (peaches, bananas, and apples currently growing though).
My town is open, should anyone want to visit! Few pears around.
I've literally just started playing a few hours ago, though: 0576-4101-9322
Can I visit anyone? 4210-5294-6666 is my FC!
I have a perfect pear if anyone wants to trade?