Ok, little update before I go to work.
Got Katrina in town. And strangely I have also Katie again in my town. I mean, she was here yesterday and tried to shove her in the train when I was visiting a town, but she lost her ticket. Still got her present today. So you can have Katie multiple days after each other? So if someone wants her this evening.
And I feel a bit stupid now. Yesterday I was asking for the last fossil, the apato skull. Wel, I got today the apato skull and Blathers just ignores it, so that means that I have it in my museum, right? So I went back to the fossil and... could it be that I mistaken the skull for a tail? Does the apato has such a tiny head? Its the left part of the three part fossil that I'm missing. *sigh*
So I'm missing the apato tail, I guess...
Got some tails for fossils, but no iguadon one, so I can't help you today, Azure.
And harvest my first perfect peach tree.

Planted another 3 now.