So, what are you guys exactly doing in the game everyday? Lately, I only play in the morning, find the money stone, ore stone, check shops for things I want, find fossils and... well yeah, that's it. After an hour or so I'm done playing, and it's waiting for the next day. It's... kind-of become a chore

I've tried playing the game the slow/"fair" way, so I haven't done much island bug catching and I've never participated in the stalk market. My only real income each day is from the money rock and selling stuff I find/get from villagers. Because of this I've only expanded my house twice and I don't have any extra rooms. I still don't have the coffee shop because holy shit, 300k bells is a ton for me. And I play every day D: ...
Is anyone else experiencing the same? I'm considering dabbling in the stalk market coming Sunday, and then try to make some real cash. It just feels like the game is pretty poorly balanced... It's either go make a ton at the island at night/stalk market or be a poor hobo for life

. How are you guys doing it?
Edit: Oh and none of my villagers have moved out. Bob and Pekoe are the only villagers I like and they've tried to move 3 times already. Meanwhile, whenever a shitty villagers wants to move I'm like "kbye" and then they say "lol no just kidding I'M STAYING

". Ffs I just want new villagers