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Anti-work subreddit goes private after disastrous Fox News interview


There you go.

Looks like we have similar jobs. Maybe similar pay too. And we both work for big companies.

I work 10-12 hours a couple times per month too. Big deal. And then the rest of the days are normal.

You're telling me despite the good job you have, you cant handle an extra few days per month you have to work OT? Wow.
I don't get paid OT and this is where the "going the extra mile" bullshit is coming from. Also in my junior year I was working sometimes 14-20 hours several times a month since the company had just opened a new office and we were running under the "start up" model.

There is one thing in life you will never get back and no ammount of money will ever be able to buy and that is time. Tbh I feel sad for workaholic people because most of the time they have nothing in their lives except work. I would rather be spending time with the people I love or my hobbies than working on dashboards and spreadsheets all day. Idk why that is so hard to understand.


Gold Member
Yea, I loled at this part. To teach philosophy he would need at least 8 years of college to finally get his PhD. Despite what many uninformed people say, college is not easy and requires a lot of work and discipline. There are great expectations from you in academia if you possess a PhD. Many professors teach on top of conducting research and publishing thier work. The amount of writing required for philosophy would make me sick.
Oh ya, I forgot philosophy is an artsy subject requiring lots of writing. I took business throughout, so it's a mix of cases studies, essays, multiple choice tests(!) and doing some shitty front of the class presentations which everyone was bad at. And your grade is more about content than time consuming quality writing and editing skills which I didn't have.

The dogwalker probably think s you can get certified doing some evening classes from Bumfuck Accreditation Institute and then score a professor job. lol


Gold Member
I don't get paid OT and this is where the "going the extra mile" bullshit is coming from. Also in my junior year I was working sometimes 14-20 hours several times a month since the company had just opened a new office and we were running under the "start up" model.

There is one thing in life you will never get back and no ammount of money will ever be able to buy and that is time. Tbh I feel sad for workaholic people because most of the time they have nothing in their lives except work. I would rather be spending time with the people I love or my hobbies than working on dashboards and spreadsheets all day. Idk why that is so hard to understand.
Well, you got unlucky picking more workaholic jobs because I've never worked those kinds of companies. You can always change companies. If I can score jobs working at 4 big companies being 9-5 days 98% of the time, I'm sure you can find the same. We even do the same kind of job.

I totally understand the concept of not wanting to work grinding hours. But it's not like your current job is Wall Street bankers working 10-12 hour days every day. Sounds like you do it twice a month, which at jobs like ours you're expected to put in some extra time when needed.

What you're looking for is a senior level job with pure 9-5 working hours. Not easy to find.

You'd have to demote yourself a few rungs and be an analyst who isn't expected to work extra hours, gets no company phone and might not even get a laptop to work from home.
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Oh ya, I forgot philosophy is an artsy subject requiring lots of writing. I took business throughout, so it's a mix of cases studies, essays, multiple choice tests(!) and doing some shitty front of the class presentations which everyone was bad at. And your grade is more about content than time consuming quality writing and editing skills which I didn't have.

The dogwalker probably think s you can get certified doing some evening classes from Bumfuck Accreditation Institute and then score a professor job. lol
Yea, the writing portion is more important, especially when you get to grad school. You still have to do a lot of research to support your ideas and cite your work. I'm not sure how much they would take off for formatting and grammar, but the content and backing for your line of reasoning is the most important aspect. Plus, grad school is less lenient and won't tolerate late work unless you have a really good excuse like a health emergency.

It's not the most challenging degree to get, but you will have to be ok with writing A LOT of material and reading a ton of literature too.
Doreen: "Laziness is a virtue."

The interview should've ended right there, as that line killed their whole phony ass "movement." Kudos to the Fox interviewer for holding back his laughter, he behaved much better than I would've.


Gold Member
Yea, the writing portion is more important, especially when you get to grad school. You still have to do a lot of research to support your ideas and cite your work. I'm not sure how much they would take off for formatting and grammar, but the content and backing for your line of reasoning is the most important aspect. Plus, grad school is less lenient and won't tolerate late work unless you have a really good excuse like a health emergency.

It's not the most challenging degree to get, but you will have to be ok with writing A LOT of material and reading a ton of literature too.
Business degrees arent hard to get.

You just got to show up and complete your tests and assignments. Most of the work is focused on textbook material, so you dont have to spend time doing tons of out of scope research. You also gets lots of group projects in non-financial courses. Economics and finance you're on your own, but marketing, advertising and shit like that you're guaranteed to get into groups of 4 or 5 and do projects. Not hard either in terms of content, but possible a pain in the ass if you get a couple slackers where you got to cover their shitty work.

And as I said, most of us arent great writers in business. It was more about the format of the project and ideas. You dont even have to get the math/financials right. In these group assignments, as long as you handed in a decent paper you're basically guaranteed I say B. At worst a C.

Business isn't the type of field where people fail either. Only tough courses where there's decent chance of failure is anything numbers based like finance or accounting where if someone sucks at it and there's no bell curve (I never got one), then you fail. I knew some people who failed and dropped it. But any marketing or texty type of course, it's hard to fail unless you just dont show up for class or hand anything in. Show up and do shit and you at least get a C.
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Working long hours sucks.
Yes. But at least here in the United States, if you work a job with long hours and don't like it, you can either switch companies or switch industries. And right now in the United States, there's a labor shortage so companies are trying to attract more talent, and they provide incentives like flexible hours and (after Covid) even flexible work from home arrangements for office/white collar jobs.
Knowing nothing about that particular subreddit, I say good for him.
No. He walks dogs 20-25 hours a week. That's nowhere near the definition of "long hours." Also, he says in the interview: "laziness is a virtue." So, no, not good for him, or for any of the other idiots listening to him and partaking in this "movement" that encourages laziness.

If he wants to teach philosophy, he can set up a Patreon or something. I've had some shitty professors in college that I paid a lot for. You can learn far more on your own.
I wouldn't trust him to teach anything, his critical thinking and logic application skills are at best non-existent.

Might have been a good idea for you to watch the video before commenting. It's not even that long of a video, it's only a couple of minutes. long.

Scotty W

So I should just be ok with the bullshit excuse of "going the extra mile" just because I earn a barely decent wage. You see this is exactly the problem here and then people wonder why other people are fed up with the modern working environment.
Everyone starts at the bottom. Most people move up. More people are able to move up now than at any other time in history, and somehow it is the worst of all systems? Smh.



Gold Member
And this weirdo says he/she wants to teach philiosophy. That requires getting a degree and then working school hours, including more time marking papers and prep work.
"Laziness is a virtue."
To teach philosophy, he would need at least 8 years of college to finally get his PhD. Despite what many uninformed people say, college is not easy and requires a lot of work and discipline. There are great expectations from you in academia if you possess a PhD. Many professors teach on top of conducting research and publishing thier work. The amount of writing required for philosophy would make me sick.

This interview cannot be real. This is perfect evidence why these little online bubbles are terrible. Those interview comments probably would have got thousands of upvotes and not one person making these counterpoints. Laziness is a virtue - what the fuck? Even laziness is an incentive to work - to invent something that removes manual labour, but that just means instead of sorting bad from good bananas, you just repair the machines when they break.

Then says work shouldn't be pressure driven and says he wants to be a teacher. Does he think philosophy teacher wander round in house coats, huffing hookahs while having monologues in front of adoring students?

Lastly, Doreen?! People can switch their genders on a daily basis. Burn that name.


“ . They look exactly the part Fox wants to paint them- a lazy, unmotivated person looking for a handout. “

Sorry to break it to ya…. That’s not fox. That’s who they are. I mean they did exactly those things. No one dressed them.
One and done.


We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
Good god it was funny. At least the sane part of antiwork has moved on to workreform but a lot of that sub is literally just people who want the government and/or mommy to pay them to play video games all day. They're the absolute pits and the mod was an almost perfect caricature. Goes on national TV looking unkempt, unwashed, with a messy room and sees nothing wrong with wanting to work 10 hours a week walking dogs. PCM is having a field day.


This thread is pretty hilarious, and I'm still -- after all these years -- not completely sure what reddit is. Let me go look that shit up. :messenger_tears_of_joy:

The principle is not bad. You have a website with sub websites for countless interesting topics. But they get moderated by people like in this video. So you can guess how that goes...
This guy wanted to do this interview to score internet points and think he was cool for his fellow redditors. Now the whole frontpage is plastered with posts about this and laughing at this fool. Gotta love it.
The amount of entitlement in these people. To think society should carve out enough space for them to be comfortable while contributing nothing. “Antiwork” is something only people who grew up with well-to-do, enabling parents could come up with. Fox didn’t paint them like anything other than what they are and this dude was a great representation of the group. It’s just hard for people who never leave their parents’ basements to have a mirror held up to them.


The principle is not bad. You have a website with sub websites for countless interesting topics. But they get moderated by people like in this video. So you can guess how that goes...
So, if I was new to it (which, of course, I would be), should I approach it like Youtube -- search for things that interest me, and then perhaps sub to these "sub websites"? What's the best way to dip my toes in?


So, if I was new to it (which, of course, I would be), should I approach it like Youtube -- search for things that interest me, and then perhaps sub to these "sub websites"? What's the best way to dip my toes in?
Eeeh i say keep those toes dry and in GAF. Better chance of having a good discussion here than that site. Plus their site works bad for some reason or maybe it’s just me.


Funny video even though Fox is garbage, funny thread even though half the people trash talking are doped op on anti depressants, fast food, licor, etc

Whether you want it or not, modern society is sick. This is just another symptom, and no you don’t have the answer and I don’t have the answer. And to the guy that proudly works 10 to 12 hours a day and talks from both sides of his mouth, good luck buddy, you’re worse than these anti work people. You live a lie and when you’re old and feeble and life is running out of you, then you will understand that things must change.
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Semi-honest question. Do you think it's possible to be a reddit mod without being autistic? Because almost every time I look into who's posting the most idiotic activism stuff, they always claim to be autistic or on the spectrum. Is this some kind of internet codeword?


Semi-honest question. Do you think it's possible to be a reddit mod without being autistic? Because almost every time I look into who's posting the most idiotic activism stuff, they always claim to be autistic or on the spectrum. Is this some kind of internet codeword?

Would make sense to me. I think if you love the idea of getting internet 'power' on reddit, there has to be something wrong with you. I think this dude is easily influenced too, I really doubt he is an actual genuine transgender. But if you spend all day chatting to people that try their hardest to be victims I guess you can be brain washed into anything. I think a lot of shy people on the internet now just say they are autistic. Sounds better than shy I guess.
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Semi-honest question. Do you think it's possible to be a reddit mod without being autistic? Because almost every time I look into who's posting the most idiotic activism stuff, they always claim to be autistic or on the spectrum. Is this some kind of internet codeword?
I think these people have lot of time to waste staying on the internet since they do almost nothing in their life, that's why they usually are mods in boards, reddit, etc.
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Your points are true. I'm almost convinced it's some kind of codeword or something too though. Autism is one of those nebulous conditions that if a parent tells me their kid is autistic, I just accept but in the back of my mind I wonder 'but do they really?' but I accept that some people could be and they just act mostly normal. So it's hard to straight up say, no, you aren't.

Plausible deniability kind of thing.


Funny video even though Fox is garbage, funny thread even though half the people trash talking are doped op on anti depressants, fast food, licor, etc

Whether you want it or not, modern society is sick. This is just another symptom, and no you don’t have the answer and I don’t have the answer. And to the guy that proudly works 10 to 12 hours a day and talks from both sides of his mouth, good luck buddy, you’re worse than these anti work people. You live a lie and when you’re old and feeble and life is running out of you, then you will understand that things must change.

The mating call of someone who's achieved nothing in life because it's "So unfair".

*Posted from my penthouse.


Yup, shit got real and it's not made the rounds yet. Just remember that was him and her is a completely different and innocent person.

I wonder if that holds in court. "Your honour, I killed that girl back when I was John, I'm Betsy now."


The mating call of someone who's achieved nothing in life because it's "So unfair".

*Posted from my penthouse.


I’m under 40 and set for life baby boo. That doesn’t mean I have to be an ignorant fool who believes hard work makes you rich, it’s a bunch of bs. The market is filled to the brim with hard workers buddy.

But drink your own cum, answers man.
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I’m under 40 and set for life baby boo. That doesn’t mean I have to be an ignorant fool who believes hard work makes you rich, it’s a bunch of bs. The market is filled to the brim with hard workers buddy.

But drink your own cum, answers man.

Shut up kid, easy to virtue signal when you are set for life without sharing.

Work smarter, not harder. That's how you get the bucks unless daddy and his connections gave it to you.
Thread is hilarious and mostly on point, but I have seen one or two supremely idiotic posts slip by, so let me address those.

Look, no one is asking Doreen or others in that group to become Japanese style salarymen. No one is asking them to even work long hours beyond what is reasonable. (And, before dumb questions come up about what is "reasonable", at least here in America the decades-long standard of reasonable is some variation of 9 AM - 5 PM, or a 40-hour work week).

I would understand if this Redditor and other group members were burnt out workers that worked in industries that encouraged overwork, and they had been pulling 10-12 hours a day, 6 days a week, for months or years, and wanted to not only support each other, but raise societal awareness of the perils of overwork; in that case the group's name would be anti-overwork or something. That would be noble and I would be very agreeable to that.

But based on that Fox interview and the group name, I have no choice but to infer that it's just a bunch of lazy fucks who just want to either work minimally or, more likely, not work AT ALL. And live off the safety net that the rest of us that DO work contribute to. Remember, Doreen was the person that the rest of the group thought would BEST represent them. And this group's "best" representative said that laziness is a virtue, and admitted to having no goals or dreams in life, only throwing a half-assed "I want to teach philosophy" when pressed by the interviewer. So if this is their best representative, you could only infer what the rest of the group is like.

So what a lot of people in this thread are saying (and I agree with them) is that anti-work as a concept should not only be harshly criticized, but outright mocked. Because the objective truth is that someone that works is adding something of value to society, in both goods (and/or services) and taxes. A person who is perfectly capable to work, but chooses not to due to misplaced sense of entitlement, or laziness, or weak mental constitution, is objectively adding nothing of value to society and is, therefore, a fucking parasite.

Let's not act like the only choices are "work yourself to death" or "be a parasite." If you only think in extremes like that, then I'm sorry, you're a fucking idiot. There is a wide middle somewhere there that can make you a contributing member of society and, in the process, help fulfill you as a person and lead a more meaningful life.


Shut up kid, easy to virtue signal when you are set for life without sharing.

Work smarter, not harder. That's how you get the bucks unless daddy and his connections gave it to you.

The only way for some to have a lot is for others to have little. Work smarter not harder, LMAO, put that shit on a bumper sticker bró.

Next life try being born in the middle of some sand mines in Africa and then go around telling people they need to work smarter.

Don’t you get it? Look at how wealth is distributed, this isn’t smarts, it’s timing. It’s luck, chance, physics whatever. Cause and effect that started before you were born.

Know when you’re lucky, so that you have the clarity of mind to not look down on those less fortunate, to not fall into the trap of thinking you are smarter just because you make more money. That just means you make more money, you can still be a dumb fuck driving a Maserati.

The concept or value and worth is completely twisted these days, that’s what I’m saying.

It would be a better society if working 10 to 12 hours wasn’t so common and accepted, and your worth as a person wasn’t tied to your bank account.

A fireman goes out there and saves people from burning houses, yet how do we value him?

This isn’t to say not working is the answer. But a lot of people go around like they are going to live forever, so let’s work those 10 to 12 hours a day and create that value for shareholders!
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The only way for some to have a lot is for others to have little.
You are woefully ignorant on the value of productivity. Megacorporations don't just happen. Yea, there's cheating and corruption always, but labor almost always builds value anyways. You think people in mines in Africa had a better life before the mines? I mean maybe because of slavery, but otherwise most people living in extreme poverty want to improve their finances.

Productive business doesn't exist to take from people. It provides supplies to meet demands. Most people are not smart enough, or reliable enough, or capable of even knowing that demand exists, so they go to work.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Wages have gone up recently for the first time in decades for workers at the bottom. This is largely because of people quitting their jobs. 99.9% of it is not organized, and its leaderless and spontaneous. The only hope is that eventually this kind of energy gets harnessed into real unions since the labor movement in the US has been destroyed for 50 years.

It's not surprising that FOX is content to just call people lazy and try to smear people. Some are, I'm sure. Managers and the upper class want people to go bus their plates and bring them their food for peanuts that they can't even live on. But a whole generation has lost faith in the dream of upward mobility, and they're checking out - and they don't want to bus your plates in the service industry right now. If they want to try doing something else, that's totally their call.

Our system depends on having a giant class of expendable servants, and if they don't buy into that rigged dynamic then Jesse Waters may not get his coffee on time. It used to be that people working bottom-tier jobs had a hope that their lives could improve, or their kids lives.

Work smarter, not harder. That's how you get the bucks unless daddy and his connections gave it to you.
That's not the problem. The problem is that reality requires millions of people to work harder, and stupider, or we wont have warehouses, restaurants, construction, and tons of other basic elements of essential society. You can't just keep putting them down, when they're essential workers. That's the issue. The jobs need to be filled, but anytime they ask for anything, people just try and shame them. Think bigger picture than just bragging about yourself.


The only way for some to have a lot is for others to have little. Work smarter not harder, LMAO, put that shit on a bumper sticker bró.

Next life try being born in the middle of some sand mines in Africa and then go around telling people they need to work smarter.

Don’t you get it? Look at how wealth is distributed, this isn’t smarts, it’s timing. It’s luck, chance, physics whatever. Cause and effect that started before you were born.

Know when you’re lucky, so that you have the clarity of mind to not look down on those less fortunate, to not fall into the trap of thinking you are smarter just because you make more money. That just means you make more money, you can still be a dumb fuck driving a Maserati.

The concept or value and worth is completely twisted these days, that’s what I’m saying.

It would be a better society if working 10 to 12 hours wasn’t so common and accepted, and your worth as a person was tied to your bank account.

A fireman goes out there and saves people from burning houses, yet how do we value him?

This "Set for life" guy is really giving out mixed messages. Sand mines in Africa, mining that valuable sand.... Fire fighters actually make pretty good bank...


The amount of entitlement in these people. To think society should carve out enough space for them to be comfortable while contributing nothing.

Don't blame people that has been set up to fail, blame the parents obsessed over pouring all their feelings and hopes and desires into their nuclear family 1-child homes, because each time you did the calculation, and you needed an extra room, etc. or there was never the time, etc., etc. We did 2 kids immediately, and will probably end with 3-4, because - why the fuck not?
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That's not the problem. The problem is that reality requires millions of people to work harder, and stupider, or we wont have warehouses, restaurants, construction, and tons of other basic elements of essential society. You can't just keep putting them down, when they're essential workers. That's the issue. The jobs need to be filled, but anytime they ask for anything, people just try and shame them. Think bigger picture than just bragging about yourself.

I worked up from the bottom, so those victims you are defending were me. I've got every right to say that shit works because I did it.
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