
A "queer commie on the autistic spectrum".....

america is a conspiracy, m8
that's the whole point of the eye of providence
Eye of Providence - Wikipedia
Conspiracy Theorists are the only ones that can scare the elites from doing tyrannical and illegal shit to the world.Well I'm just as bored as you are and i wanna kill time by offering opinions here, and i don't really give a toss that you don't agree with many of them.. love Mogwai though~
Well since we're on topic.. I'm not sure conspiracy theorists act as forces for keeping politicians in check, i think things like an independent judiciary and investigative journalism, whistleblowers, scientists and the like are the ones who make a difference there.. i don't think UFO conspiracy theorists have made a single politician think "aw shucks i really aughta be honest the next time marvin the martian gangsta leans past my window"Conspiracy Theorists are the only ones that can scare the elites from doing tyrannical and illegal shit to the world.
In other words, "Who's watching the Watchmen?"
What a silly way to define and delineate who and what can be defined as "conspiracy theorists".Well since we're on topic.. I'm not sure conspiracies act as forces for keeping politicians in check, i think things like an independent judiciary and investigative journalism, whistleblowers, scientists and the like are the ones who make a difference there.. i don't think UFO conspiracy theorists have made a single politician think "aw shucks i really aughta be honest the next time marvin the martian gangsta leans past my window"
I don't agree that that's today's world~ maybe it's the world of certain people... i don't wanna have any beef with you, our shared MGS fandom is a nice part of this forum for me~What a silly way to define and delineate who and what can be defined as "conspiracy theorists".
You just stated the main sources to which conspiracy theorists use for building their theory.
In today's world, either you're an NPC or a conspiracy theorist.
Well said....I don't agree that that's today's world~ maybe it's the world of certain people... i don't wanna have any beef with you, our shared MGS fandom is a nice part of this forum for me~
I didn't define or delineate anyone, if we read my post i think it'll stand up to this: I'm just saying people who deal explicitly, and necessarily, in facts and legal processes are more influential than people who, just, stew on disproven ideas because they really want them to be true.
I'm not saying conspiracy theorists have never achieved any victories for truth, i just don't think they're the sole voice, or the loudest voice, the most effective voice, for holding power to account, as you described them
I didn't realise i bumped this, i guess i saw it in "similar threads" or something.. legit didn't mean to do thatSo your goal was to soapbox about conspiracy theorists by bumping a 2 year old dead thread with a not so subtle implication that GAF has a conspiracy theorist problem?
This style of writing is not making this situation seem serious at all.Instead, he watched his deceased son buried a second time, under hundreds of pages of hateful web content. “I don’t think there’s any one word that fits the horror of it,” Pozner says. “It’s a phenomenon of the age which we’re in, modern day witch-hunts. It’s a form of mass delusion.”
The ideas you've shared have been thought provoking, not witchhunts. Xfiles is the way I'd describe them. You're not one of those plagued conspiracy activists that use witchhunt words like "Hollyweirdo" unironically.Although I'm knee deep into so called "conspiracy theories" since a teen, I myself don't find any correlation between my personal inquires regarding certain topics and those in the OP.
Therefore I hate the term "conspiracy theories" because it's a blanket statement in essence.
From looking a bit at the examples given it seems mostly the case of stupid people not doing their homework and and gather (via social media) to form a herd mentality that facilitates in an echo chamber like environment.
Not to mention how easy and unknowingly people externalize there own shit and like finding a scape goat ie a good 'ol witchhunt. It's a shame for sure.
There's also entertaining alternative narratives of "the truth" and keeping it to yourself instead of your uncle posting non stop shit about whatever flavor of the month conspiracy is.
I wish I was better expressing myself in English. But even in my own native tongue I find this a very difficult premise/topic to discuss.
As you all know by now I post weird "conspiracy" esque stuff all the time.
Many which is way out there.
FYI I don't believe in anything I post. I rather entertain the possibility if said content resonates with me on a gut instinct level.
Things I've entertained a year ago may now be quasi irrelevant due to having come across different information. And yeah, for me it is entertaining to cross reference different perspectives regarding some abstract theories. And yeah, I also hear stuff that makes it very hard for me.
Facts are facts and censorship is a fact..
Lost my train of thought.
Ahh yes.
Anyways I feel at my age I'm just the same preteen interested in the paranormal and waiting for the weekly X-Files episode but in a more mature way. All if not most the stuff I come across is so interesting to me. It has always been there. Sometimes I take a couple steps back but yeah. You like what you like. And that's ok.
Unless you start a FB page to gather and entice others to focus their attention on someone without said homework and all the bad stuff I already mentioned to eventually manifest that into witchhunt or something that mirrors OP's examples.
The ideas you've shared have been thought provoking, not witchhunts. Xfiles is the way I'd describe them. You're not one of those plagued conspiracy activists that use witchhunt words like "Hollyweirdo" unironically.