Man, what a blast. Malleymal, I can't thank you enough. Tickets and passes were there, no problem. You really are a good person. Thanks.
As far as the bands I checked out:
Coheed and Cambria - ugh. they were just bad. I don't mind them on cd too much, but they just sounded horrible live.
Atmosphere - interesting. not really my cup of tea, but it kept me entertained.
Rise Against - meh. nothing special.
The Casualties - only saw their last 3 songs, but they were surprisingly very good.
From Autumn to Ashes - very disappointing.
Single Frame - jesus...i liked what i had heard on my computer...but man, they were like a joke band in concert. worst band of the day, period.
Another Damn Disappointment - jesus they were miserable. only bright spot was they covered a Misfits song.
A Faith Called Chaos - very good. some sick guitar work.
Fear Before the March of Flames - Awesome. Most chaotic band I've ever seen. i'm not talking about the crowd, but the band itself. the singer was just incredible. *while throwing samplers into the crowd* "don't worry, some pop-punk is coming up next. don't get scared"
Scatter the Ashes - extremely good. I was really, really surprised.
Number One Fan - Heard half of one song and we left because it was that bad
Hidden In Plain View - bad.
The Phoenix Rising - pretty damn good. got a drumstick they threw in the crowd. it actually hit my friend right in the crotch and i proceeded to pick it up.
Quietdrive - thought they were good. i was wrong. really bad pop-punk.
Bear Vs. Shark - this singer puts on the best show you'll ever see. if you're going to warped, you MUST check these guys out, if only for the singer.
My Chemical Romance - what can be said...simply great. we got fucked out of hearing their last song because the dumbass casualties played one too many. i was pissed. but they were excellent. the lead singer accidentally hit himself in the face with his mic and broke one of his teeth. it got a bit bloody, but he kept going. "see kids, this is what happens when you swing the mic around like a dumbass. let that be a lesson to you."
so the bands themself were awesome. now, on to the "backstage" part. i use the term loosely, since it's not a typical backstage...just a gathering spot for all the bands/tour buses. but in any case, it was just a ton of fun.
I met all of My Chemical Romance, bassist for A Faith Called Chaos, and I talked to Scatter the Ashes for about 30 minutes. The guys are just ultra cool. We even ended up talking about one of my favorite subjects, Maynard. Awesome guys. They said they'd love to play a show with my friends' band, and to give them an e-mail so they can hook up. That was aweome.
Also, they had a makeshift lazer tag arena set up with barrels and stuff. I'll never forget watching the members of My Chemical Romance and all the other bands playing lazer tag. It was surprisingly entertaining to watch.
Again Malleymal, thanks for giving me that opportunity. How often can I talk to one of my favorite 3 bands, as well as watch them play laser tag? =p
Now, for some oustanding luck:
as we were walking out of the backstage area when the last band was playing(Avenged Sevenfold, whom we'd seen before), two guys came up to us and asked if we were over 18. We say yeah, they say they're from Q101(a Chicago radio station). They say if we can answer 3 questions about Incubus, we'll win 2 free tickets to their show in Chicago august 29th. we're not huge Incubus fans, but for free, we'd give it a shot. they said they'd asked 200 people, had 16 winners, and needed 25. so we gave it a shot.
the three questions:
What is the name of Incubus's lead singer? Brandon Boyd. easy
What was the first single off their new CD? Megalomaniac, again easy
What was Incubus's VERY first cd? i was thinking Fungus Amongus, but after we thought about it a bit, we thought Enjoy Incubus was the name of their first EP. So we went with Enjoy Incubus. BAM, two free Incubus tickets.
hahahah, no one will read that all, but 'sall good.