They trying to break up Ambrose and Renee?
Two words:
Show. Off!
I feel like this joke would have probably worked if Shibata hadn't almost died in the ring a day and a half ago
Renee goes to both shows anyway.
She hosts Raw Talk.
This could've been yours Finn
The Big Dawg!JaMarcus Russell is coming to Smackdown.
Renee goes to both shows anyway.
She hosts Raw Talk.
which only happens after raw ppv's and isn't a weekly thing like talking smackRenee goes to both shows anyway.
She hosts Raw Talk.
That's besides the point, notice how almost everyone they've taken were talents Smackdown built to be entertaining and actually rescued from mediocrity. Wyatt was champ and people were into him, Heat and Rhyno were champs and Slater got over, Miz had his best run ever, Dean was whatever.
SD's midcard was nonexistent, now it's even worse, doesn't matter that they get two, maybe three top guys, that roster needs depth, and bad.
Miz and Maryse are the only actual moves I count as a "loss" for SmackDown.
Unless we're going to pretend Dean and Bray Wyatt were lighting it up on SD (They weren't)
Ambrose has been talked about so much on this damn Raw. He's a Top Guy for a reason but shit let's just get down to it:
Who do you think will be on SDL worth watching besides Nakamura? They're straight up killin the game tonight.
Add in Tebow and we got ourselves a new age J.O.B. SquadWith Johnny Manziel?
The Big Dog.
and kevin owens and sami. i don't think smackdown has lost much beyond Miz. everyone else coming through is kinda boring. bray wyatt? god damn his entrance puts me to sleep long before his matches do.
Are you gonna use the Masterpiece too?Yo blue, I'm using Chavo vs Greg Helms in RvSD 2007
I'd say they are even after that moonsaultMan if im Charlotte im pissed at Nia. You tryin to shoot on me!?
Ref like
According to who? You or the company?
The company value's Ambrose more than anyone who's been drafted this far and they value Wyatt more than Miz as well.
Rhyno and Slater, not doing anything
Wyatt, complete fucking joke after Mania
Dean, still Dean.
Miz and Maryse is the only big loss, and even then, they wrapped up their feud. Miz vs Nakamura wouldn't have been that great.
Miz and Maryse is the only big loss, and even then, they wrapped up their feud. Miz vs Nakamura wouldn't have been that great.
I'm not a shareholder, I just want the show I watch to not be shit. It's hilarious when people point to merch sales as a defense.
That was not a problem of the talent, and Mania was barely a week ago!
SD can get Owens, Cesaro, Sheamus or whatever, but good luck building Jinder vs Corbin midcard feud.
I just feel the main problem with SD will continue no matter how many Nakamuras you have for the main event scene.
Prime Kane >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Bray
Has Sami fallen so low that beating Miz counts as an upset victory? damn.
Welcome to Raw Miz