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April Wrasslin' |OT| Porsha! Get my damn shoe!

People got behind him because he was saying the right things, things which reflected their own opinions about the state of the WWE. But Vince was never going to give two shits about a guy who got over by complaining about HIS product to the internet. I think they could have got more from Ryder, but I don't think they ever really wanted to.


People got behind him because he was saying the right things, things which reflected their own opinions about the state of the WWE. But Vince was never going to give two shits about a guy who got over by complaining about HIS product to the internet. I think they could have got more from Ryder, but I don't think they ever really wanted to.

They got more out of him than they should have. Dude isn't good at anything. And fans didn't give a shit about him, as proven by how quickly they moved on and forgot about him. Ryder was one of those guys that smarky guys cheered for to be cool by complaining about how underused some dude is, and then it caught on with kids and people who never watched one of his shitty videos in their lives. Then crowds would chant it because that's what you do, like how crowds will chant for JBL/King/Cole/Macho Man. I have no idea why he's still employed. He really offers nothing to WWE and is barely used even on Main Event/Superstars.


Thanks for the info guys, I'll check out some of his matches then just to see if he is as meh as Stro says. Kinda sucks that he was taken out of the show despite being at least a bit over with a certain section of the audience :( He had that one bit during the Royal Rumble when he did his kick thing and thats all I've seen of him in the last 6 months of watching lol.

EDIT: wait is he like Drew Galloway's gimmick in TNA then?


Poor Ryder. If he's not being used so much he should leave and go somewhere else where they may use him. Go on the indies for a while maybe?


Ryder is okay in the ring and he's good with a microphone / good in front of a camera. He was never going to go higher than IC title level, at best, but he absolutely did not deserve the burial he got.
I think Ryder's happy just taking whatever the wwe pays him, he doesn't seem like the type of in ring talent to really want to work a harsh match. Can you see him going on a slugfest with harper or something? Nah.
Remember when they stopped Ryder from doing his youtube show and tried to do a WWE sanctioned version of it, without realising that the only reason anyone gave a crap about his show in the first place was because it didn't reek of WWE's 'too many cooks spoils the broth' creative department?


¡HarlequinPanic!;159355918 said:
he got over and then dyed his hair blonde after wwe printed shirts with his logo having brown hair and they got really mad and stopped his push.

It looked like shit too..like he dyed his hair with spray tanner.


I've never understood the appeal of Ryder. He's where he should be on the card (if he's on the card, that is).


Ryder also started the cause that works against Dolph, which is constantly bitching about your bosses on Twitter. And then WWE found out about Twitter.


Yeah, I'm sure Zack Ryder enjoys being the new JTG.

He keeps a much lower profile than he used to, it seems. Probably because he knows if he keeps quiet Vince will forget he even pays him, and can ride out a few more years like JTG did. The moment JTG reemerged he got canned.

Remember when they stopped Ryder from doing his youtube show and tried to do a WWE sanctioned version of it, without realising that the only reason anyone gave a crap about his show in the first place was because it didn't reek of WWE's 'too many cooks spoils the broth' creative department?

That sucked


Unconfirmed Member
I can't believe how bad Ryder was made to look in that Kane/Eve/Cena angle.

He was made to be Cena's bitch.
And then Eve's.
And then Kane just destroyed him.
Got a quick question guys...

Is there a way to get the videos from NJPW World? We're going on a trip with at least a 6 hour drive so I was thinking of using the time to catch up on the past few events.


Zack was such a Superstar that he even got his own Superstar Collection DVD (which I may or may not own). He's not nearly as terrible as Strobogo's making him out to be, klonere, but there's not a lot of reasons to get invested in his tragic tale unless you're super bored; especially since I can't imagine they're going to use him in a meaningful way ever again.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
They could've made money off Ryder, he was the next best walking merch man next to Cena. Could've milked him around the US & IC straps, maybe even the ass penny tag belts.


Stro is on the opposite end of that meta-WWE fan game you guys were talking about

I'm in the "fuck Zack Ryder for sucking and making internet fans spread their cancerous attitudes to the normal fans and thinking they are the most important part of the show" camp. Without that Ryder shit, I don't think the hijack Raw shit heads would even exist.
Zack was such a Superstar that he even got his own Superstar Collection DVD (which I may or may not own). He's not nearly as terrible as Strobogo's making him out to be, klonere, but there's not a lot of reasons to get invested in his tragic tale unless you're super bored; especially since I can't imagine they're going to use him in a meaningful way ever again.

He should have stayed in his shithead heel ECW persona longer before turning. To be honest, I don't even remember if there actually was a moment where he turned... seemed like he just showed up one night and was considered a good guy.
Okada really let himself go


I see that tumblr has demanded that even our sports entertainers have """"""""realistic"""""""" figures...
With NXT looking like a throwaway episode tonight, I think I'm going to track down some Timothy Thatcher matches and maybe some of those Shimmer matches I mentioned upthread.


Zack was such a Superstar that he even got his own Superstar Collection DVD (which I may or may not own). He's not nearly as terrible as Strobogo's making him out to be, klonere, but there's not a lot of reasons to get invested in his tragic tale unless you're super bored; especially since I can't imagine they're going to use him in a meaningful way ever again.

He's bland as fuck in the ring and his promos suck. His youtube videos are significantly worse, though. They're embarrassing.


Ryder was never main event material but he should have been upper card for life. They fucked that up so hard.

They could've made money off Ryder, he was the next best walking merch man next to Cena. Could've milked him around the US & IC straps, maybe even the ass penny tag belts.

Basically this, he could have been a mid-card merch machine but for some reason Vince doesn't like making money.
He should have stayed in his shithead heel ECW persona longer before turning. To be honest, I don't even remember if there actually was a moment where he turned... seemed like he just showed up one night and was considered a good guy.

It's because he was off TV for so long. He's said that the only reason he did the Youtube show was so that he would get noticed and not fired. The show ended up being so popular, he had no choice but to turn face.


Basically this, he could have been a mid-card merch machine but for some reason Vince doesn't like making money.

He had a ton of merch made and sold. Vince made money off of him.

WWE still wasted a ton of potential in him.

No they didn't. He overachieved.

I'd agree with you, if I didn't disagree with you. Even Mr. Belding thought he was cool. And he's, like, the epitome of cool!

Man, Mr. Belding will literally do anything for money and attention.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
He was still making a lot of money when his burial happened.

Maybe his numbers were starting to make Merch Lord Cena nervous.

Vince wouldn't stand in the way of making money. That's a ridiculous notion.
I'm in the "fuck Zack Ryder for sucking and making internet fans spread their cancerous attitudes to the normal fans and thinking they are the most important part of the show" camp. Without that Ryder shit, I don't think the hijack Raw shit heads would even exist.

you are giving zack ryder WAY too much credit.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
You didn't give me shit, FE. I will file your comment under the appropriate "bin" as brits would say.
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