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April Wrasslin' |OT| Porsha! Get my damn shoe!


is jim cornette's career based around grating as fuck shoot interviews? i know he was a manager for vader in WWE but what else has he done?


Hi, I don't ever post in this thread but I've got a question for those of you who know a lot about wrestling.

Something that I've noticed is that the WWE announcers (particularly Michael Cole but the others as well) never (or very rarely?) use possessive nouns when talking about what's going on in the ring. For example, instead of saying "his fist went straight into John Cena's face!" they'll say something like "his fist went straight into the face... of John Cena!"

Why is that?
"John Cena" is a brand. By adding the "s" at the end, you'd be diluting the brand. So Cole has to try and structure his sentences such that he says the name of the Superstar in the purest form possible.

Stro reviewing ROH shows is always a major highlight for me because it's like staring at a window into my own brain. It's the definition of echo chamber. I can't wait to read the new one.


is jim cornette's career based around grating as fuck shoot interviews? i know he was a manager for vader in WWE but what else has he done?


Look at this list of people he managed, accolades, etc. Basically, he was around back when this industry was actually entertaining and has seen tons of shit as a talent and behind the scenes.

Also, probably most important to this thread and you millenials etc:

WWE credits Cornette with helping foster numerous successful superstars including John Cena, Randy Orton, and Brock Lesnar.


Jim Cornette has always been "Discount Bobby Heenan" as far as I'm concerned

Apples and oranges, really.


Kane is in Meadowhall in Sheffield, HMV, signing and taking pictures.

The line of people to go and see him is around 300 long and has been for around an hour.

In 2015.


Kane is in Meadowhall in Sheffield, HMV, signing and taking pictures.

The line of people to go and see him is around 300 long and has been for around an hour.

In 2015.

Yeah but it's Sheffield, they're just happy to have anyone show up. I guarantee it would be triple if they put a pig up and claimed it was from the Babe films.
Huh. Last show I saw him in person was admittedly over a year ago, but the dude was sporting an 8 pack, serratus, etc. Maybe shredded implies too much size, though I tend to think of that as a guy whose crazy lean.

my bad, I was thinking of Caprice Coleman.
WrassleGAF bumped to second page of community? Ratings are down, we need a new face. Anyways how was NXT this week? I'm behind on my stuff

I greatly enjoyed the mini-doc on Itami at the end of the episode. The matches from AXXESS weren't bad, if a bit basic.

As for Hero, I can't remember who said it, but there was a rumor that he has an eating disorder. (Yeah, yeah, get the easy joke in.) I'm less inclined to mock if that's true.

Hero can still go, but he needs to go back to the shirt and pants look he had, or something......the trunks are doing nothing for him now.

Yeah, hero's look is awful right now. He could benefit from a Luke Harper styled look

My personal opinion on all the body talk going on:

I don't care, as long as they can work. Chris Hero can still go (as far as I've seen lately). I'd much rather watch someone like ACH or Trevor Lee over any of the ripped guys on the WWE roster.

Now that Elgin's stopped pretending his bald spot isn't there, Hero is next in most desperate need of changing his look. Seeing his gut jiggle live was not pleasant.



Look at this list of people he managed, accolades, etc. Basically, he was around back when this industry was actually entertaining and has seen tons of shit as a talent and behind the scenes.

Also, probably most important to this thread and you millenials etc:


Apples and oranges, really.

thanks for that i just see his stuff on youtube all the time and he just shits on everything

stro would have him on ignore or have a ban worthy argument with him


thanks for that i just see his stuff on youtube all the time and he just shits on everything

stro would have him on ignore or have a ban worthy argument with him

I think Cornette is a fan of a very specific kind of wrestling show, and isn't a fan of many personalities in the business. I think the stories are fun, but probably because I feel like my tastes are probably fairly in-line with what he looks for.
"TMZ reports that Big Russ McCullough and Luther Reigns are suing the WWE on behalf of current and former wrestlers who have had brain damage and other injuries due to “egregious mistreatment” by the company. They say that WWE has known for years that in-ring action results in dementia, Alzheimer’s disease and more.

They claim WWE, “under the guise of providing ‘entertainment’ …. has for decades subjected its wrestlers to extreme physical brutality.” They mention that wrestling is scripted but still hard on the performers. The suit said that “WWE is in the business of selling violence.”

They mentioned several matches in which wrestlers were beat up. This includes the 2014 Royal Rumble, in which one wrestler “demolished another with a series of brutal steel chair attacks” due to “the carnage created by the match’s victor.” It said that the goal of WWE is to create “heat” through violence with various props like chairs, ladders and tables. It also mentions moves like the Brain Buster, Bulldog, Cobra Clutch Slam, Facebreaker, Jawbreaker and Powerslam. The suit mentions chair shots to the head, which were banned in 2010.

The suit stated: “The WWE coerces its wrestlers to work while they are injured by, among other methods, threatening to strip them of their position within the organization if they refuse.” It says wrestlers are “universally encouraged to ‘wrestle through the pain.'”

The lawsuit Chris Benoit, who was “routinely hit in the head with a chair”. When Benoit was autopsied after his death, a doctor said his brain was so damaged from CTE that it “resembled the brain of an 85-year-old Alzheimer’s patient.”

The wrestlers want an injunction to stop WWE from forcing its wrestlers to hurt themselves. They are also seeking damages."


Popping in because I really have to commend the WWE on the Hideo Itami package on NXT this week. Holy cow was that ever incredible. As a family man, I teared up at the shots with his kids and when they showed him crouching on the floor in the back after his Mania appearance. I want to see this guy succeed at the highest level. Great job, WWE. You guys got me good. Straight to the heart.

Keep rockin' it, Hideo.
I showed my GF the Hideo mini doco today because I knew she would lap it up, she loves stuff like that and now wants him to succeed. Do it for you cute kids! etc.

Its amazing what humanizing and giving a 'back story' to a wrestler can do to make people want to care about him or her.


I showed my GF the Hideo mini doco today because I knew she would lap it up, she loves stuff like that and now wants him to succeed. Do it for you cute kids! etc.

Its amazing what humanizing and giving a 'back story' to a wrestler can do to make people want to care about him or her.

Right? Sutff like that should be the cornerstone of what the company keeps harping as the "reality era."


At this point, Cesaro should probably be the "old-timey weightlifter" of The Vaudevillains faction for 6 to 18 months and then quietly disappear to Japan.



It's all an issue of protecting your talent. Lesnar is a legit freak, but was always marketed as such (like you need outside interference, chairs, triple threats and 6 finishers to take him down) and he always remained legit. Big Show took a low blow and a pedigree to fall like a dork and lose the title, and in fact he never really looked like the main event, in comparison Kurt Angle was booked like a god. Same for Sheamus, another actual tough guy, he was protected to the ends of the earth and in fact he still is somewhat believable after all these years. Cesaro is a lost cause because his booking reminds of Kofi Kingston (koficycle.jpg) but worse.
Kane is in Meadowhall in Sheffield, HMV, signing and taking pictures.

The line of people to go and see him is around 300 long and has been for around an hour.

In 2015.

Well of course, he is the enduring trooper of WWE, attitude era alumni and guaranteed Hall of Famer, I'm so jealous that I'm trapped here on the over side of the country completely Kane-less, in 2015.


Why can't we get ONE Brock Lesnar vs Cesaro match.

Just one. Brock can win. Cesaro can get buried under a mountain of chairs or F5'd though an ambulance. But...just give them twenty minutes. Or shit, make it a thing where Brock and Cesaro don't fight but have them fight the entire roster. One upping the other on feats of strength; Then at the end Cesaro tries to get Lesnar and eats an F5.
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