Uhaa always looks huge on the UK indie scene
He's the smallest guy there
Uhaa is billed at 6'1 260 so he is still billed to sound like a pretty damn big guy. Just the others a bigger.
Random question: How do you prefer a champ hold a title belt: On their waist or over their shoulder?
Even if Uhaa isn't the biggest guy in WWE terms, he'll stand out because he can do stuff guys his size don't normally do, like a standing shooting star press, a picture perfect dropkick and hurricanranas.
I like how Diesel used to just drag it.
Random question: How do you prefer a champ hold a title belt: On their waist or over their shoulder?
Random question: How do you prefer a champ hold a title belt: On their waist or over their shoulder?
depends on the guy.Random question: How do you prefer a champ hold a title belt: On their waist or over their shoulder?
I'm a big fan of people wearing it proper.
Also a big fan of Giant Bernard wearing it around his neck:
Goddamn, Karl Anderson looks SO much better there.
Random question: How do you prefer a champ hold a title belt: On their waist or over their shoulder?
Wrestling has an even worse version of this insanity, and they somehow have nearly 200k Youtube subscribers. Oh wait, I know why - they're all dumbass kids.
WTF is Ric Flair doing in this Christian Laettner documentary?
I can vouch for the fact that having kids murders your free time.
I like waist and over the shoulder, but not enough people wear it around the waist anymore. Especially for the main title. I miss when NJPW had a ceremony for the champ and the ref would actually put the belt on for him.
The thing is about wearing it over the shoulder though, is that a lot of people seem to put it over the shoulder but it's more upside down than right side up. Like in that Anderson/Bernard pic. The GHC logo is sort of upside down. They should flip the belts around.
Just saw that San Jose crowd via Botchamania.
That has to be the worst crowd ever.
Even if Uhaa isn't the biggest guy in WWE terms, he'll stand out because he can do stuff guys his size don't normally do, like a standing shooting star press, a picture perfect dropkick and hurricanranas.
I guess if you wear it on the right shoulder, you get both.Weird thing to disagree about but I disagree, the eye likes to track in a clockwise fashion and it looks "right" to me.
Even if Uhaa isn't the biggest guy in WWE terms, he'll stand out because he can do stuff guys his size don't normally do, like a standing shooting star press, a picture perfect dropkick and hurricanranas.
If you guys can, watch CJ Parker vs Speedball Mike Bailey from this past weekend's CZW show. Great match and shows what Parker really can do. Highly recommended.
This is true as well!
I still say they should give him an Uguu~ Nation gimmick.
Even if Uhaa isn't the biggest guy in WWE terms, he'll stand out because he can do stuff guys his size don't normally do, like a standing shooting star press, a picture perfect dropkick and hurricanranas.
Are the WWE going to let him do that stuff though? There was that Owens story a while back where he got lip for doing an over-the-top rope jump that a person his build shouldn't be doing. Seems like the WWE is big on making people fit a certain mold based on their appearance.
¡HarlequinPanic!;159928432 said:honky tonk man interview snippet on the law's pretty cool. He seems like a legit dude though they said sometimes he flips his shit on bad days for interviews.
Are the WWE going to let him do that stuff though? There was that Owens story a while back where he got lip for doing an over-the-top rope jump that a person his build shouldn't be doing. Seems like the WWE is big on making people fit a certain mold based on their appearance.
There's a point to this - it's to save the awesome shit for the Wrestlemania Moment, or something else really significant, not on a recorded developmental show. I see their side of it.
All the 1998 Raws are now live
There's a point to this - it's to save the awesome shit for the Wrestlemania Moment, or something else really significant, not on a recorded developmental show. I see their side of it.
New NXT signings unveiled;
So they just skipped over 97?
Fave Five Action Movies:
5. Tango & Cash
4. Robocop 2
3. Predator
2. Terminator 2
1. First Blood
Honorable mention to the original Terminator, it's amazing.
Terrible form to not know the proper spelling of Dresden, Germany. With it being all famous from the second world war and what not.
Good to see a German signing though, we need a new Berlyn.
There's a point to this - it's to save the awesome shit for the Wrestlemania Moment, or something else really significant, not on a recorded developmental show. I see their side of it.
Agree that Taker doing his top rope at mania was awesome and that sort of thing should be saved but at the same time Owens really arrived with a bang that night.
Uhaa though his finisher is a SSP Moonsault combo so be interesting to see how they handle that.
His music is an interesting one as well and it's perfect - hopefully he gets something similar, wouldn't be surprised to see them use Marcus Cor Vons old theme though.
I honestly did like Robo 2 more than 1. 1 was great, don't get me wrong, but 2 was full of shit I loved.
Random question: How do you prefer a champ hold a title belt: On their waist or over their shoulder?
At this point I'm expecting him to use Ernest Miller WWE's music again because why n ot, they do it to everyone
Wrestling has an even worse version of this insanity, and they somehow have nearly 200k Youtube subscribers. Oh wait, I know why - they're all dumbass kids.
Random question: How do you prefer a champ hold a title belt: On their waist or over their shoulder?
Wrestling has an even worse version of this insanity, and they somehow have nearly 200k Youtube subscribers. Oh wait, I know why - they're all dumbass kids.
Are the WWE going to let him do that stuff though? There was that Owens story a while back where he got lip for doing an over-the-top rope jump that a person his build shouldn't be doing. Seems like the WWE is big on making people fit a certain mold based on their appearance.