Kenta and Devitt didn't keep their names, so dont expect Uhaa to keep his
Who makes these?
Wrestling has an even worse version of this insanity, and they somehow have nearly 200k Youtube subscribers. Oh wait, I know why - they're all dumbass kids.
Kenta and Devitt didn't keep their names, so dont expect Uhaa to keep his
This guy has a wedding ring on. What the fuck.
I want Uguu~ Nation or Aha! Nation.
I want Uguu~ Nation or Aha! Nation.
Sponsorships wont hide the fact that Pepsi still tastes bad
Robocop has a history of being wrong in every post ever
Not Hoo-Ha District?
Robocop has a history of being wrong in every post ever
Pepsi is bland and gross. It's probably the worst out of all of Pepsi's products that are still alive.
Even a broken clock is right twice a day. Fuck Pepsi.
Pepsi is bland and gross. It's probably the worst out of all of Pepsi's products that are still alive.
I like how Diesel used to just drag it.
Shoulder or the Stone Cold/Rock drag.
So according to WWE, the Attitude Era officially began on December 15th 1997.
So according to WWE, the Attitude Era officially began on December 15th 1997.
Huh, Jessie McKay got signed! Bit out of nowhere
You seriously sporting a Miz av? That's amazing if so, I don't think anyone else here ever went that far.
If it's canon, it's canon.
Sting is in the next Witchah
Sting is in the next Witchah
One of the first things you're greeted with on the first Attitude Raw on the network:
Truly the greatest era.
Agree that Taker doing his top rope at mania was awesome and that sort of thing should be saved but at the same time Owens really arrived with a bang that night.
god damn terminator 5 looks like a mess
Day 1 for me. I've seen 4 of those fucking movies along with 2 seasons of a television show. I may as well ride it out.
If it's canon, it's canon.
Day 1 for me. I've seen 4 of those fucking movies along with 2 seasons of a television show. I may as well ride it out.
Yeah I dont like dragging the belt either
Any top 5 action flicks list without John Wick at this point seems a little strange.
Attitude era started in wcw, even hbk confirmed it
Sting is in the next Witchah
The difference in tone between mid 90's WCW and mid 90's WWF is pretty staggering.
WWF didnt get out of the 80's until 1997.
I always think it starts for WWF in the late 1996 time frame. Mostly due to the Nation of Domination forming and the Austin and Bret feud just heating up. Also, Pillman's gun segment was in November. So November '96 for them sounds about right.The difference in tone between mid 90's WCW and mid 90's WWF is pretty staggering.
WWF didnt get out of the 80's until 1997.