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April Wrasslin' |OT| Porsha! Get my damn shoe!




I'm sorry, a blood capsule tied to the ring posts?! That is quite possibly the most childish, Looney Tunes explanation I've read about wrestling this month. First off, after Brock's head came off the post he only had a trickle of blood on his face and moments later his whole face was covered. I suppose you're going to try to tell me this was a delayed release capsule or something.

I think we can put the capsule argument to rest now.

Maybe there was another capsule on the grassy knoll


I'm sorry, a blood capsule tied to the ring posts?! That is quite possibly the most childish, Looney Tunes explanation I've read about wrestling this month. First off, after Brock's head came off the post he only had a trickle of blood on his face and moments later his whole face was covered. I suppose you're going to try to tell me this was a delayed release capsule or something.

I think we can put the capsule argument to rest now.

I respect your opinion, so don't belittle mine. Do you work in Hollywood? Who knows how far practical effects have advanced.
I respect your opinion, so don't belittle mine. Do you work in Hollywood? Who knows how far practical effects have advanced.
I am certainly not on #teambloodcapsule, but how about this possibility: within the blood capsule was a razor that cut Brock on impact with the ring post.

I feel this is a nuanced, fascinating middle ground between all three possibilities.


Hell's Gate sucks because if you can get someone in the Hell's Gate, you can get them in a triangle choke which is way more effective. It's like you just have to move your leg a little and bam, triangle.

Except it's not a triangle choke, a wrestling hold's main goal is to give the illusion that the opponent has to struggle to get free.

My favorite holds are the ones that minimize this. Holds like the crossface or STF make it easy for the opponent to inch forward. Cattle Mutilation, the rear naked choke, and even Hell's Gate make it difficult for an opponent to struggle.

Cattle Mutilation, your arms are tied up in a way that is difficult to move them without strain, and while you can still swing your legs around, you can't see where you're going most of the time.

Rear naked choke, sure you can power out of it, but that takes a lot with a guy like Joe on your back....and once he gets you on the ground, if you can't fight out, it's over.

Hell's Gate: Same as Rear Naked Choke, you have to either power out of it or fight out of it. If you can power out of it, it will take a lot to get out, if you can fight out of it, it's just not applied right.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Hosses hossing hosses



Sato really held his own too despite not being a hossy hoss. Really fun tag match. Kohei Sato sounds like a demon when he talks. Sounds like a dude you wouldn't want to owe money to.


I never posted my Mania impressions so here they are.

- Bryan winning the IC title made me happy. Hopefully he'll be back in the Main Event scene within a year or so, but again, I'm happy he won the IC title.

- Orton and Rollins was good. While I've never shared the love for Orton like Dream has, he is good, and the Curbstomp to RKO was awesome. When he is not going through the motions at times, Orton can be better than what others think of him. It's a shame though that he doesn't give the aura of someone who is a 12-time champion.

- Sting-HHH was fun. I loved it. While the kid in me is disappointed that Sting lost, I understand why HHH won. One thing I wish happened instead of the nWo coming out (though I understand why they did) would be if this played instead and Flair, Arn, Tully, and Barry Windham came out. Also, the entrances were great.

- I enjoyed the divas match too despite AJ being dead for most of it.

- I liked Cena vs Rusev. If you asked me a year ago if Rusev would be one of my favorites on the roster, I would have said no, but he is great. Where does he go after this though? Another thing I wish is that Cena's entrance was more grandiose.

- I didn't care for Bray vs Taker. One reason why I didn't care about this match is that the streak is broken. I will say that Taker looked great compared to last year.

- Brock vs Reigns was good. I wish commentary did a better job of trying to show why Reigns was laughing instead of "Why is he laughing?!?!?!" The ending was great, and there was many times where I thought both men could have won it.Although I will say that I assumed Roman was winning especially because of the Today Show graphic in the beginning that said the winner will be on it. Rollins coming in was fantastic, and it's definitely the best cash-in.

It was a great Mania. Thanks for reading my impressions.


I've always liked Tajiri's tarantula hold, myself.
I'm sorry, a blood capsule tied to the ring posts?! That is quite possibly the most childish, Looney Tunes explanation I've read about wrestling this month. First off, after Brock's head came off the post he only had a trickle of blood on his face and moments later his whole face was covered. I suppose you're going to try to tell me this was a delayed release capsule or something.

I think we can put the capsule argument to rest now.

Put the arguments to rest? I mean, this is America Bean Breath, and i respect your opinion. You're quite entitle to #TeachTheControversy if you so desire. But Capsulution is the widely accepted theory.


The most plausible explanation is a stagehand was waiting off camera to throw a bucket of fake blood on Brock. During the seven second feed delay between the show and PPV broadcast, they played a loud noise above the stadium (possibly a Brock screech for maximum attention) which drew the crowd's attention skyward for a moment.

During that time the stagehand did his work, and they simply edited it out in realtime seamlessly, so the viewers at home would be none the wiser and Brock would simply suddenly be bleeding.
The most plausible explanation is a stagehand was waiting off camera to throw a bucket of fake blood on Brock. During the seven second feed delay between the show and PPV broadcast, they played a loud noise above the stadium (possibly a Brock screech for maximum attention) which drew the crowd's attention skyward for a moment.

During that time the stagehand did his work, and they simply edited it out in realtime seamlessly, so the viewers at home would be none the wiser and Brock would simply suddenly be bleeding.



A blood capsule. Tied to the ring post.


I suppose if the capsule was painted the same color as the post, it might be plausible.

Glad to see you're opening your mind to the possibility. Notice how the alleged point of "contact" is never on camera? It's possible that you wouldn't even need to paint the capsule, as it could be tied to the inside of the post. Some clever camera work from veteran producer Kevin Dunn? I wouldn't put it past him.

I am certainly not on #teambloodcapsule, but how about this possibility: within the blood capsule was a razor that cut Brock on impact with the ring post.

I feel this is a nuanced, fascinating middle ground between all three possibilities.

While I don't necessarily agree, I respect your opinion and acknowledge the possibility.

The most plausible explanation is a stagehand was waiting off camera to throw a bucket of fake blood on Brock. During the seven second feed delay between the show and PPV broadcast, they played a loud noise above the stadium (possibly a Brock screech for maximum attention) which drew the crowd's attention skyward for a moment.

During that time the stagehand did his work, and they simply edited it out in realtime seamlessly, so the viewers at home would be none the wiser and Brock would simply suddenly be bleeding.

Wow, a little left field, but sometimes you have to pull off new tricks to keep the audience guessing. The perfect time to debut it? You guessed it, WrestleMania.
If Carnby or Alucard or Serenewarfare want to join the chat and say mean things to me, they are free. It is the barbershop. GAF rules don't apply and shit will be talked. It's not exclusive at all. As much or more shit gets talked about the 10-15 people that are usually logged in than about the thread or anyone not logged in. It only becomes cliquey when no one logs in. You can't blame that on the people that log in or stay logged in.

There's a difference between friendly shit-talking and the more genuine contempt or condescension many in there lob at the folks in the thread. Sure, someone COULD come in there, but why would they want to if they're not really wanted?

Again, I go on chat and enjoy it, but I can also be honest about what it is and say that letting it spill over into the thread is probably not healthy for the community.


The most plausible explanation is a stagehand was waiting off camera to throw a bucket of fake blood on Brock. During the seven second feed delay between the show and PPV broadcast, they played a loud noise above the stadium (possibly a Brock screech for maximum attention) which drew the crowd's attention skyward for a moment.

During that time the stagehand did his work, and they simply edited it out in realtime seamlessly, so the viewers at home would be none the wiser and Brock would simply suddenly be bleeding.

This makes so much sense. I wouldn't be surprised if they use this technology to mute the blood in most other matches.


There's a difference between friendly shit-talking and the more genuine contempt or condescension many in there lob at the folks in the thread. Sure, someone COULD come in there, but why would they want to if they're not really wanted?

Again, I go on chat and enjoy it, but I can also be honest about what it is and say that letting it spill over into the thread is probably not healthy for the community.

No one is wanted in there, but everyone is welcome. We talk about all kinds of shit in there. Not just about what posters we don't like or what some dumb guy with a newsletter said. There is more music talk than anything.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Fave Five On-Screen Authority Figures

1. 2002 Vince McMahon
2. WCW Russo
3. 98 Vince McMahon
4. Dario Cueto
5. Raw GM Regal
Stephanie, Jack Tunney, and Bill Watts are at the very bottom of my list.


I'm not trying to say people shouldn't have a place offsite to talk to each other and bullshit. This is a large community with a lot of people and of course some smaller groups are going to naturally form. That doesn't mean you have to bring that to this thread and try and use it to completely direct the tone of the entire thread. The nerdchat group gives Jpeeples posts more notoriety than their worth by trying to dog pile every time he posts screen caps.

For instance, what purpose does it serve to use the pictures of three posters in an avatar such as stro has done? I'm excited to see what convoluted explanation there is that isn't the honest "I'm mocking them."


I thought we were over discussing the looks instead of abilities of wrestling women. This is women month. Keep that kind of stuff to JPeepz blog, please.


what if the button they use to mute the Bryan chants malfunctioned and caused Lesnar to bleed, i don't know about you guys, but i'm switching to #TeamButton


Dude did you not see that episode of total divas where she wanted to get Tyson's attention and she came out in lingerie?

Dude Jokim Noah OOOOOOOOOOOO face

This might be a bad time, but can I ask what you meant when you said you didn't know about posting in this month's thread at the end of the March thread?

no maam

Dude did you not see that episode of total divas where she wanted to get Tyson's attention and she came out in lingerie?

Dude Jokim Noah OOOOOOOOOOOO face

I saw the episode where she thought she was tripping balls. Then crashed her svu 2 mph into a garbage bin. I dislike her, that's all. I'm offending people here so I will refrain from posting derogatory things. On topic. WWE keeps fucking over dean.


I'm not trying to say people shouldn't have a place offsite to talk to each other and bullshit. This is a large community with a lot of people and of course some smaller groups are going to naturally form. That doesn't mean you have to bring that to this thread and try and use it to completely direct the tone of the entire thread. The nerdchat group gives Jpeeples posts more notoriety than their worth by trying to dog pile every time he posts screen caps.

For instance, what purpose does it serve to use the pictures of three posters in an avatar such as stro has done? I'm excited to see what convoluted explanation there is that isn't the honest "I'm mocking them."

Walking into the thread ought to be more like this:


And less requiring of this:



In a sure to upset people move, Justin Roberts began shooting today:

More at the link:

I know a lot of people were...well...this is where nuance comes into play.

Of course it's nice for them to honor a sick kid and his family, but I really feel like the stuff with Connor went past honoring and in to exploitation territory. I also found it pretty shitty that they perverted what Warrior said last year and turned it into something to make themselves feel good. This year might just be an anomaly because of the circumstances with Connor and maybe next year will be about a behind the scenes person.

I think its perfectly fine to support them doing something special for the Michalek's while at the same time questioning the motives behind it.


Walking into the thread ought to be more like this:


And less requiring of this:


Agree completely, Ithil.

Just know that when I point out JPeeples83 going through wrestling events frame-by-frame to pick out the perfect shot of a WWE Diva spread eagle or bending over to promote his wrestling reviews as creepy, then questioning the status quo of WrassleGAF's acceptance and enjoyment of this kind of practice, I'm doing it on my own accord and not to entertain others. It's insular, skeevy behavior.

Hopefully now that Vylash has created a fun and accepting thread, we'll be seeing a new age of WrassleGAF where everyone's opinions can be questioned, yet also respected, and our sentiments are directed at the entertainers, not the fans on WrassleGAF.

OT3 in April, here we come. Thank you, Vylash!

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Unconfirmed Member
Rewatched Mania 31's main event.

Everyone looked like a goddamned star. 0 complaints.
Anyone going to watch F7 tonight?
I am. Which reminds me, I should probably take a shower today before embarking on this endeavor.

Before that, however, I am curious as to what this community's views are on the franchise in light of women's month. Anyone who has seen the trailers or previous films will know that women are used to market the Furious films, often with shots of their asses. There's been times watching these movies where I felt it was gratuitous, but the reality of these movies is far more nuanced as they allow women to also kick ass and take names. Look no further than Michelle Rodriguez who is able to disarm multiple dangerous thugs on a number of occasions.

In many ways I see this balanced approach as the secret to these movies successes, and why #7 is currently sitting at 82% on rotten tomatoes, a franchise best.
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