Sheamus' new theme is nice but I'm gonna miss his old one.
It's kinda depressing to think that this whole "Connor's Cure" thing has, essentially, been a work by WWEpimping out their CSR initiatives at the expense of their staff's dignity. I mean, look at this damn tweet. That's all you need to know.
The drum intro is pretty great.
Police Story is free on Hulu. It might be the best action movie ever.
Cena and Rusev segment would have been good for RAW
I think 2 has better fight scenes... although 1 does have JC plummeting to his near death in the mall.
Didn't Owens just have knee surgery?Sami Zayn was back in action. So him and Owens should be ready for the next NXT taping. Plus Gable has grew his hair out.
Sami Zayn was back in action. So him and Owens should be ready for the next NXT taping. Plus Gable has grew his hair out.
Didn't Owens just have knee surgery?
Maybe I missed something, but did Wesker get Retro'd?
Maybe I missed something, but did Wesker get Retro'd?
Haven't seen the reboot yet. Last Jackie movie I saw was CZ12, it was okay.The Mall scene(not just the plummet, the entire thing) is the best action scene I've ever, ever seen. It is engaging start to finish, and it goes on for a long time. The ending with him and the lawyer and all that is a perfect topping off too. People never give the girl in that movie enough credit because everyone gets overshadowed by Jackie going down the pole, but she takes some serious bumps.
The reboot is surprisingly good too.
He Dragonzord'd.
Disco got Retro'd.
He's Macho Madness now I think. Changed his name but kept the avatar.
I generally hate anything with Cena, but everything about this segment with Rusev and the flag was hilarious and awesome.
Haven't seen the reboot yet. Last Jackie movie I saw was CZ12, it was okay.
All the ladies in JC's prime HK kung fu movies took hellacious bumps.
Oh shit, queuing that onePolice Story is free on Hulu. It might be the best action movie ever.
Prime Time Players shitting on New Day was pretty good.
This in Tampa?Owens did a promo after Zayn's match saying Zayn is not what he used to be since his injury and that there's no way he's getting a title shot until he's ready. They then went back in forth with it ending in Owens saying he'd fight him right now, went into the ring and then backed off saying he just had surgery so he's not ready to fight.
Card so far:
Enzo / Cass b. Vaudvillains
Solomon Crowe b. Chad Gable
Carmella / Bayley b. Becky Lynch / Dana Brooke
Sami Zayn b. Baron Corbin
Prime Time Players shitting on New Day was pretty good.
What were they shitting on them for? Being happy?
Mind elaborating? I feel like I read a different article.That Justin Roberts article might be the dumbest shit I've ever read. He's crying about not getting enough credit for being friends with a terminally ill 5 year old. Good lord fuck him.
Paul Heyman cuts promos about his family being cannibals ...
Assuming they don't water it down I think they might have struck gold with Sheamus. He still cares about fighting, fella, but he also cares about bringing despair to the vanilla midgets and midcarders reaching for the brass ring.
I've posted some times in the past, mostly a lurker, but I would like to say something in regards to what has been brought up a few pages back.
It's really hard to take part in this thread, or even read this thread, for me when so much of it is wrapped up in negativity and attacks and such a dim view of what is going on in wrestling. I can't really say I want to talk very much if I enjoyed a match on Raw or Main Event for example, but I come in here and see such hostility toward all of it, where two people like Ceasaro and Kofi can do a decent match (randomly picked as examples) but the only talk occurring is how Vince hates Swiss and Kofi clock or commentary ruins everything rather than the match itself.
It's not that I'm afraid or get the impression I can't come in here and talk about what I like on WWE shows, and I have read many a praising comment before so I know it exists, but when a show isn't great it sometimes feels like these threads can make me feel as though those shows were worse than they actually were before I read the thread. Focusing on what we don't like, almost to the point where anything good is ignored or dismissed, takes away so much.
Indy could be brought up, but it's too often changed to "stupid indy shit" or "flippy nonsense" or "vanilla midget" and other such repeated jokes. The message is, outside of a few guys expected to make it big in one of the main promotions, indy is "junk" and not worth really talking about unless it's to mock or be disgusted by.
Even if they are a higher name, it's still "Samoa Joe is fat" or "yes I said small" or "stupid indy flip" or "short camera man" or the matches rarely matter and it's more about how they aren't WWE or TNA more than it's ever any actual matches that take place.
Women such as Kaitlyn, AJ Lee, Hana, and more are attractive women to be sure, but when so much of it is "look at their butt", what does that come across as? If I enjoyed Paige vs Nikki Bella, even if not a great match or even anything compared to an average Stardom or SHIMMER match, how could I get into the conversation when the only thing thought about the match is photos of their arse or talking about how they never get any time to do something decent or "WWE is so awful, NXT is better in every way for WOMEN'S wrestling"? Those things may be worth discussing and rather valid, but if the match is viewed as inconsequential in order to talk about how it's all wrong and terrible, I see it as the match is just something to skip past or not worth talking about.
Now some things have changed and more discussion on Japanese women's wrestling has come up, and I have enjoyed reading people's thoughts on that or revisiting them. Likewise TNA has gotten some praise again these past several months, but I'm talking overall since I started looking at these threads in 2012.
It can be fun when everyone is comfortable enough with each other to jest with each other, to have gags or can rile them up in a friendly nature, but it often got to the point where I just didn't want to see yet another fight and bickering between two individuals either as characters or just a sheer dislike of each other's behaviour. A good hearty discussion is fine, even disagreement with neither side budging is understanding, but insults and attacks (be it in a character or not) just means more I will try to skip past or keep me from posting all together.
It's not even always about wrestling. Sometimes it's just "everything outside of this thread is awful and terrible" or "did you see how awful that other part of GAF is?".
Now I've barely posted in the past anyroad and I doubt many even recall me ever saying anything at all since I've had little to no presence in so many of these threads. I'm not saying to change behaviour or stop doing what you are doing, I'm not much of a community member after all. So everything I said doesn't matter very much, but it should be known that at least for one mostly lurker, it's hard to get into a thread when it makes it harder to enjoy wrestling and there is a lot that feels like it's not worth talking about.
I still like WrasslingGAF, I'm still going to lurk and randomly post once every two to three months, but it would be nice to feel like this is a thread that appreciates and enjoys wrestling and shares it with others of something thought. Right now, seeing some people actually enjoying Smackdown, does a lot.
Something I feel is missed a lot of time this comes up. It was said he was one generation removed from cannibals, which is "true" in terms of wrestling history. The Wild Samoans sometimes used the gimmick of "the cannibals" in Canada like IWA, and parts of the NWA. They even did it before they were "wild" and simply just The Islanders and went out as heels against The Crusaders or Kangaroos.
Nothing about the point of your original post or what it was referring to, just something to note.
WWE finally made a replica Money In The Bank briefcase.
It's $74.99
Shame it's not metal, I would have fun putting dents into it.
If they are going to do free months it wouldn't be a bad idea.
100 bucks for a boxing pay per view featuring two fighters past their prime is ridiculous.
Pentagon had a promo that was like 'My team sucks, but I'm awesome so fuck it I'll still win.' which was awesome.
The Arnold part of HHH's entrance was pretty lame. Everything else was a mix of cheesy/cool. Then again, it's the Terminator so cheesy/cool comes with the territory so I guess it was a nice entrance.
Sting's anime drums was pretty weird, though. I wonder why they chose to go that route; maybe because Sting's facepaint kinda-sorta-almost looks like kabuki facepaint?
Bloodborne is so good. Pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoy the game. The satisfication of landing a counter with the gun is great. On the second boss right now. I don't find him to be too difficult. I just become impatient and move in too soon and just eat a combo.
I'd probably put Warrior over Undertaker and Foley.
Provide 1 reason why you feel WrassleGAF is on the decline
Provide 1 thing that would make WrassleGAF better that is not a removal of a particular member
Let's spend more time being happy for Seth and less time being angry at Reigns. Hell Seth's cock almost ruined everything for him. Let's be thankful Vince forgave.
If we can do some real talk, I don't believe at all that Undertaker was ever a mainstream draw. All these years of the myth of the streak being this big draw for WM, I don't believe that is true. At least not in the sense that people who only kind of pay attention or haven't watched in years would see "Undertaker tries to go 18-0 at WM" are going to give a shit at all. It's a draw to people who are already going to buy the show or buy tickets. The mainstream appeal of Taker has always been vastly overrated. Same with HBK.