Maybe some wrestlers don't want to kill the industry like Daniel "This Is Fiction" Bryan
This is the best. If I wasn't so committed to Chun-Li avatars I would use this.
¡HarlequinPanic!;158706910 said:jericho refers to singer and fellow piece of shit Cee Lo Green as "Cee Lo Brown" on his podcast without giving it a second thought, his interviewee agrees and doesn't try to correct it.
I wasn't sure Wrasslegaf was going to accept it as the official monthly thread.
Wrestlers really need to drop this whole "tweeting in-gimmick" thing.
D.Lo doesn't deserve that disrespect.¡HarlequinPanic!;158706910 said:jericho refers to singer and fellow piece of shit Cee Lo Green as "Cee Lo Brown" on his podcast without giving it a second thought, his interviewee agrees and doesn't try to correct it.
Bam bam is better than chun liThis is the best. If I wasn't so committed to Chun-Li avatars I would use this.
Says you.Bam bam is better than chun li
I was listening to Austin's podcast with Heyman, and Heyman talked a bit about Bam Bam. I don't know if any of it's true. I suppose I could just look at Bam Bam's wiki page. But anyway, Heyman said that Bam Bam used to be a bounty hunter, and he ended up going to jail because he detained someone illegally. He ended up at a wrestling school after he got out because he was looking for a job, they had him get in the ring and do some stuff and he took to it almost instantly.
We've talked before about Brock and Angle being as being two of the guys that picked up wrestling the fastest, I think Bam Bam is a solid contender for the list.
I watched Vader vs Bam Bam on NJPW World and it was great. Loved it.In his shoot interview he talked about stumbling around drunk in New Jersey and basically being homeless, so it's possible. I know he had an attitude/ego problem originally according to a lot of wrestlers due to him working with Hogan at such a young age. Andre dealt with him and you can see it in their match ups together where Andre's stiffing him.
He's one of the guys Nash and Hall have no problem putting over as an amazing worker even if they have personal problems. Bam Bam doesn't get near enough credit for his bumping and selling. Look at the way he looks, you could never believe someone like that to have incredible babyface heat, but Bam Bam did strictly based on his selling. He's a monster but watch the Survivor Series with him vs Andre as the last two. Or watch his matches against Vader. Fantastic selling.
Well in his defense, John Tenta was a butt
WrassleGAF or you personally? Seems like the community accepted it just fine. But the OP doesn't matter. You only read it once and it's content doesn't influence the rest of the month anyway. Anyone who DID have problems with it should leave the community, because there is no way around it: If the OP this month bothered you, you're a misogynistic shit head.
They all need to tweet in character if their Twitter is under their wrestling names.
But he killed Damien. Total dick move.Tenta is considered one of the nicest guys in wrestling. What are you talking about?
Damien's the dick
That ain't Damien, bruv.
They all look the same to me.
So I been listening to wrestler themes lately and while Balor's theme is still fantastic, it doesn't keep me coming back like Rusev's theme.
I am retroactively changing my vote in 2014 from Balor to Rusev.
I was a bit disappointed Rusev didn't have his theme playing whilst riding the Tank at WM. Bad move imo, would have been tits and more fitting.
I gotta disagree. The Russian National Anthem is prolly the greatest anthem in the world. Hearing that and seeing him come out on a fucking tank can't be beaten. It was like something straight out of Rocky IV.
For one night only.
You damn fantasy bookers acting like WWE would ever acknowledge another promotion, much less NJPW, is killing me. They're too obsessed with protecting the brand and cementing Bryan's legacy as a B+ player to ever make something cool like inter-promotional matchups happen.
Welp, Gamely gave me a month for a dollar and I have Bloodbourne in the mail.
I've never been scared of a game arriving before.
Fujinami is still such a weird choice for a Japanese wrestler to put in the WWE HoF.
Yeeesss yesssss return to uuussssssssBloodborne broke me into re-subbing to FF XIV. Need a new TV for that beat, my input lag is awful.
You mean like how just a few nights ago they inducted a NJPW wrestler into their HOF and showed clips of him in NJPW? Or how they did the same thing with Antonio Inoki a few years ago? Or how they frequently have articles about NJPW/CZW/ROH/IWA/Chikara on their website? And just did an angle with UFC's biggest star?
The only time WWE has ever been truly isolationist was at the peak of the Golden Era. Before and after, they mentioned companies they had working agreements with, past histories, and so on. Now they release DVDs with ROH/IWA footage on it.