You mean next month at Extreme Rules against John Cena, the United States Champion.Rusev will absolutely have his next loss to Roman. Guarantee is now that the cherry has been popped.
You mean next month at Extreme Rules against John Cena, the United States Champion.
I know not everyone's a fan of the British wrestling style, but if you've never seen it before spare 10 or so minutes to watch this great little match with a young Dynamite Kid defending his British Light Heavyweight Title against veteran Tony Scarlo. Some fantastic hold-for-hold stuff here, plus Dynamite gets to show flashes of his speed and agility. Scarlo's a delight to watch as well, everything he does is so smooth and he sells in that great understated sort of way a lot of the old British guys did. Well worth a watch, friends;
Dynamite Kid (c) vs Tony Scarlo - British Light Heavyweight Title - (World of Sport 1977/10/13)
Absolutely brilliant, nobody will boo Reigns against Big Show.
That is definitely a challenge, but I think if you pick the thing you're most interested in and stick to it, you'll kind of fall into it and want to finish before you worry about all the other stuff. The thing to remember is that all the stuff you want to get to will still be there tomorrow, next week, next month, or next year. Just pick something you like and have fun until you're not having fun anymore, then do something else that's fun.Well that's kind of the daunting aspect, there's so much content and I'm honestly both impressed and blown away.
That is definitely a challenge, but I think if you pick the thing you're most interested in and stick to it, you'll kind of fall into it and want to finish before you worry about all the other stuff. The thing to remember is that all the stuff you want to get to will still be there tomorrow, next week, next month, or next year. Just pick something you like and have fun until you're not having fun anymore, then do something else that's fun.
I've played Ragnarok, FFXI, and WoW, and while I like them all for different reasons, XIV is the only one that's not only kept me engaged, but has me interested enough to log in multiple times a week and do all the hardcore raid content.
It has a story. I'd say it doesn't really get all that interesting until after the 2.0 story. I just wrapped up patch 2.55's story and it was really good. Pretty much everyone who plays the game is talking about it.Does the game have a story or do you just shit around fighting random monsters the whole time? (although I guess that isn't much different from a regular single player FF)
I'm on a UWFi/shoot style kick after watching Evolve 40. Is this a match I would enjoy, or is this closer to Wide World of Sports style?
why not both.gif
I just read the Justin Roberts article. Powerful yet unfortunately unsurprising. I hope everyone reads it at some point, if they haven't already.
It has a story. I'd say it doesn't really get all that interesting until after the 2.0 story. I just wrapped up patch 2.55's story and it was really good. Pretty much everyone who plays the game is talking about it.
I just read the Justin Roberts article. Powerful yet unfortunately unsurprising. I hope everyone reads it at some point, if they haven't already.
That Justin Roberts article might be the dumbest shit I've ever read. He's crying about not getting enough credit for being friends with a terminally ill 5 year old. Good lord fuck him.
I really like FFXIV but I just didn't like the console version. Something about the controller setup just doesn't click with me.
I guess I could use a KB/M setup to play it but at that point I might as well play it on PC (which I do).
Why does Pillars of Eternity have a near 1 gig patch a week after release?
Lucha Underground 1st episode is not so bad. Like how the camera work tries to give a cinematic feel, the story lines are interesting, and the wrestling in the main event (Puma vs Mundo) was pretty good.
Should I get that game? Heard good things.
Why does Pillars of Eternity have a near 1 gig patch a week after release?
I just read the Justin Roberts article. Powerful yet unfortunately unsurprising. I hope everyone reads it at some point, if they haven't already.
It's ok. It's no Cities Skylines though.
It's official now.
are there any valets in the Hall of Fame?
are there any valets in the Hall of Fame?
Genuine question here.
Should I
A) continue to do the little reviews I've done for AJPW/Zero-1/less popular around here Japanese promotions. So like every match gets a quick summary and if I recommend it or not. About the same length as my Thunder In Paradise reviews
B) Post up the gifs related to the event and review the event in total very briefly. Like a paragraph that's just, 'This match is good because this, this match is bad because blank, overall watch this match or watch the whole even't
C) Just post gifs and post a match link if the match is really good and I think non-fans should check it out.
I guess if you're putting Drew Carey in your hall of fame, you can make room for the guy who throws the beers to Stone Cold.
Justin Roberts' column was pretty interesting, but he loses his focus.
Genuine question here.
Should I
A) continue to do the little reviews I've done for AJPW/Zero-1/less popular around here Japanese promotions. So like every match gets a quick summary and if I recommend it or not. About the same length as my Thunder In Paradise reviews
B) Post up the gifs related to the event and review the event in total very briefly. Like a paragraph that's just, 'This match is good because this, this match is bad because blank, overall watch this match or watch the whole even't
C) Just post gifs and post a match link if the match is really good and I think non-fans should check it out.
I tend to enjoy A, although that's probably more work for you.Genuine question here.
Should I
A) continue to do the little reviews I've done for AJPW/Zero-1/less popular around here Japanese promotions. So like every match gets a quick summary and if I recommend it or not. About the same length as my Thunder In Paradise reviews
B) Post up the gifs related to the event and review the event in total very briefly. Like a paragraph that's just, 'This match is good because this, this match is bad because blank, overall watch this match or watch the whole even't
C) Just post gifs and post a match link if the match is really good and I think non-fans should check it out.
Sunny. A number of managers in general.
Tonight? I thought it was Sat night/Sun morning.