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April Wrasslin' |OT| Porsha! Get my damn shoe!


it's 4th of July in my asshole
Watching Smackdown.

Like what they are doing with Cena and the US title. Lana back with Rusev, yassss.

Great promos by Cena and Rusev, if they let Cena do that flag thing every week to and have Rusev being constantly pissed off crushing jobbers that would be a good build up.
They debuted new wacky hand-drawn graphics for the show that were hilariously bad. Then they talked about this being the first EY-Roode match...before recapping the other ones. EY and Roode started the "bell to bell" show with talking - and not even good talking. They had probably their best match yet with EY kind of cheating to win with the leg brace and taking the ref out, but I just can't get excited about their matches. They've had too many and no matter how many good wrinkles they add to this feud, it's not doing anything for me.

Wolves cut horrible promos to surrender the tag titles. I did like them placing a belt in a corner and bowing to it, but these men need a manager badly. Gail-Love was a pretty good match greatly hurt by SUB-RAW LEVEL COMMENTARY. Wacky Ghost Asylum/Revolution skit amused me. Bram vs. Magnus was fine in highlight form, but dragged on and made little sense at times in real-time.

Lashley vs. Kurt was fantastic. This might've been even better than their first match, and was better than anything other than the main event at WrestleMania. I didn't like the shoulder up finish though. They did it throughout the whole thing, which makes the referee look really bad since that means he wasn't looking at the right part of the body for any part of the count. Still, it was a must-see match and well-worth going out of your way to see. The rest of the show is quite skippable, however.


Screens -



While I appreciate them letting a home grown talent showcase his skill outside of wrestling, those graphics look fucking stupid as hell and unprofessional as shit. Wouldn't even fit Chikara or Saturday Morning Slam.

Kurt looks darker than Lashley.

This is Christian's second best theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OAPAfZMmCIk

Sounded hype as fuck.


WTF Rhino is still on NXT

Someone in my facebook group found this.

I was there. 10th row at X-Seven in the Astrodome. It was an awesome event.

But even as close as 10th row, in that cavernous dome you could not hear the ring AT ALL. It was pretty weird. I had always thought they'd mic the ring for these big shows, but that wasn't the case at all. We got to swap seats with a few buddies who had scored 4th row for a couple matches and you could hear the ring a bit which made a big difference.


Whoa, dope sit-down interview with Reigns on Smackdown. The last few months have seen him thrown into the fire and he's improving quicker than I had thought possible. #vincewasright
If WWE had just waited a year, I think Reigns could have been a massive star. That Brock match was fucking awesome, maybe even better than a Bryan match would have been (cuz it would have been just as squash-y, and that's not really what people who were hyping up Bryan vs. Brock would have wanted to see), but it hasn't been good for Reigns to be booed out of the building by the biggest, most hyped crowds he's ever performed in front of. That's a BIG stigma that I think'll always be attached to him, now, and while he may eventually recover, who knows if he'll have a lower ceiling for them having pulled the trigger too early?

It's a shame. If they'd given the guy just a little more time to perfect a low-key, smoldering, intense promo, rather than tried to force him to do goofy Cena-type promos about beanstalks and Superman, I think he'd start to get a big following that he could parlay into being THE guy, the same way Cena got a big following with the rap gimmick. Real-ass Roman Reigns? I'd be down for that.

Looking forward to the eventual Rollins match, though. That Bryan match was fantastic, and Rollins is such a cunty bastard that I can't wait to see some stiff elbows and mudhole-stomping.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
What server are you on?

Also /mandervilledance

The game adds them to the screenshots. You normally don't see that watermark in game.
I'm on Lamia with 9 days left, they capped me at 20 on the count of the trial period, could've gotten there sooner, but oh well. Capping archer now.
I usually dance by the exit of dungeons. Sometimes gets me commendations even if I've been shit.
Hahaha, I've been doing that too and it's been working.
Does the screenshot function add the watermark is is that in the game at all times?
In game as XenoRaven said.
Lashley vs. Kurt was fantastic. This might've been even better than their first match, and was better than anything other than the main event at WrestleMania.
I don't have Destination America so I can't watch TNA but come on, better than Orton-Rollins? Better than Cena-Rusev? Better than Miz and Mizdow's in-ring storytelling in the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal? I don't believe it.


I don't have Destination America so I can't watch TNA but come on, better than Orton-Rollins? Better than Cena-Rusev? Better than Miz and Mizdow's in-ring storytelling in the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal? I don't believe it.

You forgot Daniel Bryan's wonderful performance in that ladder match.
You forgot Daniel Bryan's wonderful performance in that ladder match.

Don't forget Bray's top-notch work in that 'Taker match. I couldn't even tell that his mind was probably more focused on the searing pain in his ankle than in-ring psychology or storytelling.
No, I have no problem believing that Kurt Angle and Bobby Lashley can top Danny Bryan and Bray Wyatt. I would've accepted Hideo Itami's performance in the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal though.

This brief YouTube clip is all I have to go off of.

World Title Match: Kurt Angle vs Lashley (Apr. 3, 2015): https://youtu.be/LPDnPW6wMfM

I don't know, I'm just not seeing it.

As a funny aside, I remember years ago when the wrestling thread was in OT and was lucky to make it to 100 posts, skimming the thread around the time that Angle went to TNA. The general consensus from everyone was that Angle was near death and if he had one more match or lept off the top rope, that he would die. And yet, here we are all these years later, Angle is still here. Just goes to show that DMczaf's generation was awful and didn't know squat.
I don't have Destination America so I can't watch TNA but come on, better than Orton-Rollins? Better than Cena-Rusev? Better than Miz and Mizdow's in-ring storytelling in the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal? I don't believe it.

Easily better than any of those things.


It is incredible that Kurt hasn't died. That period where he was super strung out and gaunt was scary. But now he looks like a hot dog in a microwave that is about 3 seconds away from exploding. Before, he looked like he would OD at any minute. Now he looks like he'll have a heart attack/stroke any minute.


Here's an unpopular opinion that may be clouded by my desire to see Bray succeed.

Taker was in better shape this year but he's still old and slow as hell. It's been this way for several years but he's been wrestling opponents that can cover it up. Bray is not there yet. That said, it's easy to point at Bray and say "if you can't have a good match with Taker, you can't have a good match with anybody". But shouldn't we be expecting the long time veteran to be making younger talent look good? That match is as much on Taker as it is Bray.

That being said, I don't think it was as bad as most people probably do.


It will take some time, but I'm going to put all my legitshook.com (Shout out to C...Neo-) gifs and images on the vastly superior imgur.com. Make it very easy to find gifs and what not.

If only GAF would officially implement gifv/webms. So much space would be saved. I will have the most massive wrassle reaction gif folder of all the times. Harassing PMs will just have to be a thing I put up with I suppose.

Here's an unpopular opinion that may be clouded by my desire to see Bray succeed.

Taker was in better shape this year but he's still old and slow as hell. It's been this way for several years but he's been wrestling opponents that can cover it up. Bray is not there yet. That said, it's easy to point at Bray and say "if you can't have a good match with Taker, you can't have a good match with anybody". But shouldn't we be expecting the long time veteran to be making younger talent look good? That match is as much on Taker as it is Bray.

That being said, I don't think it was as bad as most people probably do.

Both dudes looked bad. Taker looked in shape, but old and slow as fuck. Bray looked slow, out of his league, and the match had no story at all. I think the complete lack of any video package made the whole thing feel like a post-story mission in an open world game.


I've been thinking a lot about Tim Donst and how much of a bummer it is that we'll probably never see him wrestle in the WWE. We may never see him wrestle anywhere ever again, even.
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