Both dudes looked bad. Taker looked in shape, but old and slow as fuck. Bray looked slow, out of his league, and the match had no story at all. I think the complete lack of any video package made the whole thing feel like a post-story mission in an open world game.
As a funny aside, I remember years ago when the wrestling thread was in OT and was lucky to make it to 100 posts, skimming the thread around the time that Angle went to TNA. The general consensus from everyone was that Angle was near death and if he had one more match or lept off the top rope, that he would die. And yet, here we are all these years later, Angle is still here. Just goes to show that DMczaf's generation was awful and didn't know squat.
Take my money, Hyde.CZW Wrestling@combatzone
The last #BotB14 competitor has been announced! Come see @WWEMoonChild LIVE on April 11th!
Here's an unpopular opinion that may be clouded by my desire to see Bray succeed.
Taker was in better shape this year but he's still old and slow as hell. It's been this way for several years but he's been wrestling opponents that can cover it up. Bray is not there yet. That said, it's easy to point at Bray and say "if you can't have a good match with Taker, you can't have a good match with anybody". But shouldn't we be expecting the long time veteran to be making younger talent look good? That match is as much on Taker as it is Bray.
That being said, I don't think it was as bad as most people probably do.
Watched the Macho Man documentary now up on The Network and I must say it is almost impossible to not appreciate how above and beyond he went and how much effort he put into his craft.
No wonder Vince hates the current crop of bare minimum millennials.
Take my money, Hyde.
The only thing 2015 Vince hates more than young people is people that dare get themselves over.Watched the Macho Man documentary now up on The Network and I must say it is almost impossible to not appreciate how above and beyond he went and how much effort he put into his craft.
No wonder Vince hates the current crop of bare minimum millennials.
WWE Superstar Bad News Barrett will star in Eliminators, which follows a former U.S. federal agent who must abandon the witness protection program and come out of hiding after his London home is mistakenly invaded leading to him finding himself on the run from Europes most dangerous assassin to get his daughter to safety.
Variety is reporting a late spring start in filming, which Barrett himself confirmed earlier this afternoon. Barrett also revealed his role in the film, saying he would be playing the main role of the assassin in the movie.
i can't wait
i can't wait
i can't wait
Is this a WWE studios movie?
Who is directing and who are the other actors in this?
i can't wait
Probably not Triple H as he's the bad guy in Fast and Furious my dreams
You'll have to settle for Rock vs HHH at Mania 32. And you will like it.
I think you mean the Rock & Rousey Connection vs the Hemsleys.
Awesome!Someone in my facebook group found this.
Brocks monster build should end with Bryan winning at wm next year. Have Rollins and reigns feud for a few months, Brock comes back and wins at summer slam in a triple threat(pins Rollins so Vince can keep reigns going). Db wins the rumble, build up to wm. Crowd will go mental
I could watch Arn spinebuster fools all day.
Data I thought you hated Go?
The only wrestler people will believe/happy with beating brock is db.The way Brock wrestles now, a D.BRY match where he does anything other than get squashed will be an anticlimactic end to Brock's dominance. Brock just signed a three year contract, I'm pretty sure he's not gonna get beaten clean till it's nearly done. Plus, Brock is basically a face, now, with the crowd, so why have face Branny Dyin' be the one to beat him? Qui bono?
I like Bryan but come on, there are other optionsThe only wrestler people will believe/happy with beating brock is db.
The only wrestler people will believe/happy with beating brock is db.
And it's true, Lesnar is a face right now and I don't know that even Bryan could change that.
The only wrestler people will believe/happy with beating brock is db.
Brock Lesnar is not a good guy. He's a bad guy the fans like. Good guys don't put Michael Cole in the hospital.
I think Bryan v. Lesnar would be a good David v. Goliath matchup.
Who???I like Bryan but come on, there are other options
Lucha Underground: Tribute to Perro Aguayo Jr.:
The only wrestler people will believe/happy with beating brock is db.
I like Bryan but come on, there are other options
So golden boy Reigns didn't beat him, but the dude with the Jobber title should? No thank you
Lucha Underground: Tribute to Perro Aguayo Jr.:
*Spider's music hits*
Brock Lesnar is not a good guy. He's a bad guy the fans like. Good guys don't put Michael Cole in the hospital.
I think Bryan v. Lesnar would be a good David v. Goliath matchup.
Daniel Bryan beating Lesnar while holding the IC title would go a long way for the company IMO. It'd be like when The Ultimate Warrior held both belts...a belt vs belt championship match is always big and draws crowds. Plus if Bryan holds both you can utilize Lesnar elsewhere in the roster to create big matches outside the title chase. That and if it did get booked and they gave it to DB, it'd be easier to see him dropping a title than current Lesnar.
Bryan might be the most over face guy their, it wouldn't be hard to push him.I think we can stop with the "Bryan should defeat Brock at Mania" stuff.
It's not about size but about momentum. Bryan isn't as hot as he needs to be to get that push and he probably won't ever be. I doubt that he will ever even if be champ again.
And it's true, Lesnar is a face right now and I don't know that even Bryan could change that.