Only good thing to come out of that was the Cartman doll.Seraphis Cain said:Ughhhhh ICP. So fucking glad I grew out of that shit. Glad they're not showing up in WWE anymore.
Only good thing to come out of that was the Cartman doll.Seraphis Cain said:Ughhhhh ICP. So fucking glad I grew out of that shit. Glad they're not showing up in WWE anymore.
pootle said:Totally justifiable ICP hate aside I still say that the oddities were from the best entertainment era the wwe has ever had. You had serious wrestlers doing serious wrestly competitive challenging for the titles things and comedy from the less serious wrestlers. Point being it was all wrestling and competition based.
Revive the 24/7 hardcore title and put it on Santino with the mid carders going for it and that's the light hearted entertainment part of the show sorted.
Then you can still have the storylines and fights for the championships as the legitimate competitions with all the big names.
Linkified said:Speaking of Austin did we ever hear the conclussion to the Shark story?
GoutPatrol said:
Do we make a stable of these new up-and-comers or will they get jobbed by the old blood?Professor Beef said:Looks like we've got a bunch ofjobbersjuniors coming in.
If we do have to start our own stable, can we get to use the New Breed theme.spindashing said:Do we make a stable of these new up-and-comers or will they get jobbed by the old blood?
Or will one of them make a name for themselves and go to the main roster without FCW?
Worthintendo said:I think everyone is forgetting the greatest WWF stable of all time http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H1ztOZTi6Y0
Man its amazing how many random stables the WWF tried pushing in late 1997
You were one not too long ago, bub.Professor Beef said:Looks like we've got a bunch ofjobbersjuniors coming in.
I was pushed to Member status, but now I'm stagnating like Daniel Bryan.JdFoX187 said:You were one not too long ago, bub.
Always hate when they come in. A bunch always flood in here spamming their favorite wrestlers and posting random pictures of divas they're obsessed with. Most grow out of it. Spindashing still hasn't.
Any man that likes Viewtiful Joe can't be a bad person.spindashing said:One month of madness last year and some people won't let me live it down. Lol.
Either you love me or you hate me; not going to bother with people that have conflicts with me.
spindashing said:Do we make a stable of these new up-and-comers or will they get jobbed by the old blood?
Or will one of them make a name for themselves and go to the main roster without FCW?
Haha...just giving you a hard time. We've certainly had more annoying members in here.spindashing said:One month of madness last year and some people won't let me live it down. Lol.
Could? Yes.Entropia said:Do we have anyone that could join the Los Boricuas?
Professor Beef said:I was pushed to Member status, but now I'm stagnating like Daniel Bryan.
You're like Trent Barretta. You're there, but not many know you exist.Pristine_Condition said:What sucks is they'll get pushed a hell of a lot more than a worker like me, who's been posting here for a couple years, but, because I originally came up on another board, and I'm not considered "home-grown" to GAF, I can't ever get a push around here.
spindashing said:Or better yet, juniors, do you feel Zack Ryder should be pushed and will you stop watching wrestling entirely if he gets fired?
A) Yes.
B) No.
Your WrestleGAF membership depends on this answer.
You are the Wade Barrett of the Juniors.noclevername620 said:That Don West....thing was asinine. I used to watch more TNA than WWE but since early last year its just been horrible. The only thing I can think about is that Colt Cabana is still in the indies but this shit is on TV every week. The mind boggles.
Also, if they want to do an angle on Jeff Hardy's drug problem, they should do one on Angelina Loves eating disorder.
I think she's hot when the camera is kept at a safe distance from her face.somedevil said:Whenever I see Angelina Love I Keep thinking about this:
You're showing some ruthless aggression.noclevername620 said:Fuck ima need to get a cape.
Edit: why Barrett?
Challenge accepted.dream said:These are fantastic posts.
noclevername620 and Fourth Storm, your job is to write reviews of TNA Impact for us each week.