It's a sickness.kiryogi said:Fuck me, just picked up the ArT3 Settei and ArT Visual books.... 107$ D:
My drink almost ended up on my monitor... LOL!!vidal said:As soon as I heard this, I just had to record it. SHEHT WHAT SHOULD I DO
Well out of sync audio is better than a bug that crashes the game.... there isn't one on this one is there?RurouniZel said:Yes, this happened to me as well. I thought maybe it was because my PS3 was dying (and did die), but if others are having this issue, then it's clearly a mess up. :/
Holy crap! Is that pretty much every soundtrack or art book released for Ar Tonelico?luka said:
Almost. Those are the settei books, which are like information tomes for each game. They have artwork, character profiles, history and chronology, interviews, song lyrics, detailed descriptions of various locations/groups, explanations of the science and logic behind the game, and even information on the various languages introduced in each one.Big Papa Husker said:Holy crap! Is that pretty much every soundtrack or art book released for Ar Tonelico?
Durante said:(But you should still play AT2, it's really good. If you have a decent PC it's perfectly playable in PCSX2, so maybe that would be an option.)
Aru said:Not an option, sadly. The Mac version of PCSX2 isn't as good as the PC version, IIRC (maybe it has improved ?) and I have a Geforce 9400M in my iMac, it's terrible for games.
Moreover, the game is expensive now.
luka said:Almost. Those are the settei books, which are like information tomes for each game. They have artwork, character profiles, history and chronology, interviews, song lyrics, detailed descriptions of various locations/groups, explanations of the science and logic behind the game, and even information on the various languages introduced in each one.
If you're interested you can find mostly complete translations of the information here.
I still need the AT series visual book, the Hymmnos Orgel Collection, the Spica/Claire/Cocona Hymmnos Musicals, and various drama cds (I do have all the AT3 after story discs but they wouldn't fit).
Started playing today and while I have some reservation on the battle system, the little things like that phrase there are so good!He who controls the stripping controls the battle
luka said:Almost. Those are the settei books, which are like information tomes for each game. They have artwork, character profiles, history and chronology, interviews, song lyrics, detailed descriptions of various locations/groups, explanations of the science and logic behind the game, and even information on the various languages introduced in each one.
Shikata Akiko, yes.chris-013 said:Hum... I never heard of Ar tonelico but after hearing the music, I already love the game.![]()
Some songs seems like the one in the opening of Umineko ?
Another connection is Katakiri Rekka. Who is infinitely awesome (She sang one of my favourite songs for Umineko Chiru).luka said:Shikata Akiko, yes.
Durante said:It allows you to rewatch all the synthesis banter and talk topics and redo the individual cosmosphere levels. It also has a huge database with tons of content, including composer comments for all the BGM and Hymns (my favourite part)
Durante said:As I said in the OP, some fans consider the 3rd game's OST the weakest of the bunch. Having listened to them all a lot I sort of agree, but it's still pretty damn good, and some of the songs -- like the one linked in the OP -- are as fantastic as anything in 1 or 2.
Shinriji said:I just want to buy the damn game (without paying 80 bucks to amazon sellers).
It lets you rewatch all talk topics you ever got during any playthrough. I always wondered why the game saves system data in addition to normal saves all the time, now I know. This also lets you skip conversations (including story ones) that you've already seen during subsequent playthroughs.androvsky said:It lets you rewatch all the talk topics, or just the ones you viewed during your playthrough?
It's interesting that pretty much every single Ar Tonelico game has been somewhat hard to get a few months after its release. The PS2 games were really expensive until the recent reprints.Shinriji said:I just want to buy the damn game (without paying 80 bucks to amazon sellers).
Tilia am cryVolcynika said:But fun stuffs. Not gonna work to get any of the other endings though, gotta move on!
jimmyhowlett said:So I saw this game last week at the store and impulse bought it because I'm a sucker for $60 or less limited editions, but I didn't know it was a sequel, a sequel to a series I've never heard of before. Will I be lost?
luka said:Tilia am cry![]()
dakkumauji said:You should be able to get the story pretty easily without knowing the past two titles. You might miss out on some references but it is more of just call backs for fans.
What I did like was that the game has a really nice glossary in-game that defines different terms and such as they get introduced. It helps get through some of the techno-babble that gets tossed at you.
Dr. Kitty Muffins said:I know the reviews online for the game were bad but overall how does GAF see it? I need some JRPG newness and I'm desperate.
BTW, I've never played the series before.
It may not be the answer you want but it's the answer I'll always give: Unless it's absolutely not an option, play the originals first. AT3 has a lot of great things about it but the originals, especially AT2, are better games in nearly every way. If nothing else it would make 3 much more enjoyable because you will be more familiar with the world and history. They're all self contained stories for the most part, and enjoyable on their own merits, but knowledge of the originals does absolutely affect the experience.Dr. Kitty Muffins said:I know the reviews online for the game were bad but overall how does GAF see it? I need some JRPG newness and I'm desperate.
BTW, I've never played the series before.
There are a few returning characters from both of the previous games, but most of them are new.jimmyhowlett said:Ok, cool. That should help a lot. And the characters aren't the same ones from the previous two?
Dr. Kitty Muffins said:I know the reviews online for the game were bad but overall how does GAF see it? I need some JRPG newness and I'm desperate.
BTW, I've never played the series before.
It is? Holy crap! I shouldn't have passed up a complete used copy for $45 a few weeks ago. :|distantmantra said:This is already out of print, right? I guess I should pick up one of the $49.99 used copies at Gamestop, then.
qazqaNii said:Just started playing this, I just finished the part where youbut theres one thing I don't get, those Hymna skills that you can remap to L1, L2 etc, how do I use them? How/when do I get skillmoves for that guy I thought I made a skillmove but I can't find it anywhere.Let Saki sing and going to head to archia after that
The difficulty spikes pretty sharply in phase 3 IIRC, but it's not an exceptionally tough game on normal.Cheska said:Just getting into this game now. Is it meant to be fairly easy? Im a little over two hours in, and I feel like I haven't really had any troubles in battle. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining as I typically like to enjoy the story the first time around, just wondering if this is how the entire game is.
My eyes never hurt going up the stairs, but it did feel a bit weird on how it was.Cheska said:Think I just reached the point where it picks up a bit. Fighting those mechs in the Moebius Factory is taking me longer than the rest of the enemies.
Also, I think it's pretty cool that Katene shares the same voice actress as Emil from NieR and Karol from ToV
EDIT: Ugh. Am I the only one who's eyes hurt from going up stairs in this game? I now have to resort to jumping whenever I can because I feel like I'm going to get a headache from the janky movements.
The was way too easy, then started to get hard. But then again, at that time I didn't know how to properly strip off clothing, using flip spheres, and using ultra supermoves. Once I figured that all out, battles became cake. The flip sphere scenes and ultra supermove scenes are awesome!!Rarutos said:The only boss that was actually somewhat difficult for me was the bonus boss's third fight!
If it's too easy for you, maybe switch to Hard Mode?![]()
BoilersFan23 said:My eyes never hurt going up the stairs, but it did feel a bit weird on how it was.
Ar Tonelico Qoga does start to pick up where you are now. Once I got to a certain point of the game, I couldn't stop playing putting over 50 hours into it. I ended up getting most of the trophies, but will never Platinum it because I'd have to replay it several times to get the various endings.
If I remember correctly, it was about the same. I could have sworn I beat the game on normal ending in around 30 hours, but since I wanted a special ending, took over 50 hours.Cheska said:I actually just beat phase one. I think it took me maybe 10 hours? Have to check my save again. Is phase 2 significantly longer?
Rarutos said:The only boss that was actually somewhat difficult for me was the bonus boss's third fight!
If it's too easy for you, maybe switch to Hard Mode?![]()
Pretty certain he's talking aboutDedication Through Light said:There are bonus bosses?!
A Huge Battleship said:Pretty certain he's talking aboutYou can fight her 3 times in Phase 4.Akane.
Yep, there are 4 phases. I didn't find any of the phases to be particularly longer than the other, except maybe 4 if you drag it out with Cosmospheres and stuff. (I Platinum'd the game twice, I should know!)Cheska said:Wait, there's 4 phases? :O