Pod 6!
Now they need to do what they did with these episodes but with Frisky Dingo instead of Sealab.Great season finale, and kind of the finale to Sealab we never got.
been so long since I've seen Sealab, that I can't remember the Pod 6 reference. Time for research!
So who is the the daddy?
been so long since I've seen Sealab, that I can't remember the Pod 6 reference. Time for research!
I don't even know why we have a pod 6. Total suck pod.been so long since I've seen Sealab, that I can't remember the Pod 6 reference. Time for research!
so the barry ussr stuff didnt lead anywhere this season huh
Barry and Katya were behind the events of "Live and Let Dine" as we saw at the end. I imagine we'll see more of them next season.
The father of Lana's baby, that's going to keep people guessing.
Barry and Katya were behind the events of "Live and Let Dine" as we saw at the end. I imagine we'll see more of them next season.
The father of Lana's baby, that's going to keep people guessing.
Pod 6 is jerks.
Now they need to do what they did with these episodes but with Frisky Dingo instead of Sealab.
Q. All-around delightful episode. And I want a piglet to keep in my pocket.
A. Kriegers pig is going to make an epic comeback late in the season. He will do something GREAT.
God yes. I can already picture it being adapted into the Archer style. Have Killface just be some guy with a weird facial deformity, more Bond villain-esque.
Such a great reference, along with Goz Cola.