I love how people downplay Xbox involvment into Arkane's downfall.
They could've easily cancel Redfall and retool the team to something more fitting.
Instead of canceling Redfall and scrapping years of work, they did the right thing and gave them more time to improve the game. One year extension over the previous release date.
Arkane still blew their lines.
But alas, now Arkane is just one team that is making a game based on a failed (considering recent news) Disney IP. A ghoul of it's former creativity and talent to create new evoking and 100% original worlds.
You realize that it’s a different Arkane team that’s making Blade?
And if making games off Disney IP is so creatively bankrupt and repugnant, one wonders why you haven’t expressed similar sentiments in threads about Insomniac Games.
Shitposting about a game you’ve seen zero gameplay of is quite the take indeed

A ghoul of it's former creativity and talent to create new evoking and 100% original worlds
There is no record of you praising their last game, Deathloop in such glowing terms
I prey (sorry) that Wolfeye Studios' new game will somehow resurrect the spirit of old Arkane.
You called their most recent game (Weird West) ‘cheap and under-developed’.