Day has Ended. Please wait for your gamerunner to deliver result.
The Inmates finally catch the Bat. After discussing what to do with him, they decided to throw him into the freezing waters to get eaten by a shark (dont ask me why always the Inmates have to use really weird plans, its part of their nature).
Batman success escaping the sharks and manage to catch a stair that will lead him to the Asylum again. But a shark catch up to him and a fierce battle start.
-Batman: This shark doesnt know when to give up. Luckily I still have my shark repellent!! Or not??? It is empty??? Goddam it Alfred, I told you to refill the Freaking shark repellent!!!! ALFREEEEE ...
And thats the end of Batman.
End of Chapter.
Great you finally killed the Bat.
Im so happy with all of you. I will be able to end this freaking comic once and for all.
Now catch the rest of the Batman Family just to be sure and you will earn that Pizza.
You are Batman and you are part of the Batman Family (That means you are mafia).
You are Bruce Wayne. If you dont know his past just watch ANY of his movies, his origins story is told in every movie. Hollywood seems to love telling that story.
You are a Detective. Every night you may use the command Investigate:<Playername> and at the start of the next day phase you will receive a PM with the Character name of the player you targeted. If you target your secret partner he/she will become a full-fledged member.
Like all the scum you also have the command Arrest:<Playername> to make a night kill.
The scum thread can be found REDACTED and your teammates are REDACTED. You also have a secret partner. You don't know who he is but he knows who all of you are. He will become a full-fledged member if he is targeted for a night kill (and there will be no night kill) or for investigation. If he becomes a full-fledged member he will gain access to the scum chat.
You also have the power to vote. Use Vote: <Playername> during the day phase. The usual drill.
The game thread is Here
You win when your team has a majority of the votes at the start of the Day Phase.
The Inmates finally killed Batman so they decided to have a party. They start eating and drinking, but something is missing to have a complete party. One of them have a brilliant idea.
-Anarky: I know what this party is missing. FIREWORKS!!! Lets light some!!!
- Inmate 1: But those arent fireworks, those are bombs.
- Anarky: Its all the same. Both have powder. Lets start this party.
- Inmate 2: Maybe you should stand back a little. They are dangerous.
- Anarky: Thats what The Man want you to think. They are harmless if you know how to u .
- Inmate 2: I told him to stand back.
- Inmate 1: But he was right. Thats what this party was missing.
You are Anarky and you are part of the Arkham Inmates (that means you are town).
You are an anarchist who wants to overthrow the government with anti-establishment propaganda. Also you are sort of a rip-off of Alan Moores V.
You are an Anarchist. You have a one-shot Override. At any time during the Day Phase you may use the command ILikeToWatchTheWorldBurn: <Playername>. Using your command will end the day phase, invalidate all the votes and will lynch your target.
You also have the power to vote. Use Vote: <Playername> during the day phase. The usual drill.
The game thread is Here
You win when all threats to the town are eliminated.
- Inmate 1: That was kind of awesome, right Cluemaster?
Did you see Cluemaster?
- Inmate 2: He was right there. Close to Anarky. Oh, I found him. There.
- Inmate: I see him now. What is he doing?
- Inmate 2: Seems that one ash lit one of his explosive pellets. He is trying to take them off.
- Inmate 1: Should we help him?
- Inmate 2: And miss the fun? Nah.
You are Cluemaster and you are part of the Arkham Inmates (that means you are town).
You are a criminal mastermind who likes to leave clues to his crimes. Maybe, just maybe, thats not a good idea. But what do I know.
You are a Vote limiter. During the night phase you may use the command Election: <PlayernameA> <PlayernameB> <PlayernameC> <PlayernameD>. The next day phase you will force the lynch to be made between those four players. There will be a warning at the start of the day saying that only the votes on those four players count for the lynch. This is a one-shot ability.
You also have the power to vote. Use Vote: <Playername> during the day phase. The usual drill.
The game thread is Here
You win when all threats to the town are eliminated.
- Inmate 1: Thats was cool too, right?
- Joker: Not really. I have seen better ones.
- Inmate 2: Is something troubling you? You seem depressed.
- Joker: Maybe. Now that the Bat is dead Its not too interesting to be here.
- Inmate 1: But there is still members of the Batman family around.
- Joker: Im know. But without the Bat its not the same.
I think I will leave and look for something more fun in Gotham.
You are the Joker and you are aligned with a neutral faction.
You are Batman biggest enemy but you are not interested in this game at all. You just want to see him suffer and he cant suffer if hes dead.
You are an 2-shot Serial Killer. Every night you may use the command Kill: <Playername> and you will kill your target. This is a 2-shot only command. Also you can't use your command to kill Batman (you will notified that your shot failed and you won't lose the shot).
You also have a partner. Your partner is REDACTED. You share a secret chat with him.
You also have the power to vote. Use Vote: <Playername> during the day phase. The usual drill.
The game thread is Here
You win when you directly kill Robin. If you can't kill Robin (because he has died through some other means) you can win if you are one of the last five players in the game.
"Oppressed citizens of Gafia, your cries for help have been heard! I am Fat4all - voice of the people - here to save you from the plague of corruption that now infests this once proud game!
What's that sharp pain I feel in my back?"
So who is left
And Sorian no longer really has a dog in this fight, eh
Bronx why were you being a complete dumbass at the end of the last day?
Fireblend checked me as town and you as town so I thought he was telling the truth about his ability. Plus Sorian was against him and I didn't have a reason to trust him since he was a neutral.
So if you believed Fireblend why did you put a vote on me?
You put a vote on me and that pissed me off.
So comes down to if Faddy has been playing us... or if Lone_Prodigy silence is him trying to wait out the storm
Or you are scum.
I thought you forgot I was bulletproof and was just trying to off me completely. That, plus you literally said "Let's just lynch Bronx tomorrow"I didn't vote for you. I told Sorian to shoot you. If you mis-trusted Sorian and were actually telling the truth you would have kept quiet and hoped Sorian forgot or didn't believe your bulletproof claim.
Why were you mad at me for trying to trick Sorian?
I thought you forgot I was bulletproof and was just trying to off me completely. That, plus you literally said "Let's just lynch Bronx tomorrow"
I wanted to die to prove that I am actually The Penguin just because I think it's funny
And even if did forget you were bulletproof, don't you agree it would have been beneficial for Sorian to shoot you. So why get in the way?
Why would it have been beneficial?
If you can't work it out then I don't think you are really bulletproof.
Ah, we're at the "I'm going to post vague statements and not actually follow up to any questions" part of the game. That's always a town move.
Here's the thing, only one person died on N7. How do we know that it was because scum tried to shoot me and it didn't work, meaning that if Sorian did shoot me last night I would be dead. That could always be a possibility.
Damn, you're right about all this. Well I'll say that I trust you as town. I dunno about Penguin and Lone though.Because Flame said he blocked Sorian.
I'm not sure
But I'll go along with the turbo.. if for no other reason than I will be gone for the next 4 days
I wanna ask though Faddy. What makes you think Penguin and LP aren't scum?
I asked first.Don't try and push me for hints into the weaknesses of Penguin and L_P. I have determined you are the last scum.
Why don't you tell me why L_P or Penguin are scum.
I asked first.
So you're just gonna give up completely on any type of reading into L_P or Penguin? That's not smart at all.I told you my answer, you are scum therefore L_P and Penguin are not.
So you're just gonna give up completely on any type of reading into L_P or Penguin? That's not smart at all.
Well what is everyone's case for why Faddy is scum? Bronx is scum?
He has questions. Answer them.Just finish the Turbo please.
He has questions. Answer them.
Why are you so desperate to turbo? Especially on a day where you know that a mislynch effectively ends the game.