Say what now?DennisK4 said:Well, goddamn that is good news.
I hope GTA IV has sold very well on PC by now. Yeah, I want RDR and GTA IV: Vice City on PC.
Good idea, though wouldn't you lose a fair amount of high end?Set Audio Sampling rate to 16
Oh, thats just me speculating we will get a another GTA game this console-cycle (will it never end *sigh*) - not GTA V, but a Vice City type spin-off.Yasae said:Say what now?
Flambe said:Performance tweaks (or guesses, as with most PC crap your mileage may vary heh.
In Game:
Set Audio Sampling rate to 16
Post Processing to Low or Disabled
Out of Game:
In your ArmA2OA.cfg file, set following
Change HDRprecision from 8 (or whatever it is at) to 0.
Win7 users, find the arma2oa.exe in your steamapps\common folder and set it to Run as Administrator
In Steam, right-click Arma2:OA and go Properties then Set Launch Options in general tab
Dual-Core processor:
-nosplash -cpucount=2 -exThreads=1
Quad-Core processor:
-nosplash -cpucount=4 -exThreads=7
Hexacore processor:
-nosplash -cpucount=6 -exThreads=7
electristan said:Could not find ArmA2OA.cfg in the folder but did the rest (i use win7) and it worked at once.
electristan said:Thanks, found it with Everything.
But i take back the "everything is great statement", it works perfectly in the training missions but i still hover around 25 during the campaign.
i7 920 @ 2,8GHz
5870 1GB
8GB ram
Guess ill wait for the patches to come out![]()
DennisK4 said:I posted a 720p HD YouTube video of the Blue Mosque in Zargabad
Hmmm, 25 fps with a 5870 and an i7, you say. At what resolution, how much SSAA and how much MSAA?
about the same. it looks a bit worse because of the setting, desert vs forestBattleMonkey said:So the visuals are improved in this or about same as Arma 2?
Haeleos said:So I picked the ARMA 2 + OA pack up off of Steam since the next few months aren't that exciting for me with new releases. Is there anyone out there with a group who plays this co-op that would like to take a noob on? Let me know, my Steam name is Haeleos.
Billen said:Tried this in multiplayer with servers running the dominion mod yesterday. Is it just me, or do AI tend to warp around alot? Tried several servers aswell as with a friend only.
Anyhow, when it works as it should it is an amazing experience. Almost similar to the one in World War II Online in scope.
Alienshogun said:Just lag, you were probably connected to a server outside your country.
Skenzin said:Is this game dead online? Considering jumping in again. Bought Arma2 at launch and that was a buggy crappy mess of a product. Never actually paid to beta test a product before. Arrowhead seems like what Arma2 should have been.
dc89 said:Sorry for the big bump but I just downloaded the demo off steam and it's incredible. I was going to see if Op Flashpoint Red River was any good but I may just have to get this now!
dc89 said:Purchased this on Steam just now! I was excited to see it's in the Steam Mind-week Madness sale.
ARMA II is £3.99 but I opted for Joint Operations which includes Op Arrowhead for around £17 down from £30.
Yea, there's not much to do of course, but the flight physics for the chopper in the preview is amazing compared to ArmA 2's chopper handling. I'm definitely interested but I wish that it had interactive cockpits that you use the mouse with.Zenith said:Take On Helicopters preview is available for Operation Arrowhead now as an addon but there doesn't seem to be much content.
demolitio said:Yea, there's not much to do of course, but the flight physics for the chopper in the preview is amazing compared to ArmA 2's chopper handling. I'm definitely interested but I wish that it had interactive cockpits that you use the mouse with.
I've been glued to OA after getting it during the Steam sale and I'm so happy with the improvements over ArmA 2. I just wish the SP ran a little better regardless of settings.
Sethos said:It does have interactive cockpit. Go into free look when in cockpit view, there's lights, engine starter and battery.
And no, the preview is not meant to be a demo, it's purely a light preview of the flight model, so of course it won't be content heavy.
demolitio said:I'm talking like MS FSX level interactivity where you need to go through all the steps. If that's in the full game, I'll be happy. And I know it's supposed to be a preview and that's why I said "of course". I didn't expect anything more...
They did mention that they were going to have some military helicopters with the new physics too, correct? I think mission variety will be the key for me, but I can't even imagine how awesome it'd be trying to fly a Chinook with the new physics.Sethos said:It won't have have that and the other part was a reply to Zenith.
demolitio said:They did mention that they were going to have some military helicopters with the new physics too, correct? I think mission variety will be the key for me, but I can't even imagine how awesome it'd be trying to fly a Chinook with the new physics.![]()
Sethos said:It does have interactive cockpit. Go into free look when in cockpit view, there's lights, engine starter and battery.
And no, the preview is not meant to be a demo, it's purely a light preview of the flight model, so of course it won't be content heavy.
Only confirmed military helicopter so far is the Merlin HC3.
Zenith said:Don't be so defensive. It wasn't fun to play, end of. It's not like BIS don't make plenty of mistakes.
They also showed images of a Huey with forward facing miniguns.
Joseph Merrick said:what demo? link?
Vigilant Walrus said:I just saw this video:
Now I need to buy this game. OMG!!
But is it true that this game is going free 2 play?
Is there still a lot of people playing, or are people waiting for ARMA 3?
Operation Arrowhead patched to 1.60
New features: FXAA Anti-Aliasing mode, user-definable memory allocators, new scripting commands, new commandline options
Multiplayer is much smoother, no more warping, includes a number of fixes, optimizations and improvements
Netcode, VON and dedicated server fixes plus configuration additions in place
Singleplayer received visual states smoothing and prediction (notable e.g. on distant units)
AI is improved, especially (but not only) in combat, AI has received numerous bug fixes
Aircraft & Helicopter simulation received slight improvements
ARMA 2, ARMA 2: OA, ARMA 2: EW campaigns and stand-alone missions received special treatment to get rid of most annoying bugs
Numerous other small bugs/glitches fixed
Arma 2 patched to 1.11
Numerous bug fixes, multiplayer code tweaks and mission fixes
ARMA 2, ARMA 2: OA, ARMA 2: EW campaigns and stand-alone missions received special treatment to get rid of the most annoying bugs
Arma 2:Free patched to 1.11
MP Code brought into line with Arma 2 for compatibility
BAF patched to 1.03 and PMC patched to 1.02
Several stability and game saves fixes as well as mission tweaks, also new BAF missions included.
time to wake sleeping soldiers
4 games patched (A2, A2: Free, A2: OA, A2: RFT)
2 DLCs patched (A2: BAF, A2: PMC)
huge amount of improvements across all parts
read readme/changelog