How do you have fun in this game. I played a bit and
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How do you have fun in this game. I played a bit and
It depends on the night, and everyone's work week but add people via steam and you can get a group together in the mumble fairly easily.When are you guys usually on? Night/Late nightish?
anyone have an arma alpha lite pass? I messaged krappadizzle yesterday but I think he's been away or something. I just want to see how it runs on my machine before buying the alpha (running a Q9550 with a 660ti).
add me:
Steam profile
I have one left, I'll send it to you in a few hours when I get home from work.
"Fish should be less inclined to travel on land"
wtf. That was my favorite part of ARMA.
thanks man I really appreciate it.
I sent you a pm here on GAF with additional information.
On a totally unrelated note - can anyone tell me what the default key for walking is? Not the combat walk, but the casual "weapons down I'm on patrol" stroll.
I sent you a pm here on GAF with additional information.
On a totally unrelated note - can anyone tell me what the default key for walking is? Not the combat walk, but the casual "weapons down I'm on patrol" stroll.
Any noticeable performance increases or stability?
Got a B52 mod working.
Hold W and press S. Same thing to return to normal speed.
Thanks again SJRB, you rock! I'm downloading it now to see how it runs on my system. If I end up buying the alpha I'll give out my lite codes here.
Any noticeable performance increases or stability?
The modding community for this game is nuts.
Anecdotal obviously but it crashed four times for me today and before the update I had about four crashes in a week.
My OC'd Q9550 and 660Ti only net me about ~30 fps on very high (mix, killed the clouds/shadows to normal) settings at 1080p. It seems playable at 30 but maybe my new machine in the summer can handle this a bit better.
I take it arma series is cpu intensive because of the draw distance?
Set draw distance to 1600 or less. Big impact, but yes, the game is heavily CPU dependent, unfortunately. Even worse, it doesn't utilize quad cores. GPU's are regularly around 30-50% utilized.
wow really? Is it just for alpha or does the engine not recognize multiple cores... that seems terrible. I'll try limiting the draw distance to see if that helps, thanks.
Any tips on how to land a helicopter? I usually land but the INST of the helicopter is often messed up.
And it looks like the Neogaf server isn't updated yet.
Any tips on how to land a helicopter? I usually land but the INST of the helicopter is often messed up.
Set draw distance to 1600 or less. Big impact, but yes, the game is heavily CPU dependent, unfortunately. Even worse, it doesn't utilize quad cores. GPU's are regularly around 30-50% utilized.
wow really? Is it just for alpha or does the engine not recognize multiple cores... that seems terrible. I'll try limiting the draw distance to see if that helps, thanks.
all you have to do is pitch the nose of the heli upwards slightly while tapping the 'z' key until you touch the ground, give it a try and you'll see what I mean.
I'll try that out. Most coop games turn out horrible if there isn't a competent helicopter pilot.
I can park a heli just about anywhere now but the map is what's giving me the biggest headache at the moment and when someone just yells out a location and I'm expected to know instantly where the hell that is exactly is freaking stressful. lol
Bind the compass and GPS to more easy to reach buttons (I think the compass is K by default), they can help you a lot when navigating terrain.
The AW stratis domination servers are getting hit with hackers. A shame. Those maps are fun.
And I find that I'm rushing in too much. Can't rambo at all in this game. haha
Starting to enjoy myself as I understand the controls a bit more. It still is tough in multilayer though. Pretty much every game I enter I am at a loss to what we are actually supposed to be doing.
Also I have seen people use the editor in kind of a free roam mode, kind of lime forge. How do you do that? I can only get the editor in map mode.
I have the same issue. Fixed the galkin error and then I get force closed. My guess is that the mods/missions have to be updated because of the last update.Yep, Armory won't work for me. I either get the Galkin error and when I try to fix it, it just crashes.
did anyone purchase the supporter edition? If you're a huge fan I could see it but it seems dicey, especially this part:
All future Arma 3 DLCs
If any, does not apply to standalone expansions or sequels.
I think I'll just end up buying the regular edition at $32
How about some Stormtroopers vs Zombies?I fucking love the modding community
How about some Stormtroopers vs Zombies?I fucking love the modding community
So this is what it has come to.....................sigh