Cracker, please and thank you. So is popper the fastest glove in the game?
Also I wonder about revolver/retorcher- specifically their time from activation to max distance of the first shell. I suspect that might be the fastest "time to contact," but that would require a different testing methodology.
I agree that electric is far and away the superior element in a vacuum. Their stun duration is even longer online vs. offline, probably to compensate for lag. But I think that in general, those Arm types (regardless of element) are easily avoided in the current evasive meta. I'm only in Rank 8, and I rarely see Electric weapons used as Plan A and B arms. When was the last time you played Ranked?
Your debate might be a case of practice vs. theory. I'm more inclined to take stock in the word of Gore, an actual Rank 15 as opposed to someone who is a Rank 10 from however-many-days-ago who
This isn't even counting the number of fights that are needed to level up as the ranks go higher. And I say this who, as of ~12 hours ago, can beat Gore consistently.
Electric arms do mess me up because of their rarity (Seekies also explode even if I dodge them). But there has to be a reason why they aren't widely used. Maybe people haven't unlocked them yet? Maybe they really aren't viable? It's an interesting question. If you think that Electric arms just by their very nature will allow you to dominate at Ranked, then I'd appreciate it if you disrupted the high-level meta yourself and report back.
I wonder if people will be able to get frame data like in other fighting games. To me it seems like there's like a global cooldown present between all actions, jump/dash/punch/whatever. And opportunities come from getting in between your opponents actions. Before today I assumed the three arm weights had common speeds to play around the global cooldown in a more Rock Paper Scissors Dash Jump Punch kind of way. I'd be interested in seeing actual frame data (if it's possible in a game like this) just to see if there is like a general balance through line.
But like Hawkians post above I think a lot of it seems preference based ATM which I think is a good thing. Im low rank and I haven't run into anything as strong as poppers helix, but I have seen people attempting to tower spam with other arms. Thanks to this thread I've been able to counter them with ram rams.
Thanks! I too suspected Cracker must be slower. Still that puts it ahead of everything else you've tested.Hard work
It's only been a few days since I played ranked. Not weeks or anything. This is all practiced against other players not random theory craft. Unfortunately the training mode in this game is pretty bad compared to almost any other fighting game so thorough testing by yourself is fairly limited.
Frame data can be calculated but it wouldn't serve the same purpose. In most fighting games a physical attack has the same start and end point every time you use it so you always know at what point it makes contact. In Arms that isn't the case because the ending contact point varies depending on the distance to your target.
I don't have a 60fps capture device, otherwise I would at least count the exact frames on these punches. I can do it with my 30fps capture device, but it won't be as accurate.
Thanks! I too suspected Cracker must be slower. Still that puts it ahead of everything else you've tested.
This is the easiest one to see in practice actually, if you throw them megawatt slightly before megaton "catches up" by the end of the path.Electric types have the slowest speeds I believe. Even the Megawatt is a bit slower than Megaton.
Preference based for sure but also, at the top, very critcally also counter-based, which you alluded to at the same time.I wonder if people will be able to get frame data like in other fighting games. To me it seems like there's like a global cooldown present between all actions, jump/dash/punch/whatever. And opportunities come from getting in between your opponents actions. Before today I assumed the three arm weights had common speeds to play around the global cooldown in a more Rock Paper Scissors Dash Jump Punch kind of way. I'd be interested in seeing actual frame data (if it's possible in a game like this) just to see if there is like a general balance through line.
But like Hawkians post above I think a lot of it seems preference based ATM which I think is a good thing. Im low rank and I haven't run into anything as strong as poppers helix, but I have seen people attempting to tower spam with other arms. Thanks to this thread I've been able to counter them with ram rams.
Hmmm that's an interesting point. Frame data could be used to determine arm speed though. But more importantly, and maybe this is a no brainer but I haven't thought about it in these terms: Arm speed determines how close you want to be to your opponent.
Except for the poppers. That seems to be a very prevalent and smart design choice, to make sure each arm does something and is the best at something so that no one particular arm is faster. They're both ridiculously fast when punched with the cracker being slightly slower. They seem to slow down slightly the longer they travel and the recovery seems moderate so that's why they're not too crazily ahead of the others.
Moondrop said:Thanks! I too suspected Cracker must be slower. Still that puts it ahead of everything else you've tested.
I think he means everything ELSE you've tested, haha.Except for the poppers.
See and now V-Ball I liked from the very beginning. I'm just good at it for some reason. Plus I like Snake Park XD
V Ball is rigged, I swear the ball touches the other sides floor a dozen times and doesn't trigger and as soon as its anywhere near the floor on my end it goes off! And don't get me started on the ball randomly dropping as soon as it inches to my side when the timer runs out! I keep it on their side and as soon as it just passes that net, poof! And Hoops is just as bad, all you have to do is grab grab grab but that's no fun at all! I don't want to grab and I don't want to be grabbed! Delete grabbing!
See and now V-Ball I liked from the very beginning. I'm just good at it for some reason. Plus I like Snake Park XD
I will kiiiiinda concede that it doesn't belong in Ranked Play. It basically forces a completely different type of gameplay and strategy than any other map, which isn't particularly good for competition.I hit Snake Park two games in a row in ranked against a Master Mummy which took away a ton of my speed advantage, was able to get him the second time around but it was extremely frustrating seeing the same level after hitting rematch lol.
We are a bit torn on whether or not this is intentional design or a slight oversight that can be taken advantage of. From a design standpoint, what I think is happening is this: ifi you hit the ground from the air without having thrown a punch in the air, you get one of these quick charges. So by just hopping on the ground you're doing the shortest possible version of this "freebie" charge, and thus you get a charge from neutral that is quicker animation-wise than any of the other options.
Indeed, my first reaction to this system was Ninjara's air dash teleport; I noticed that if I did it right before hitting the ground, I seemed to have my charge right away (though I kept holding the dash button not realizing it was unnecessary). Now I know that the height was irrelevant, but it was the fact that I hadn't thrown a punch in the air. A quick test though determined though that the best possible execution of Ninjaras air dash is still a longer animation chain than the SHC.I noticed the tap-jump charge with Helix when I was learning him for GP but never thought to check it on the other characters, as I thought it was just a workaround for Helix to give him a jump-into-charge since holding the jump button stretches him out into the tower.
This works with Min Min's back-dash as well (and I was already using it earlier today to follow up on knockdowns just like you described), but there, too, I thought it was a character-specific mechanic and not something I thought to try with anyone else. It lands quicker than a tap-jump but comes at the expense of extending your distance from the opponent. Now that I look at it again, it's absolutely a consequence of the same system, a momentary charge when you land.
So did anyone else get a notification from the game saying that the servers are undergoing maintenance?
I will kiiiiinda concede that it doesn't belong in Ranked Play. It basically forces a completely different type of gameplay and strategy than any other map, which isn't particularly good for competition.
It's fun tho![]()
I ultimately ended going for traditional controls since I want to play anywhere and everywhere, I can't really play with motion during break at work you know.There are also times when I want to play but I just don't have the desire to exert myself in any way (that makes me sound so lazy) which previously resulted in me just not playing. It's just more convenient not to use motion at times.
Plus handheld mode.
Still, I will use motion from time to time and this is easily the best example of motion controls I've ever used.
how good would it be if they made block left bumper?
Man are we getting Amiibos for this game? How about some replica Min Min shoes.
When I finally played through GP4 and 5, I thought people were exaggerating the difficulty. I managed to get through those with not too many problems (I even beat Hedlok on the first try, which I never have done before!).
But GP6? Holy crap. The last four fights alone took me over 3 hours. I've never seen Master Mummy dodge Sparkies like that before, and Max Brass and Hedlok were total pains with all the explosions. Spring Man's shockwave ability is pretty useless against Hedlok, too.
I hope GP7 isn't nearly as much of a difficulty spike. My poor fingers are sore right now from the motion controls.