Where are you guys finding all these tourneys ?Here's the ARMS stuff from Wednesday Night Fights last night: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/153540261?t=00h42m59s
EDIT: Actual tourney starts here: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/153540261?t=01h25m33s
Where are you guys finding all these tourneys ?Here's the ARMS stuff from Wednesday Night Fights last night: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/153540261?t=00h42m59s
EDIT: Actual tourney starts here: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/153540261?t=01h25m33s
Come on dude, seriously? The video you just linked Jorpenn's first opponent is using an electric Arm, and at 5:05 he comments that double electric makes him want to die. While he could've been sarcastic, I took that as he doesn't like fighting against double electric.
Also, I don't feel like testing right now... okay maybe I will in a minute, but I've hit you with electrics when you had double Lights equipped and faster mediums equipped. Don't tell me they're easy to avoid or people just jump.
Finally, when I stopped at rank 10 there were VERY few players above that rank. Most of the people who are rank 15 now (Leafy and yourself for example) were rank 10 when I stopped playing ranked.
EDIT: And Jorpenn gets hit multiple times with the opponent's Thunderbird (one of the slower electric Arms in the game) and never once jumped. Just stop dude...
Come on dude, seriously? The video you just linked Jorpenn's first opponent is using an electric Arm, and at 5:05 he comments that double electric makes him want to die. While he could've been sarcastic, I took that as he doesn't like fighting against double electric.
Also, I don't feel like testing right now... okay maybe I will in a minute, but I've hit you with electrics when you had double Lights equipped and faster mediums equipped. Don't tell me they're easy to avoid or people just jump.
Finally, when I stopped at rank 10 there were VERY few players above that rank. Most of the people who are rank 15 now (Leafy and yourself for example) were rank 10 when I stopped playing ranked.
EDIT: And Jorpenn gets hit multiple times with the opponent's Thunderbird (one of the slower electric Arms in the game) and never once jumped. Just stop dude...
If anything I would argue that as someone using a tactic that isn't commonly used (and doing so well) in order to get in the opponent's head since it's not something you see in this game often.
Furthermore light arms aren't always used. Someone may have a popper variant in there but in general medium arms like the Ram Ram and Bubb are used commonly as well
Guys, a couple of questions:
1) When grabbing, some characters first hit the opponent for 50 or so damage, then they throw for 150. The 150 damage is the total damage or does that adds up to the 50 damage from the strike?
2) Does your score affect how many boxes appear in the get arms minigame?
Later in the video, he actually defends electric on the basis that they are slow to attack.
I don't follow. Are you saying people are only using electrics as a mind game to get in someone's head?
I mean you blatantly stated you don't see electric Arms and downplay how good they are, then link to a video that has electrics Arms in 2 of the first 3 matches with a comment that the streamer (a rank 15) doesn't like fighting against electric Arms.
Also, in that same video, I see quite a few light Arms.
1. 150 is the combined total damage.
2. The higher your score generally the faster you're clearing targets, and the faster you're moving on to the next wave of targets. New boxes spawn with new waves of targets so the faster you move from wave to wave the more boxes you'll see.
1. 150 is the combined total damage.
2. The higher your score generally the faster you're clearing targets, and the faster you're moving on to the next wave of targets. New boxes spawn with new waves of targets so the faster you move from wave to wave the more boxes you'll see.
Yes I'm saying people are using electric arms as a mind game to get into someone's head. I believe the fact he doesn't like fighting against them is not due to their strength nor the effect (which can admittedly be slightly annoying at times but can be avoided) but rather due to the lack of experience with it since as I said before in general something like that is an oddity and when you fight against something that is different than usual you're likely to have a mental disadvantage.
I won't argue Light arms aren't used often, but they also aren't always used. Like I said you always see them as at least 1 of the 3 choices.
Oh, ok. So in a way it does affect how many boxes you get. I thought all the rounds had the same time.
How are electric Arms a mind game?
Also, I see electric Arms in at least 50% of these Jorpenn matches. They don't look very rare to me. At the very least they aren't anywhere near as rare as you're making them out to be, evidenced in the very video you linked to "show off high level play". I've also seen light Arms about as much as I've seen electric Arms in this video.
Just like you get more boxes with faster wave clears, you also get more clocks with faster wave clears, extending your time for the round.
Is discord down or am I having firewall issues or somesuch?
Using them in general is a mind game since they're not used often, it throws people off.
The video is five hours long, and overall I would say that electric arms are still completely rare in the top ranks. Notice however that because not many people are at the top ranks besides 6 or so specific individuals, Jorpen is facing against rank 11s and such which could also explain why they're prone to using electric as opposed to what the top ranks use. I made my statement judging from what I've seen fighting those ranked 13-15.
Just like you get more boxes with faster wave clears, you also get more clocks with faster wave clears, extending your time for the round.
This debate is amusing for me if only because the game has only been out a week, and now I'm curious to see what will change within the next week.
Fair. I'm not attempting to discount either argument, but just saying this type of debate is something I love about brand new games.Well yes, things can change, but so far the most common arms are
-Popper or cracker
-Ram Ram
You keep saying they aren't used often, yet I'm seeing them used a lot in this video. I'm not going to watch all 5 hours, but I'm 40 minutes in and I've seen electric Arms in well over half the matches.
If you claim only 6 people are rank 15 that's not much of a sample pool and certainly not enough to make a blanket statement that electrics aren't good and are rarely seen. Also, Mob is rank 14 in the video and has used electric Arms every time he's played.
It's impossible to beat GP5 with Spring Man regular arms.
Not even a single hit works against the final boss. It's absurdly insane 6 strikes against 2. And each strike coming from each direction (far left, left, center combined with the other arms you pretty much get hit by every space).
They should nerf this shit. Can't believe they placed such stupid thing in the game. At this moment I HATE THIS GAME.
Party mode is sublime for like, when I'm watching shit on the other screen or cough working from home cough. it's fun fun to the max max, you just have to not take any match seriously.Stepped into Party Mode for a bit to see how it was doing after focusing on single-player all week. V-Ball is surprisingly great against someone who knows what they are doing. In my lobby I was cleaning everyone's clock in 1v1 (and coming out ahead in 1v1v1 too), but couldn't get as far as the 75% handicap as I kept getting dumped into 2v2 with the health disadvantage, and I never liked 2v2 in the first place. Probably won't play much Party Mode once I start working on Ranked, but I definitely see a pattern emerging where the point of 2v2 is to cut off my streak, meaning easier fights for me in 1v1.
Yes, S and S+ are added in thatI wonder if they are gonna increase the ranks in through a update or if the max will be 15.
Weren't the ranks in Splatoon increased through a update?
Make sure you give Ram Ram and regular Dragon a fair shake on that arm!Just hit rank 3 in ranked, but I haven't been playing long so I've still got a ways to climb.
I can confirm that electric arms are powerful, especially on Minmin's dragon arm, although I also use ice dragon on that arm sometimes.
Just unlocked Ranked Mode yesterday, looking forward to seeing how that plays out for me. I main Ninjara, and I need to get some better ARMS, but we'll see how it goes.
Woo Ninjara mains! You will be tempted to just air teleport and spam throws (and this will work to defeat new players easily) but it's something we all must grow out of. Definitely practice your wide grabs though.Just unlocked Ranked Mode yesterday, looking forward to seeing how that plays out for me. I main Ninjara, and I need to get some better ARMS, but we'll see how it goes.
Indeed there aren't enough rank 15s but I'm going by what's used in general throughout 13-15, Mob is a special case and was on the chat, most of the people ranked 13-15 or with notable names like Leafy and Mob and Andy and Shrek were, so their use of electric arms could be attributed as trying to annoy Jorpen seeing as against me he used the usual double crackers
So because Mob goes against everything you've been saying, your only defense is that he's a special case and was just trolling Jorpenn. That's a pretty weak argument.
It's also not surprising that he used double Crackers against you. All of your facts regarding electric Arms being bad or not being seen much have very little evidence to back up those claims and quite a bit of evidence stating otherwise.
So because Mob goes against everything you've been saying, your only defense is that he's a special case and was just trolling Jorpenn. That's a pretty weak argument.
It's also not surprising that he used double Crackers against you. All of your facts regarding electric Arms being bad or not being seen much have very little evidence to back up those claims and quite a bit of evidence stating otherwise.
Well like I've said, everything is indeed based on my experience and I HAVE fought Mob before, electric arms not being any of the three loadouts. Maybe he considers those revolver or triple shot arms effective against Min Min and used them when he knew Jorpen would be one or maybe he was just trolling, I'm not sure. Regardless, he doesn't even go against what I'm saying because even though the revolver is electric, you have very little chance of stunning someone with it due to the fact multiple hits are incoming and if you do it's so slow your grab likely won't land.
Just out of curiosity, do you still believe that top rank play is only extremely defensive?
I tried handheld mode.
Won GP level 4 with ease.
Tried GP level 7.
Won the first match with even greater ease.
I'm depressed. This is so much more functional Han motion controls it's not even funny.
I'll still use motion controls though. But I don't think it will work for competitive play.
I know right. I can't wait for spectator mode.Man this game looks fun to watch.
Who said anything about betraying motion? I'll still use it. But it's the truth. You ARE at a disadvantage using motion controls. Literally every trick you can pull off with motion you can do it better with traditional. Aside from wide grip which is not that useful of a technique to begin with.Ah man, you control traitors wound me!
I hope there will be motion-control only tournaments held or something at least. Beating people with them in a local multiplayer setting feels sooooooo gooooood
I know right. I can't wait for spectator mode.
Who said anything about betraying motion? I'll still use it. But it's the truth. You ARE at a disadvantage using motion controls. Literally every trick you can pull off with traditional you can do it better with motion. Aside from wide grip which is not that useful of a technique to begin with.
My bias is still showing lol.You got something backwards in the middle there.
...uh Jaded Alyx did in the post directly above mine. hahahaWho said anything about betraying motion? I'll still use it. But it's the truth. You ARE at a disadvantage using motion controls. Literally every trick you can pull off with traditional you can do it better with motion. Aside from wide grip which is not that useful of a technique to begin with.
Think this is rather the case of traditional controls just working better with --you-- specifically than motion controls not being viable.I tried handheld mode.
Won GP level 4 with ease.
Tried GP level 7.
Won the first match with even greater ease.
I'm depressed. This is so much more functional Han motion controls it's not even funny.
I'll still use motion controls though. But I don't think it will work for competitive play.
I'm basing it off what I want to do vs. what happens on the screen. It's irrelevant whether or not I fight humans or NPCs. The ease of control is apparent.Think this is rather the case of traditional controls just working better with --you-- specifically than motion controls not being viable.
I can't for the life of me curve punches and stuff with traditional.
Plus you're basing it off of CPU insta-reaction times and not human player randomness.
So I beat GP7 without getting defeated in a match with Min Min. I guess she's the only character I'm really good at lol.
4 more characters to go. It's funny that all other arms the CPU can easily evade and counter, but with dragon they seem to struggle dodging lol.
It was also really important that they included non-motion controls for people with limited mobility or muscular diseases, or even limited motor skills (who can sometimes still play console games with assistive devices).There are also times when I want to play but I just don't have the desire to exert myself in any way (that makes me sound so lazy) which previously resulted in me just not playing. It's just more convenient not to use motion at times.
Plus handheld mode.
I am working on some minor updates to my original FAQ, an ARMs post and advanced techniques post as we speak. Stages... bleh I hadn't thought of that, maybe you know someday that is not today.I hope that some Youtube series that goes over the mechanics of the basic movement, character abilities, stages, and ARMS starts up soon. I feel as if there is still so much I don't know.
I hope that some Youtube series that goes over the mechanics of the basic movement, character abilities, stages, and ARMS starts up soon. I feel as if there is still so much I don't know.
It was also really important that they included non-motion controls for people with limited mobility or muscular diseases, or even limited motor skills (who can sometimes still play console games with assistive devices).
Honestly, they did about as good a job as I could have envisioned to make it reeeelatively competitive while keeping everyone happy with the options. I just want proper motion on motion battles to happen in my life sometime is all![]()