If there are ever real tournaments for this game it wouldn't surprise me if Helix is banned. Broken ass character.
He's not broken per se
If there are ever real tournaments for this game it wouldn't surprise me if Helix is banned. Broken ass character.
If there are ever real tournaments for this game it wouldn't surprise me if Helix is banned. Broken ass character.
He's not broken per se
Just joined the lobby, where you are, TheGoreMagala. :3
I don't think he is, but people have been ignoring him, so it's all new. I think Helix and Cobra are gonna be s tier in the end, as I believe Cobra has the same non recovery jump and his charged dash is great for closing space.He's not broken per se
Wow...the fuck with Helix. :lol
If there are ever real tournaments for this game it wouldn't surprise me if Helix is banned. Broken ass character.
The current trend seems to be for tournaments to force default Arms. If that's the case, I think Helix has a much harder time winning.
Now that fight with thedan001, that was fun. Good clean fight
The current trend seems to be for tournaments to force default Arms. If that's the case, I think Helix has a much harder time winning.
A fight with Helix isn't clean?![]()
Isn't it confirmed kid cobra has no recovery for charged dashes? What's the issue? Why the possible Helix uproar?
Again, it could very well be that I just don't understand how to play the game at a high level. But its like "oh here is a fight I'm going to lose completely and not see why at all" so it feels dirty. Dirty as hell
Bladelores Helix is still hard as balls, but feels "maybe possible"
Yours honestly does feel broken as hell and makes me never want to fight you
What's the best way to get new ARMs? I have 300 saved up. I'm guessing there's a best character and arm combo for this.
What's the best way to get new ARMs? I have 300 saved up. I'm guessing there's a best character and arm combo for this.
I can assure you it can be defeated, I know plenty of people that are even match ups against me with that Helix
Is my Helix really that bad?no love for him
Is my Helix really that bad?no love for him
Dude you're depressing to play against. XDIs my Helix really that bad?no love for him
Is my Helix really that bad?no love for him
Is my Helix really that bad?no love for him
playing alot with minmin, enjoying her
I can dominate at mid/long ranges but really struggle in close ranges
Anyone got tips for that as minmin? Especially aganist a rusher
Try any other character and see how well you do.
Your Helix is insane. I'm used to getting my ass kicked, even by the other Helix in the room, but I can't hold a candle to you. Its seriously in "why even bother" territory.
I'm sure you'll be great in tournaments or high level play though.
The thing is, the reason I played him was because everyone shied away from him since he was difficult to play and overall a throwaway character. I thought I managed to get good with him and beat the odds and have become skilled but if it's because the character, ARMS, or the combination is broken, it takes it all away
Isn't it confirmed kid cobra has no recovery for charged dashes? What's the issue? Why the possible Helix uproar?
The thing is, the reason I played him was because everyone shied away from him since he was difficult to play and overall a throwaway character. I thought I managed to get good with him and beat the odds and have become skilled but if it's because the character, ARMS, or the combination is broken, it takes it all away
Counter it with an arm with a huge hitbox or something you can easily curve and put it on your left arm. When perma-charged, it can really distract their aggressive style.
As others have pointed out, he has to charge and even has recovery on that fourth dash. That makes a huge difference.
The problem with Helix is that at present you can't hit him. In situations where every other character (sans Ribbon Girl in the air) is vulnerable, Helix is not.
That said, I'm pretty sure you force Helix into default Arms and he becomes normal again. I haven't played you with these new and improved medium weight Arms, but even those are a far cry from what he has by default.
Mind telling me what your favorite arms for the left? Curious what works well with perma charges
Couple thoughts/questions about some ARMS
Crackers - the recovery on these things seems insanely short. I was trying to block parry into a dash forward punish and the opponent was recovering fast enough to move away. These seem absolutely ridiculous as a harassment tool.
Seekies - Are these considered good? Their delayed explosion makes them immune to block parrying since the explosion will go off regardless. They have good curving to attack from the side, and the fact that you can't parry them forces you to either hold your ground and take chip or evade, which can be read and punished. Oh, and they shock.
Ram ram is my favorite. It's a bit slow but curves really well. Try experimenting with it and see if it clicks with you.
Crackers are the reason Helix might need to be nerfed.
What nerfs can they do against him anyway?
Poppers/Crackers 100% will get nerf, either recovery or damage. the fact they do so much damage at the speed they are is ridic.
Mummy needs block heal buffed from 10 to 15 per tick.
oh, and Mechanica needs 2 additional arms. Just because I use her the most, so she should be hella buffed to Helix levels.
Really? Every Helix I've fought gets destroyed. He sucks lol I have a hard time with Ribbon Girl players.
Really? Every Helix I've fought gets destroyed. He sucks lol I have a hard time with Ribbon Girl players.
Really? Every Helix I've fought gets destroyed. He sucks lol I have a hard time with Ribbon Girl players.
Have you fought the two Helix's in this gaf room? Regular Helix's sure, its cute, its fun, pretty normal. Not these two..
The current trend seems to be for tournaments to force default Arms. If that's the case, I think Helix has a much harder time winning.
Ive been fulltiming ramram at recommendation of goremagala actually
I wasn't even fighting a Helix. Crackers in general seem ridic.