Still think 200 ARMS getter is better just sayin
i did add a little note about that. I can't the numbers you were talking about in the long one personally, but I do see people reporting that they get about 2x the amount they do in medium which makes sense
There, I said it. I really hope this turns into a franchise where they iron out the game and flesh out the mechanics more. I love pretty much everything about its presentation though. Such a superb little fighting game this is.
It really is phenomenal, especially once you start "getting it."
I have a weird nostalgic feeling and I can't remember what it is so closely reminding me of. I don't think it's Smash or SC2 or MvC2 which I got really into. Maybe the original Soul Calibur port, where I just always wanted to do one more match (I didn't own a Dreamcast when first playing it). It's really really really really fucking addictive and fun and a big accomplishment IMO. A much better game overall than I was expecting, though admittedly light on singleplayer content and begging for significant additions via DLC.
Way too early for someone like me to remotely comment on how competitive it is at high levels but how it plays for the bottom 90% is a huge portion of the appeal as well.
No one knows yet. I hope it's completely open, though. I think that limiting arms choice would cater to a needlessly-limited meta.
Stuff like this is crazy to think about, there are so many freaking potential combinations of arms and characters, I don't know if I did the math correctly but I think there are 4,650 possibilities? Discounting the difference between having say, Megawatt/Slapamander vs Slapamander Megawatt.
This is SUCH a good party game.
I haven't done it yet and it's too early to talk about things like tail/sales cycle.
But I have a feeling that the experience of playing this local with two switches, set on a table, both using motion controls is pretty great. I think there is a pick up and play nature that two unskilled players who have never held the joy cons being shown the game for the first time can have fun just going HAM with punches in the air and people watching. You can also do this without the need for any display device set up at whatever venue you're at (meaning you can theoretically do tournaments in locations with extremely limited AV options that you would only have considered for pure mobile fighters.
Well, my advice was meant for the fun rooms

If people want advice in GAF rooms, they wont get any from me, I'm staying clear of that hell ahaha.
if you can manage not to get frustrated by it getting beaten by them is good for the soul
Holy Shit... I just got a 75% nerf at the start of a 1v1v1 match... thaaaat ended quickly ahahah.
I really love this gimmick, Winning a fight at 50% health was awesome, and then losing so fast at 25% health, its like... yeah I've terrorized these folks enough.
Though a 50% nerf going into a Hedlok match doesn't make a lot of sense, punishes the team as much as it does me.
Party mode in general is well done as an activity and should be tweaked/expanded
Totall agree about teh Headlok fight.
Here's an interesting thing I've done:
I was down in a round and didn't believe in the comeback, so I charged super and had the opponent kill me right away so I wouldn't spend the round trying to make a comeback and then letting them build super.
People will probably be doing stuff like this in tournaments lol
I think is a critical part of the game, and I've done it tons of times strategically in GP to control matches against opponents I didn't think I could beat within the match. I never even thought about this consciously before reading you say it but it is valuable.
You can effectively get your super by being aggressive for a time, bait the computer into using their super to kill you, ensuring you start the next match with one and they start with an empty one. You could say "well why wouldn't you do this every time" but obviously using the rush if you stay alive long enough to get the rush could win you the match, so it becomes tempting again. It's kind of a push and pull. I really like it.
Also, I think the total damage you can do with your rush is a huge factor in terms of ARMS selection, there's a pretty big variation, but your build also may not care