Great matches. You adapted so hard after that first round and I had NOTHING to compensate. I should have probably switched my whole loadout but I wanted to force it. You are the best Mechanica I have fought in ranked so far!
edit: Also join the discord so you can chat with us!
Hehe, your discipline was really good. A lot of people panic against my aggressive Ninjara even in ranked and I just kept trying to press the issue. Should have taken a step back and totally retooled. Ranked really kinda rattles me.Thanks, I was super intimidated after the first round, glad I could bring it back and provide some quality matches. I'm still trying to figure out a good loadout for her. I'm slowly getting coins to get all her ARMS.
Jumped on the Discord, name is RockmanTrigger. Looking forward to more good fights.
Hehe, your discipline was really good. A lot of people panic against my aggressive Ninjara even in ranked and I just kept trying to press the issue. Should have taken a step back and totally retooled. Ranked really kinda rattles me.
Playing GP 5 with Ribbon Girl and was really suffering against Mechanica and her double Seekies/Revolvers. Won but any hints what to do against those arms?
I feel like revolvers have a long cool down so I typically go for counter punches or counter throws.
I never have much trouble with seekers, I usually treat them like regular gloves.
The game already features replays in GPs, I don't know why the devs didn't add the option for Party Mode as well. Also, saving and sharing replays like in MK8 would be great, hope we get something like this in an update.Every once in a while some shit like this will happen and I want the ps4's constant share record thing SO BADLY.
Any punch that arrives in her aura will be slowed so dramatically that it basically comes to a standstill. Therefore, you're better off not throwing punches into that aura: the chance that Twintelle won't just dodge them is very slim, and it leaves you open to a counter attack.
I think your perspective on this is kind of fascinating. We're approaching the issue completely differently from the very premise.
From the get-go you're operating on the level of: "what if I am matched up against x character, because I don't know what my opponent will pick? This could result in an unfair matchup."
With that basic dilemma in mind, I can't think of any fighting game that solves it, or even makes a direct attempt to do so. Not all matchups will be equal- this is par for the course, it's by design.
What Arms does is allow you to switch between 3 arms, on each hand, at the outset of each round. So let's pretend first that you are locked into only the default 3 starting arms for each character. Here we already have more customization per matchup than found in a more traditional fighter. Oh, you're matched up against x? Doubling up on Arm 2 is going to be better against them than what I was planning. Oh, but yikes, they're using arms that trump those- for the second round I should switch it up and try one of Arm 1 and one of Arm 3. I beat them the second round, but now they can mix up their arms as well of course...
Now, add in the element of further customization that allows you to choose any 3 arms for your loadout. You can decide the mix of versatility and specialization to bring to the table, and how to utilize them between rounds. You say bringing an arm that specifically helps you deal with Helix isn't reasonable because he's rarely played. Well..if he' s giving you trouble when he is, maybe that's a perfectly good reason to use one of your 3 arms to prepare for that potential situation. You have two others to handle those that remain. Simultaneously, the notion that characters may be likely to be unprepared arms-wise when facing a character that is rarely played... sounds like a valid reason for someone to choose a rarely-played character.
It's not about making every round as fair as possible. These are strategic and tactical decisions introduced by the system that would be removed allowing you to pick literally any arm before every round. My opinion is that it would make the game worse, not better.
I'm totally curious to hear how others feel about this.
Is there really no real way to play a normal 1v1 with two rounds on local? Is there a lan mode like pokken and mk8D? I ask this since friend just got it and going to play on the weekend. Concerned as i am watching the tournament.
If you wanted to do best of 3s in local lobby couldn't you just set it to first to 5 coins?
You get:
1 coin for a lose
3 coins for a win
So first to 2 wins will always get 5 coins first right?
Edit: or 6 coins?
On the WNF stream they couldn't figure it out and I don't think it's impossible
Is there really no real way to play a normal 1v1 with two rounds on local? Is there a lan mode like pokken and mk8D? I ask this since friend just got it and going to play on the weekend. Concerned as i am watching the tournament.
I am not willing to concede that point (at least not yet at this point in the game's life cycle) so we are arguing from very different premises, but I appreciate the debate!Skill matters more (imo) in those games than it matters in Arms
Well, completely agreed. As it was expressed earlier, being able to bring in 3 arms of your strategic choosing allows you to have a plan B if your plan A didn't work in round one, or a plan C if you plan A worked in round one and failed in round 2 due to an opponent's plan B.Loadout choice shouldn't force you into a decision that you can't change during a match. That's why they already have the option to switch arms between rounds.
I dunno, I really think that would be removing a strategic element of customization from the game. Your suggestion instead opens the field to endless direct counter pick ever single round and renders the idea of "choosing 3" meaningless in the first place. Even that whole interface actually wouldn't make any sense- its only purpose is to allow switching at the start of a round.It just needs to be expanded upon some
Just like every other fighting game I can't do it. I can't play online without getting seriously pissed off when I lose and since I'm bad at fighting games that's quite often. Going to have to return the game otherwise I'll probably throw the joycon through the tv or just throw the Switch itself. I don't know why but the idea of losing to other humans pisses me off more than anything else. Doesn't help that my connection is laggy at times so it looks like my throws go through the opponent.
Fighting games just aren't for me, I'm good at every other genre but not fighters :/
Just like every other fighting game I can't do it. I can't play online without getting seriously pissed off when I lose and since I'm bad at fighting games that's quite often. Going to have to return the game otherwise I'll probably throw the joycon through the tv or just throw the Switch itself. I don't know why but the idea of losing to other humans pisses me off more than anything else. Doesn't help that my connection is laggy at times so it looks like my throws go through the opponent.
Fighting games just aren't for me, I'm good at every other genre but not fighters :/
Yeah, fighting Leafy, Jorpen, Lucifer, Andy, Shrek, and all the other top rank players, its less about the characters and more about counter picking, skill, and mind games, nobody is particularly overpowered or at an advantage.
Just like every other fighting game I can't do it. I can't play online without getting seriously pissed off when I lose and since I'm bad at fighting games that's quite often. Going to have to return the game otherwise I'll probably throw the joycon through the tv or just throw the Switch itself. I don't know why but the idea of losing to other humans pisses me off more than anything else. Doesn't help that my connection is laggy at times so it looks like my throws go through the opponent.
Fighting games just aren't for me, I'm good at every other genre but not fighters :/
I am bad at WAY more than just one other genre, so hey...![]()
The more I play and get into becoming legit with Ninjara, the more I realize that he is extremely limited and probably underpowered/low-tierHe's the ultimate newb-merking character in that it's extremely obvious when a player doesn't know wtf is going on and I can just take them apart in seconds, but at advanced levels he is missing a distinct niche that isn't done by someone else better, AND, quite unfortunately, his gimmick with blocking actually becomes a liability in some circumstances and even renders a couple of entire advanced mechanics completely unusable. A player that knows his shtick can essentially outplay him 1v1 in "standard ARMS" (imagine all characters were Byte while Barq is dead), and he has no "trap card" to activate. I very much doubt he will see any high level play. Gahhh!
All that said, I personally still love him and don't care about tiers. And his pink color swap matches Megaton perfectly which I use so I'm never abandoning him everokay my Kid Cobra is getting pretty decent though im just saying
This is 100% false.
Evasion and light Arms are king in this game. If you don't have at least one of those going for you then you are at a disadvantage. Please stop pretending this game is the most balanced fighting game in existence.
I'm sure you're right that it isn't the most balanced but I think it's too early to make definitive statements either way. Considering we haven't had any balance changes yet I'd say it's a pretty damn solid footing to build from.
One of the rank 15 players does thisGuys, the trick is to purposely handicap yourself. Do what I do and just set all three of your arms to the same thing. That way when you lose (and you will, many many times) you'll always have an excuse lol.
It's too early for a lot of things, but unless we find certain elements are far better than we think they are now, some things aren't changing unless the dev patches the game.
For example, Electric Arms are the only Arms that give you a 100% guaranteed follow-up in almost every situation. Meanwhile, going double Lights means you are much safer spamming punches than with most other Arms.
While we can find uses for Heavy Arms and obviously medium Arms are good, I don't think we'll find much that can cause a Wind Arm to be better than an Electric Arm. Obviously anything can happen, but this seems unlikely.
Didn't gore or somebody say that electric is nowhere to be found in the top ranks? I cannot personally attest to this, stuck in the middle ranks right now
Electric is obviously good, but in my personal experience Ice works around the same, except it lasts a bit longer and opponent can still punch. Doesn't wind arms move faster too? Fire is my personal favourite, Cracker and Ram Ram are my go-to right now. Also, as someone who mainly uses lighter arms, facing something like a Parasol in ranked can totally shut you down in some matches. I'm hardly a class player by any means but I'm still just seeing possibilities and people trying different stuff.
Didn't gore or somebody say that electric is nowhere to be found in the top ranks? I cannot personally attest to this, stuck in the middle ranks right now
Ice doesn't guarantee a follow-up though. Against a skilled player you might be able to get a throw if they don't react in time, but anything else is just being hopeful. When an electric hits you're basically guaranteed a throw at the very least. In some stages you can combo an electric stun into a throw into a Rush. Ice offers nothing like that.
I haven't done a thorough test of every single Arm, but I know Poppers (wind) and Crackers (Fire) have the same speed and recovery time.
I stopped at rank 10 because the grind was just super boring. I can't imagine no one using electrics at higher ranks unless they're all rocking double Lights. If in fact no one is using electrics at higher ranks, they're missing out. Aside from the speed and recovery of Lights, or maybe a high curve Arm for specific scenarios, there's no significant advantage of other elements over electric.
I find it hard to believe that if people aren't using it at the top ranks then they are missing out, they know of the properties of the different arms.
Even as someone in lower ranks, Electric isn't common, and I feel the electric arms are easier to deal with than a lot of the others. Hydra, Ram Ram, Cracker, Popper, Slapamander, Salamander, heck even Ice Dragon / Parasol / Chilla.
I do like using thunderbird but I'm lowly rank 8, I don't think it counts for much. And I definitely don't see an abundance of electric either when I'm playing.
I find it hard to believe that if people aren't using it at the top ranks then they are missing out, they know of the properties of the different arms.
Even as someone in lower ranks, Electric isn't common, and I feel the electric arms are easier to deal with than a lot of the others. Hydra, Ram Ram, Cracker, Popper, Slapamander, Salamander, heck even Ice Dragon / Parasol / Chilla.
I don't expect every single good player to universally use electric Arms. My point was that if in fact there are absolutely no electric Arms users at the higher ranks, something is wrong there.
For instance, I've had no problems rising up the ranks. I only stopped at 10 because I was bored of the game. I don't think I'd have an issue getting to 15 if I felt like taking the time to do it and I use electric Arms almost exclusively.
I think it depends on the level of player you are, as well as the level of player you're fighting against. Double lights are the only Arms that really make me work for a win and that's only because they're difficult to close in on. Player skill factors into that but as an overall statement there aren't any other Arm configurations that give me real problems.
You think Ice Dragon, Parasol and Chilla are more problematic than electric Arms. To me that says you haven't fought anyone good with electric Arms, or that you just need to improve your play against Ice Dragon, Parasol and Chilla. None of the ice Arms bother me at all and I think the Dragons are even worse unless they're used exclusively as a secondary Arm for damage purposes.
But again, it's all about the skill level you're playing against. You may have fought better Dragon users than electric Arm users. Also, there's probably a reason why there are no single hit electric Arms that are light.
I can confirm that at least through rank 13-15 there are absolutely no electric arms used at all, and for good reason. They're really slow so a good player won't let you hit them with it and if you do hit them they'll make sure to jump so you can't grab them afterward. And with all due respect, I found after rank 10 the difficulty definitely spiked. The three spikes are rank 1-5, 6-10, 11-15, in my experience.
But yeah if someone is using electrics you better believe that the opponent will use lights to exploit the fact that electric weapons are weaker.
Hey guys, this is Jorpen, a rank 15, if you guys want to see what high level play at the moment is like and learn from it, with a guest appearance from me here and there. Also, Dan and I will like use this video and a few others and turn certain sections into gifs to exemplify tactics and such to learn and use.