Lol! Nice
What field do you want to go into?
Speaking of stereotypes, I've been thinking about mutually reinforcing stereotypes.
For example, have any of you heard of someone saying "I did bad by Asian standards," or maybe even the more extreme "I did bad, like American bad" (referring to school performance)? I only ask because I've said these things before (I try not to anymore), and my friends and I have been before. I also hear this in school, even now, when Asians talk about tests and grades.
Something I read earlier prompted to me think about self-created cultures-- that is, Asians do well academically, and we perpetuate this culture of academic excellence. I attended American school systems, but even I, in that culture of the "model minority," bought into this idea that all Asians
must be good students.
So.. it's mutually reinforcing. I grew up in a culture that pushed good grades, I knew the stereotype of Asians doing well in school, and I myself perpetuated that.
Sorry for the sudden SRSBUSINESS post, but it's something I was wondering. Can we break our own stereotypes if we are still perpetuating them, even if they aren't bad*** (academic achievement, in a vacuum, is a good thing and should be striven for, imo)?
***I do want to add that I do think that, while academic achievement is good and everyone should definitely do their best, we know how damaging it can be to have that sort of stereotype, especially when we don't meet it. So, while doing well in school maybe isn't such a bad thing, I would hope to break the model minority stereotype a little bit... but how do we, when it seems like we actually reinforce it as well?