Square Triangle
Okay, the multiplayer is just fun as fuck when you're with your buddies.
Chalk this up as another SP game with great new MP.
Chalk this up as another SP game with great new MP.
dwebo said:Do you get any bonus for doing the VR missions besides the achievement at 3 golds? The races are pretty fun, but the combat ones are tedious as hell.
Thanks. Guess I'll figure out later if I want to bother with them.OmonRa said:You do get a bonus but I will let someone else spoil it for you.
IIRC, you get points for a successful escape and you can speed up the timer by hiding. Try running through gates and then blend ASAP (join a crowd, sit on a bench, jump inside a haystack/bush, etc....).MjFrancis said:Okay, so I'm level 10 online, and still have no fucking clue how to stun. I've been stunned a dozen times, but I've never seen so much as a single button prompt to do so myself.
The instructions and on-screen prompts are useless here.
Still, fun online. I just really need to work on buffing my pursuers. Really, before I got sprint and the smoke bomb, I was clueless. It's like, run faster than them. Even then, it's easier to let the bastard kill you for 100 - 150 points so you can pull off a 300 - 400 point kill in the next minute after you respawn. The alternative to an insistent pursuer is to run around for a minute or so and get zero points... or hope someone else kills him first.
You know how the square button pops up when you have someone within killing distance, the same thing happens when a pursuer makes himself noticed (running, pushing people, etc...) without identifying you/triggering a chase scene but instead of square/X you'll get a O/B pop up. It doesn't happen all the time and it's not something you should rely on, but whenever you see that O/B pop up smash the button ASAP to stun him/her.ultron87 said:And multiplayer is cool, but I don't understand half the mechanics. Like stunning a pursuer, how do you do that?
Killthee said:IIRC, you get points for a successful escape and you can speed up the timer by hiding. Try running through gates and then blend ASAP (join a crowd, sit on a bench, jump inside a haystack/bush, etc....).
Yes, if you see someone run into the hay just get close and press square for the assassination. You can also do the same thing in reverse, wait for a target in a haystack and then press square when they get near to kill them (first time you do this you get a trophy)ultron87 said:Can you root someone out of a hiding spot as a pursuer? Because Siena has a hay bail directly in the middle of 4 chase break doors, so it's really easy to hide in. It seems like one that is that obvious should have some disadvantage.
zero margin said:I have it set to Italian language with subtitles on and it's a little more immersive. This game is fun.
Lostconfused said:A few hours in, just getting started. But for now this game seems like Assassins Creed 2: Brotherhood to me. But then again AssCreed 2 was really disappointing in the beginning as well, so who knows maybe I will change my mind.
ultron87 said:It just makes the outside Animus scenes a little bit bizarre. But still kind of awesome.
ultron87 said:It just makes the outside Animus scenes a little bit bizarre. But still kind of awesome.
Extremely Early Game Spoiler:So were you in Italy during the modern day sections of AC1 and 2? Because getting to that villa via van seemed pretty simple.
And the getting to the sanctuary part was way too Unchartedish to me. And I didn't even have the Nolan North voice on.
Indeed.ultron87 said:And the getting to the sanctuary part was way too Unchartedish to me. And I didn't even have the Nolan North voice on.
Docpan said:How is the PS3 version?
I want to play this game on the PS3 due to the fact that I've played both of the other installments here, but, they played like shit.
I was really unhappy with the screen tearing and low ass framerate last year on Ass Creed 2. What should I expect with Brotherhood?
Ether_Snake said:And ACB intro spoilerHe says he was "born in the brotherhood" at the beginning of the game during the recap intro, which sounds like a retcon to me.
Beowulf28 said:I believe Desmond mentioned he was born into the assassins but ran away or something in AC1
Darknessbear said:Was there any white glow on the top half of the screen for anyone else? At the beginning of starting in Rome. It's driving me nutso!
jett said:You should expect the same. I think it runs a tad bit choppier. And Rome is kind of ugly compared to Florence and Venice, but I guess there's not much Ubisoft can do about that.
I have a stuttering problem when riding horses if I'm covering too much ground too quickly, sometimes the game will stop for half a second because it hasn't loaded the city properly, sometimes it doesn't stop but I get a look at how the game looks untextured for a little while.![]()
Ether_Snake said:AC2 spoiler:.When you were in the parking lot of Abstergo, the signs were all in Italian, and in the hideout you can see the buildings outside are the same as in the past. Worst is how no archeologist ever opened that secret door in the villa :lol.
Ether_Snake said:And ACB intro spoilerHe says he was "born in the brotherhood" at the beginning of the game during the recap intro, which sounds like a retcon to me.
Oooh, that is horrible looking. I thought my TV was broken. Thanks man.Yes, it's a stupid fake-bloom.
NO NO NO TEH GAM'ES PERFECT SHUT UP1!!!!!111Ether_Snake said:I know the villa is like a touristic site, but come on, someone would have opened the obvious secret wooden door that stayed close for 500 years. It was a bit silly.
Yeah. I was really disappointed with the first game, but liked the story. Then II came in and took me by surprise. So here I am with Brotherhood. Had to stop playing, after 7 hours straight because I've been sick for 2 days. If not, I'd be playing still.Ether_Snake said:As for that AC1 tidbit, I guess it shows how much I didn't pay attention to the boring ass cutscenes. I would just turn around in circle like an idiot while they talked.
zero margin said:I went into gamestop and told him to gimme ass bro. He looked perplexed. Anyway, game is good so far but then again I haven't done anything really. Thought I remember AC2 looking better than this though.
I've retried this one twice so far, since it's my last memory in sequence 2 that I didn't 100%. I'm not sure if I'll keep going though, since it's so fucking annoying. I don't see why they couldn't at least have put in a "restart at last checkpoint" option instead of just a restart the whole memory over. Having to redo an entire 8 minutes + unskippable cutscenes because the janky auto-jump sent you in a direction you didn't want to go and you lost thirty seconds is just terrible. This stuff isn't scored on any leaderboards - ffs throw the player a bone here.fernoca said:That one memory in Sequence 2, that you had to finish in 8 minutes to get 100% sync. Yikes! :lol So awesome, yet it took me like 8 tries, and barely made it with like 30 seconds remianing. And that was going through the whole thing knowing exactly what to do. So fun anyway. Really wanted to do the "one memory 100% all" achievement out soon, to focus in having more fun later. :lol
Blue Ninja said:What can I say, I'm a sucker for ridiculous storylines. Anything that has that "larger than life"-quality to it, while still remaining semi-believable, gets an automatic thumbs up in my book
ULTROS! said:I got the game. I picked it up over The Sly Collection because well... TSC isn't available until now. :/
Hope this game is on par with ACII or better!
Edit: I got a free AC:B planner so I guess the purchase was definitely worthwhile.
Papercuts said:I'm awful at the MP, but it has a lot of potential. Already had an awesome moment sprinting through a gate to shake off 2 chasers, dove into a haystack in a crowded area, and saw them both murder a random NPC. :lol
I then topped it off by getting a kill out of the haystack!