deathsight580 said:Do I have to play the previous games to enjoy this one and understand everything? I already know what happens in the other games and maybe reading the plot on wikipedia would be enough? I just couldn't get into the first games but this one looks much better...
Eh, there's a good deal of stuttering in Rome if you're either riding a horse faster than a trot or running away from anything more than a handful of guards. Maybe I'm just remembering AC2 with rose-tinted glasses, but when AC:B dips, it dips noticeably worse imo.Pimpbaa said:The PS3 version has framerate and tearing issues, not lag or stuttering issues.
Y2Kev said:I'm on 360. It seems more stuttery.
Are you pressing the fire button? Don't, just hold the trigger and let go when you're ready. Also make sure you stand still, moving will cancel the gun.Grady Durden said:So why can't I work the hidden gun in MP? I'm within striking distance and it does the aiming procedure but never fires?? Help me, AssBro-GAF!
My guess is this is their way of promoting Project Legacy, it has the final 40 needed to unlock everything in Brotherhood.Mejilan said:Hey, what's with there being ACB-specific UPlay rewards that add up to more UPlay points that can possibly be earned in-game? My other UPlay games allowed me to eventually purchase everything, if I hit all of the objectives. :/
If you do end up using a controller be sure to get said:-How the game controls etc, can always get a controller for PC but if keyboard mouse is bad id love to know
Thanks for the tips guys.
This. The matchmaking is abysmal. I'm not very impressed with the multi so far.MjFrancis said:It takes forever to join anyways. I've been in a lobby with 6/6 to 8/8 players for five minutes. I'm starting to wonder if the servers are down.
Adam Prime said:Okay I have to know, does this story continue and have the same kind of bat shit insane ending as ACII? If it does, then I'm all in. Literally, the crazy ass story was the sole reason I played through ACII, and once I started to read everyone flipping out and going nuts over the ending of the game - that's when I was sold.
So I want to hear someone talk about the ending (I know the game is still too new) before I commit to this game.
Killthee said:My guess is this is their way of promoting Project Legacy, it has the final 40 needed to unlock everything in Brotherhood.
Brandon F said:I accidentally saw the ending being streamed on And yes it is as batshit insane as part deux(or at least the couple minutes I watched of it). The comments in the chat window were full of gasps and insanity as it unfolded.
Regardless, the mere amount of content poured onto this disc so far is reason enough to play as well. I especially approve of the 100% synchronization bonus objectives for each plot mission now. REALLY wish that sort of stuff was in AC1 and 2. Makes the main event missions a bit more lively and gripping for the OCD completists in us.
DevelopmentArrested said:I only put an hour into the SP. So far it seems pretty underwhelming, manning the cannon is boring as fuck. But I know I'll end up loving it in the end.
As for Multiplayer.. the matchmaking is indeed awful, and for some reason EVERYONE picks the jesters who stand out like fucking sore thumbs. But other than that, Manhunt/Alliance gametypes are pretty incredible and a ton of fun.
well for the team based modes, one of your teammates randomly gets to pick the skin of the whole team.. and it's ALWAYS the fucking jester in the 10 matches i played. so yeah that gets old margin said::lol I was thinking that when I put in the code that the jester is rather unique looking and that probably everyone else is using it on top of that. My plan was to use the most common looking skin. If I ever get to MP that is.
i actualy agree. Alliance is just too hectic to be any fun. It's tough enough to kill a guy let alone when you're being chased.Revolutionary said:Alliance Mode was the last mode I hadn't played... boy what a stinker. It's a good idea on paper but in execution it's just a fucking mess. People are doing parkour all over the place and not trying to be discreet at all... and still getting massive killstreak bonuses. Not fun for those of us who actually try to play the game somewhat incognito.
Manhunt it is!
DevelopmentArrested said:well for the team based modes, one of your teammates randomly gets to pick the skin of the whole team.. and it's ALWAYS the fucking jester in the 10 matches i played. so yeah that gets old fast.
Not if you have a nice killstreak bonus equipped.Square Triangle said:Also on that note, people...just stop with the hidden gun- it's worthless.
yup harlequin and jester suck as does the hidden gun. I thought the sprint was pretty worthless too. The Disguise is pretty nice. as are smoke bombs.Square Triangle said:For anyone not digging the MP, get your friends in on it- most fun I've had in quite some time. Communication is key in manhunt, I cannot stress that enough. Pugging a group is just out of the question since a lot of moron think it's a good idea to run around or try to steal your kill. Also on that note, people...just stop with the hidden gun- it's worthless.
PS we Negev use the harlequin, it sticks out way too much. We seem to have the most luck with the Priests. Maybe it's because he looks like a drugge out Agent 47? =P
That's with anything and even then the gun gives the lowest points, so still, it's worthless.Revolutionary said:Not if you have a nice killstreak bonus equipped.![]()
You can't reach it? Getting to the levers is pretty straight foward one you reach the first one.Domino Theory said:How do you? I'm stuck there at the moment. :/activate the fourth lever in the "Locate the shrine in Romulus" tomb for the water to pour in
Sai said:You can't reach it? Getting to the levers is pretty straight foward one you reach the first one.
Yeah, got it along with the two SP maps. Didn't think it was part of the US LE package, so either we missed the memo, or Ubisoft gave us a nice surprise.kiun said:Got the US limited edition. When I enter the bonus single player map code, it unlocks the Officer multiplayer skin. Curious if anyone else have the same experience ? I just want to make sure Ubi gave me the right code.
Sai said:Yeah, got it along with the two SP maps. Didn't think it was part of the US LE package, so either we missed the memo, or Ubisoft gave us a nice surprise.
rockman zx said:Love the fact that you can mark on the map the feathers, flags, a treasures. Brillant idea, don't know why they didn't do it in previous games.
Sai-kun said:This is really pissing me off. Full Synch Req: Don't lose any health.
Except I'm running somewhere and these super fast shoulder-bashing fucks keep bumping into me. Then I stumble, then they slice me once and I've gotta start over. Any tips? :/ this is lame
Herp derp it's not about achievement. I already got the 100% on a sequence achievement. But it's a challenge that seems fun, so I'd like to do it.Sinatar said:Stop worrying about achievements and play for fun?