Oh, that's Cesare, the son of Rodrigo Borgia. He's actually a new character in the AC series.TTG said:Nah, I'm not talking about the fat pope guy, the very first cutscene with a faux quick time event where Ezio is about to stab some guy with the hidden blade. He didn't look like the same dude.
That kinda bugged me, too.TTG said:Also, why does Ezio keep calling Niccolo Machiavelli "Machiavelli" all the time, it's not like Niccolo calls him "Auditore. :lol Is there some Italian way of addressing people that I'm missing?
I am having the exact same problem. Look a couple of posts above you. I wonder if I uninstall the game if it would help.U2NUMB said:Think I found an interesting annoying little audio glitch on the 360 version. Anyone else install the game? I played a couple hours prior to installing and audio wise everything was great. Now after the install my speakers pop often.. so I put on my Turtle Beach headset and its also there.. sounds like the audio is actually a bit messed up.
Anyone have this issue or should I just re install and hope that fixes it?
TTG said:Also, why does Ezio keep calling Niccolo Machiavelli "Machiavelli" all the time, it's not like Niccolo calls him "Auditore. :lol Is there some Italian way of addressing people that I'm missing?
Just wait until you get some "friends".hamchan said:Played a few more hours, just finished first Ezio playthrough section, that was really good.
Also execution streaks or whatever you call it is such a smart addition to the combat. It removes all the tedium and makes combat so much faster paced. Feels freaking great to get a long chain of dead guards.
ZealousD said:Okay, the VR missions are a kind of interesting diversion but getting trying to get three gold ranks literally gave me a headache last night.
I think it's rather pointed that they refer to him as Machiavelli in the game, since the modern usage of the term Machiavellian has certain connotations and implications that fit with his character in ACB.TTG said:Also, why does Ezio keep calling Niccolo Machiavelli "Machiavelli" all the time, it's not like Niccolo calls him "Auditore. :lol Is there some Italian way of addressing people that I'm missing?
YuriLowell said:I am having the exact same problem. Look a couple of posts above you. I wonder if I uninstall the game if it would help.
ZealousD said:You telling me you've never encountered a situation IRL where people are called by their last name? It's like a nickname sometimes.
Rated-Rsuperstar said:If there's a concept of a game having too much content this is it. After 11 hours I'm just a little over 30% completion. It's so good.
Jtyettis said:I got that feeling from 2. Anyhow, just picked this up this week. Pretty hilarious manual. So far starting off well.
DrBo42 said:Wow, I had one of my assassins die in combat next to me for the first time. The game alerted me that I could interact with them and say goodbye. I walked over the body and sure enough the open hand action is "Close eyes". Ezio closes their eyes and says "It was an honor to fight next to you, my brother." or something to that effect. That's a very cool detail IMO.
Edit: A bit more background. He was a Master Assassin, all my other recruits were on mission and I was tackling the last remaining Borgia tower. That guy dealt so much death before he went out, fought a calvary guard while on horse, jumped down and killed about 8 guards.
DualShadow said:I only send them out on missions where its 100% success as well :lol
ultron87 said:I think my threshold for sending them out is like 85 percent. But I just know that that is going to backfire on me one of these times. And it'll probably be on the mission I just sent 5 level 8 guys on that had a 95 percent success rate.
DualShadow said:If a mission fails do they all automatically die?
kiun said:Yea. Its actually a good way to replace your recruits for whatever reason.
Thats a good enough reason methinks.DualShadow said:Not sure why you would want to replace them unless you wanted all males/females or didn't like the look of one of them :lol
NullPointer said:Thats a good enough reason methinks.
I had one blank faced trainee die on a one star mission. 'To hell with him!' I cursed. Ended up saving a pretty lady who joined my cause soon afterwards.
She's now joined my elite 'Venetian wine' forces.
His heart just wasn't in it. When I saved his life he didn't immediately swear it over to me without reservation. Instead he muttered 'I like what you have to say, maybe I could fight with you? Or subscribe to your newsletter maybe?'. I should've seen it coming.DualShadow said:I didn't think it was possible to die in 1 star mission :lol
DualShadow said:@ NullPointer: That sounds awesome :lol
In one of the escort missions I remember just walking along calling my recruits whenever some guards were foolish enough to be in my path. It was amazing just standing there watching them drop smoke bombs assassinate all the guards and run off like nothing ever happened and I could just continue on my path until the next batch of guards appeared. :lol
ZealousD said:Was it the one with the? That mission was so awesome for using your recruits. =Dsenator
TheBrain76 said:Quick MP question. Can anyone confirm that you can play MP with a NAT 3 connection? I'm stuck with NAT3 (Yes I've forwarded my ports etc. It's my stupid isp.) and was curious wether or not I'll be able to play.
I hear you. There's like three Thief races and I could never 100% them.jett said:Goddamn getting full-sync in the last thief race is physically painful. :| These races really put in evidence how unbearably rigid the controls can be sometimes.
Bebpo said:Is there a way to speed up time? I keep messing up this Borgia guard to the west of the first area (still in sequence 2). He's hiding in a room surrounded by guards on both sides and he never leaves. Whatever I try doesn't seem to work and he gets alerted and runs off while Ezio decides to lock on to the grunt guards and start circle strafing them slowly and then I gotta wait until the next time change to try again![]()
Crewnh said:I hear you. There's like three Thief races and I could never 100% them.
The race at thejett said:Goddamn getting full-sync in the last thief race is physically painful. :| These races really put in evidence how unbearably rigid the controls can be sometimes.
Dartastic said:So. Better than AC2?
Fuck. I loved AC2. Gotta go buy this one, I guess. Off to Gamestop, to trade in my Xbox and get 80 bucks! :lolrareside said:Easily.
Bebpo said:Is there a way to speed up time? I keep messing up this Borgia guard to the west of the first area (still in sequence 2). He's hiding in a room surrounded by guards on both sides and he never leaves. Whatever I try doesn't seem to work and he gets alerted and runs off while Ezio decides to lock on to the grunt guards and start circle strafing them slowly and then I gotta wait until the next time change to try again![]()
Bebpo said:yeah I have problems locking onto him though. Ezio likes to go into fight pose when the guards start attacking and focus on them and the captain runs out of view really fast. I don't even know how to break the lock on and chase him![]()
Crazymoogle said:Left trigger de-locks on 360...I remember there being one particularly hard borgia guard to get to (the underground one), I'm pretty sure I had to end up running after him, breaking lock several times, and finally using the crossbow at range.
Bebpo said:Is crossbow useful for this kind of stuff? I haven't bought one yet. I'm still very early in the game (~10%).
Bebpo said:Is crossbow useful for this kind of stuff? I haven't bought one yet. I'm still very early in the game (~10%).
Sinatar said:The crossbow completely destroys what little difficulty balance the game had left. It is so ridiculously overpowered it's almost comical.
Oh look that guard is going to spot me, *THOK*, problem solved.