dwin45 said:Can someone who has played the PS3 version confirm that the framerate/tearing of the first game has been mostly fixed? If this thing looks like AC1 on the PS3, then I will definitely not bother with it.
ArachosiA 78 said:It's not radically different from the first Modern Warfare. The gameplay is identical; there are no new moves or abilities. The graphics are maybe slightly better but there is a lot more junk laying around and the maps are quite a bit more complex. There are several new guns and perks and the level cap on MP is now 70. Also, you can customize your killstreaks. Mulitplayer is more chaotic now due to the more muli-tiered maps and some of the new devestating killstreak bonuses. The single player mode really tries to go over the top with the action, and I feel it exceeds in this goal.
That's about it. It feels more like Cod:MW 1.5 to me. That said, it's an amazing and immensely addictive game.
Darkman M said:Holy shit :lol
I was like "Oh god, people are comparing to Modern Warfare 2 already".Darkman M said:Holy shit :lol
You should have just left it, it was pretty awesome. You guys wanted a change from the first game? Well get a load of THIS. :lolArachosiA 78 said:Heh...yeah, wrong thread.:lol
Miburou said:...
The game is an improvement over the first one, but fundamentally it does still feel similar. A huge world with not much to do in.
I'm still interested in the game, and the slow pacing means that the game might still pick up, though.
I could have sworn that I saw an option to turn off the glow in the menu.Miburou said:I wish I could change the difficulty and turn off all the glow and all the hints.
Dead said:Anyone else play the bonus levels from the Collectors Edition/Pre-order yet?
I just beat the first one. Its actually similar to the Assassin's Tomb. Big environment, tons of platforming, and the reward is a ton of gold.
I thought it was going to be like a single room with some treasure chests but its pretty substantial in size, at least the Medici manor one is.
No, thats a different one. Havent unlocked that one yet.akachan ningen said:Is that level the same one you can get by using Uplay points?
akachan ningen said:Is that level the same one you can get by using Uplay points?
Edeuinu said:Got it, played 2.5 hours, love it. But MAN Uncharted 2 still has me spoiled with a lot of things.
beelzebozo said:it's spoiled your ability to talk about games without referencing uncharted.
Y2Kev said:Have you noticed how open world games do platforming segments now? They're "underground." Always. Infamous started the trend! It's a good trend, I like parkour.![]()
Mana Sin said:Am I the only one somewhat annoyed that the euro Ezio figure has a sword yet the NA version does not?
Solo said:Hidden blade > sword
Also, vanilla > collectors edition
ZAnimus said:Did anyone here get the Black Edition? I'm getting mine on Friday, but just wanna know if there's any worthwhile stuff on the bonus DVD (other than the soundtrack, of course). Any good behind-the-scenes stuff? I'm a sucker for those.
if only something like that was financially viable.beelzebozo said:thank you for reading my novel.
Rez said:if only something like that was financially viable.![]()
Oh shit, of course! I forgot that the Black Edition is PAL-land only and thus releases everywhere on FridayNinjaFridge said:Play.com wont let me have it.![]()
Doesn't the euro version also feature the hidden blade? Haven't seen one up close.Solo said:Hidden blade > sword
Also, vanilla > collectors edition
Let me tell you something... if they ever released the AC Trilogy on a single bluray disc for the PS4/Xbox 720 with a bigger draw distance for NPCs, less pop-in and PC quality textures, I'd buy it in a heartbeat.beelzebozo said:yeah, i really think the model for collector's editions in video games is sort of jacked. much like the dvd/blu-ray market, at the initial release of a film on the format, there's already a special collector's edition that offers some ostensibly perfunctory benefits.
what the game market lacks is the flip side of the collector's market in dvd: the huge rerelease collector's editions of older games. now, the likelihood that people will purchase older games they've already bought is kind of low if the game is essentially the same, but, just to imagine for a moment: picking a game randomly from my shelf that i enjoyed from last-gen, i look at something like ETERNAL DARKNESS and try to imagine a collector's edition rerelease that i would feel good about buying.
so, number one, the game itself should remain largely unchanged, or--like the dvd rereleases--should have the option fo being played as such, with an expanded or altered "director's cut" also available. two, the behind-the-scenes material should be massive and all-encompassing; everything that silicon knights as far as video or interviews taken during the development of the game should be compiled, new interviews should be done with the staff reflecting on the game's successes and failures, the most eloquent and reputable game critics should discuss the significance of the game, and so on. there are things about ETERNAL DARKNESS i'd like to know that just aren't available out there: where did they get the inspiration for pious augustus? i'd like to hear all about where they drew from literature and the occult for the story and settings. meaty supplemental video material, in other words. third, the set's case should reflect the fact that the audience for the game is built-in, and that it's for collectors. this one could easily be made to look a lot like the tome of eternal darkness on the outside, leather with a latch.
and if they did all that, and actually put some effort into it, i'd drop a hundred bucks on it no question. but a collector's release for a game that's not a classic, that's not a known quantity, seems really really silly to me. i wish there were more reissues of old games on new systems with this sort of treatment, with an eye toward the history of what you're about to play, and with respect to the fans and to the people who would actually want to--you know--collect them.
someone will argue that the "director's cut" releases sort of do this, but not nearly to the degree that warrants a second purchase for most people. very little about them strikes me as special as a set like what i describe above.
dwin45 said:Can someone who has played the PS3 version confirm that the framerate/tearing of the first game has been mostly fixed? If this thing looks like AC1 on the PS3, then I will definitely not bother with it.
Ranger X said:I saw multiple people in this thread saying it runs way better than AC1 was on PS3.
( I didn't play much myself so I cannot confirm again on top but AC2 runs fine while some real GAF nit-pickers will totally react... as usual. It's far from being polished like Uncharted 2 or even most first party games but it's the case with all multiplatform releases afterall so, nothing new. Fact is that 95% of people buying this game won't ever have a problem with it. There's more tearing on the PS3 than on the 360 though because the later is capped at 30 fps)
Orgun said:This makes me sad T_T
Orgun said:This makes me sad T_T
Orgun said:This makes me sad T_T
Level 8 Boss said:I was so hyped for the first game, I really thought it was going to be a master piece, and was of course left bitterly disappointed.
I'm hearing slightly mixed things, pretty much a slightly more polished version of AC1 with a ton of collectables. I'm not sure if this should get my hard earned sterling. I've got a spare copy of MW2 to trade in/sell but hmm, maybe I should opt for Uncharted 2 (although again I wasn't a big fan of the first one).
Maybe I'm just crazy?