Snipes424 said:There is some screen tearing during a couple cutscenes, but I never really notice it. The framerate seems fine to me, but then again, I don't have magic eyes like a lot of people on GAF
Dead said:The Poison blade is absolutely hilarious btw. Stuck some random guy with it in the middle of courtyard and it turned into some kind of circus with everyone coming and looking at the guy flail around :lol
Grecco said:wow. that sucks dude. The new wagon wheel cases are garbage sad to say.
TenshiOni said:Just curious...
I'm not very far in the game...Just finished gathered four Codex pages in Uncle Mario's town.
Is Ezio capable of air assassinations while perched from a high point yet? And what about assassinating guards while hanging from ledges right below them? Are these abilities he gains later?
Althoran said:I have heard mostly the opposite concerning about what there is to do in the world.
Can you elaborate on this? Don't you like the collecting, the economy part, the upgrading of the villa?
Note: I don't have the game yet, it's been shipped this morning.
Sobriquet said:I could have sworn that I saw an option to turn off the glow in the menu.
Miburou said:I mean the story related stuff. So far it seems mostly just go leisurely from point A to point B, with some light fighting thrown in. I was disappointed when early in the game it tells you to find a secret door in a room only to 2 seconds later tell you to use eagle vision to see the hidden door. I just don't get a sense of accomplishment from what I've done in the game so far. (and it's not helped by the torrent of achievements you get just from going through the story part).
Like I said, I'm not even half-way through the game, so things might change, and the economy/villa upgrade sounds like a neat diversion. But ultimately I don't think the game is that different from the first.
Thanks.Miguelangelo said:yes he gains them later. Take those Codex's to Leonardo Da vinci
jett said:I gotta say, I find it absolutely hilarious that instead of being horrified by a dead body, the italians complain about the smell. :lol
Miburou said:I'm at sequence 3, mostly likely close to the end of it from the look of things.
And I like how you respond to the last line in my post as if I meant it's not a different game in terms of mechanics, when I clearly meant it still has a lot of the flaws of the first one.![]()
Baker said:I thought it was fucking cool how you started the game as non-assassin Ezio.
I find that half the time when I'm position to do an air Assassination the Assassinate context doesn't show up beside the attack button on the HUD but you can still hit the button to assassinate or jump and hit the button.TenshiOni said:Thanks.
That's good to know because I was slightly annoyed when Iclimbed the tower in that small town to assassinate that young Templar snob Ezio fought with in the beginning of the game and I couldn't jump assassinate him while perched right behind him. Had to land on my feet and alert him + his guards.
I don't know, I feel like this is the new style of game design: make it impossible to get lost or screw up in the first couple of hours. Assassin's Creed feels very railsy to me for a while because they continually introduce new gameplay elements for like the first five hours. Maybe it's not literally showing you the path on the ground, but it does give you a lot of information on how to play the game in what could conceivably be scenarios in which you learn by doing.Baker said:I still 100% do not understand the people complaining about excessive hand holding. Other than the quick sword training at the manor, I didn't feel like the game had a tutorial at all.
I mean fuck, the first fight doesn't even tell you what the punch button is and you have to figure out combo timing by yourself (pretty much same as AC1). The first race didn't have waypoints. I could go on and on. I thought it was fucking cool how you started the game as non-assassin Ezio.
In my opinion, treasures and shit should glitter. How the fuck else are you supposed to see them tucked away in a random corner? It beats having to play it anal-Batman: AA-style and run around in Eagle Vision all the goddamn time.
ZAnimus said:Oh shit, of course! I forgot that the Black Edition is PAL-land only and thus releases everywhere on Friday![]()
Mine is like that too :lolGrimm Fandango said:I'm liking it a lot but...
why does the fucking map (back/select button) run at like 15 FPS? It's horrendous. I dunno if it's because I installed the game (360) or not.
AC2 definitely fixes a majority of problems. The story flows better, theres some logic to how you do your investigations now (you don't run around and collect flags to gather intel in this one!), the extra missions are intriguing and theres way more variety. That being said I still think the original vision of AC was bigger.Zeliard said:I completely disagree. It looks like they literally went down a checklist of every criticism the first game got and made a strenuous effort to fix them all. The enemy and NPC A.I. are still hardly what I would call genius, but even that has seen some obvious improvement. And as far as things to do in the world, the two games are incomparable - almost like they're a part of two distinct series.
If AC2 still has one clear weakness that the first shares, it's probably that so far it's quite an easy game, especially the combat. In the first AC, once you got the counter timing right, you were basically unstoppable in combat. Seems to be mostly the same this time around, though I have noticed that enemies seem far less hesitant to attack you while you're engaged with someone else than they were in AC1. And the different weapons add a nice visual variety.
Blimblim said:Some interesting infos:
- The villa level and the stuff you can do in it was developed by Ubisoft Annecy.
- The Catacomb/PoP-like levels were done by Ubisoft Shanghai.
Y2Kev said:Mine is like that too :lol
Most graphically intense map screen ever
At least the feathers seem to have some purpose in this game. I don't know what yet because I only have like seven of 'em (dropped off 3). :lolBigFwoosh said:A lot of people here complain about the flag collecting in AC1, and I don't get it. It was completely optional. If you hated doing it so much, then why did you do it? Seriously, I think I've seen more people complain about flag collecting in the first game than anything else, besides the mission variety anyway.
I mean fuck, the first fight doesn't even tell you what the punch button is and you have to figure out combo timing by yourself (pretty much same as AC1). The first race didn't have waypoints. I could go on and on. I thought it was fucking cool how you started the game as non-assassin Ezio.
infinityBCRT said:The NPCs are still too generic (thieves and prostitutes conveniently are waiting to be hired near codex locations, you have no conversations with them, none of them are unique, etc) and the crowds are actually less dynamic in this game (you had people walking in all different directions in AC1, in this one you have these artificial groups); although Blend is done much better in this game, the "walking between people" effect should be more natural, you shouldn't have to walk through pre-set groups to trigger that.
infinityBCRT said:In some ways I'm hoping AC3 goes down a little more down the adventure game/rpg route (more puzzles, more inventory stuff, dialog trees, theft quests at night, a sneaking mechanic, perhaps even add a little bit of magic). At this point we know AC3 is going to be a mega blockbuster based on how good AC2 is alone so I hope they take some creative risks and try to evolve the next game to be even better.
BriareosGAF said:I'm going to race my brother? Okay why is he just standing there? Do I have to find some checkpoint? I can't talk to him, and he won't move. What do I do now? I climb up the church to where it looks like there's a checkpoint on the minimap, but it says I'm leaving the bounds of the memory. Huh? Wander around for 10 minutes trying to find a trigger or something to make the game progress. Ooh I found some florins in a glowy box.
Baker said:Sounds like it might have. When I played that part, he took off before me and was actually winning for half the race.
Sounds like it might have. When I played that part, he took off before me and was actually winning for half the race.BriareosGAF said:I'll flip it on later tonight to see if I just found a glitch somehow with that quest not initiating.
infinityBCRT said:Heavy spoilers for those who've finished the game or are near the end (after you've gone to).Venice
So it only clicked to me now what that whole weirddream sequence was about. You know how Desmond knows Altair's memories because hes one of Altair's great-great-great-great grandsons? Well that was Desmond's final memory of Altair. Seems as though Altair impregnated Maria and whoever was born from that pregnancy is where Desmond's memories continue after Altair impregnates Maria
Baker said:BTW, if you're not planning on getting all 100 Uplay points, don't waste 10 on the theme. It's not premium. I still don't understand why companies are allowed to make non-premium themes since NXE was invented.
*The background pic is pretty cool but I absolfuckinglutely hate the friends list with big white X's and robots.
Was it really a question though? I never thought it could be anything but that.infinityBCRT said:So it only clicked to me now what that whole weirddream sequence was about. You know how Desmond knows Altair's memories because hes one of Altair's great-great-great-great grandsons? Well that was Desmond's final memory of Altair. Seems as though Altair impregnated Maria and whoever was born from that pregnancy is where Desmond's memories continue after Altair impregnates Maria
I don't think its about trashing the game or being unhappy (at least not in terms of my post above). Its just about what the next evolution for video games is. Ten years ago we didn't see games with this scope and I'm hoping ten years from now we see games with an even bigger and better scope. I've always had an eye for game design so thats just how I think when I see a game. I always have criticisms, even for my favourite games, and I'm always looking at what can be better for the next iteration. Its not a bash on AC2 at all.slasher_thrasher21 said:Why is it though, that when a game such as AC2 comes out and totally outdoes the first game, people still find reason to bitch about what the game doesn't do. I mean granted we all want the perfect game, but its just sorta shocking. I find AC2 miles above the first and yeah its getting alot of praise and rightfully so, but what more do people really need to be happy? This game ranks high up on the list of best games released in 2009.
I just thought it wasBlimblim said:Was it really a question though? I never thought it could be anything but that.
infinityBCRT said:I just thought it wasa blatant advertisement for AC Bloodlines-- which it still was :lol
Blimblim said:I didn't finish the first AC so I just assumed she was somewhere later in the game