jett said:edit: it seems to be using a modified Unreal 2.5 engine.
Ridley327 said:Is it possible that has changed? That article is from 2007, back when Hobo Fisher was still kicking around.
jett said:Ah well I didn't notice that, I just grabbed it from wiki.I have no idea.
Rollo Larson said:can someone that knows tell me how or where to download uplay rewards?
if you simply hold "gentle push" (B or circle)you will avoid thatteh_pwn said:My only complaints:
1. Damn fat guys walking around with boxes in Venice. It's like they purposely get in my expected line of movement, walk into me, and then aggro guards. That's bullshit. Sort of funny, but annoying when I'm in a mission. To get around it, I just throw coins all over the place, then they drop and break their goods and go "oh money! Where did it come from?".
UrbanRats said:give me my ingame Sistine Chapel, why it was blacked out?!
NIGHT- said:Been playing the game for over 2 hours and loving it. But some reason the visuals don't look as good as the first game to me. Maybe it's just been to long since I played it.
Sai-kun said:It wasn't painted then.
.Saterium said:Collecting all the codexs...
need to do it to finish the game
Collecting all the statues...
get an achievement
Saterium said:Man collecting everything kinda leads to... well..
Collecting all the treasures...
Collecting all the codexs...
a neat sound once you complete the obvious picture
Collecting all the statues...
nothing, just some cash
Collecting all the feathers...
a weapon which you can buy better and a cape that makes you kill on sight? really?
At least getting all the hidden symbols and crypts was well worth it. With they would've made everything else worth while though.
Now to finish the game, woo..
Saterium said:At least getting all the hidden symbols and crypts was well worth it. With they would've made everything else worth while though.
except that the act of playing those crypts were reward in itself, what with them being the most fun sections of game.akachan ningen said:Crypts were not worth it imo. the armor of altair was effectively the same as the missaglias.
akachan ningen said:Crypts were not worth it imo. the armor of altair was effectively the same as the missaglias.
akachan ningen said:Crypts were not worth it imo. the armor of altair was effectively the same as the missaglias.
jett said:What? Collecting codexes is like collecting pieces of heart in a Zelda game. Every four will net you an increased life bar.
Exactly. I don't think we need tangible rewards beyond great gameplay, which the crypts delivered in spades.jett said:the best thing about the crypts are the crypts themselves.
akachan ningen said:Crypts were not worth it imo. the armor of altair was effectively the same as the missaglias.
Rez said:except that the act of playing those crypts were reward in itself, what with them being the most fun sections of game.
pop-in is there even when installed but I only noticed it when I reached that city with the fabulous grass field (pop-in is usually in these big ass fields even in AC1).jett said:Ugghh I can't stand the framerate issues, the constant screen tearing and the blurry image quality any longer. I've tried to stay positive, but I can't seriously recommend the PS3 version to anybody. I'm sorry if I did.If you only have that console, do yourself a favor and wait for the PC release next year. Seeing how smooth the 360 version is the Co-p review truly made me realize how wrong I was.
Is the pop-in as horrible in the 360 version? LOD textures, shadows, grass and people can and will pop in mere feet in front of you.
jett said:Ugghh I can't stand the framerate issues, the constant screen tearing and the blurry image quality any longer. I've tried to stay positive, but I can't seriously recommend the PS3 version to anybody. I'm sorry if I did.If you only have that console, do yourself a favor and wait for the PC release next year. Seeing how smooth the 360 version is the Co-p review truly made me realize how wrong I was.
Is the pop-in as horrible in the 360 version? LOD textures, shadows, grass and people can and will pop in mere feet in front of you.
Papercuts said:On 360 I see shadows and grass pop in, but nothing else.
I once let Ezio wait in chest room while I was watching a movie. :loljey_16 said:just unlocked Altair's armour....looks bad ass except you cant dye it? It would be good to go back to the original white while wearing his armour
i think i wasted too much money on buying the other i have to wait a bit until i have enough money to buy Altair's sword
jey_16 said:just unlocked Altair's armour....looks bad ass except you cant dye it? It would be good to go back to the original white while wearing his armour
i think i wasted too much money on buying the other i have to wait a bit until i have enough money to buy Altair's sword
I switched from the PS3 version to the 360 version for the same reason. 360 version isn't perfect, but the screen tearing is only really an issue in the cinematic sequences, and the framerate is pretty rock-solid. There's plenty of pop-in though. Less of a buzzkill than the framerate and screen tearing IMO.jett said:Ugghh I can't stand the framerate issues, the constant screen tearing and the blurry image quality any longer. I've tried to stay positive, but I can't seriously recommend the PS3 version to anybody. I'm sorry if I did.If you only have that console, do yourself a favor and wait for the PC release next year. Seeing how smooth the 360 version is the Co-p review truly made me realize how wrong I was.
Is the pop-in as horrible in the 360 version? LOD textures, shadows, grass and people can and will pop in mere feet in front of you.
akachan ningen said:Crypts were not worth it imo. the armor of altair was effectively the same as the missaglias.
jett said:lolwut
the best thing about the crypts are the crypts themselves. one of the finest parts of the whole game.
jett said:Man the AI in this game is awful, the more I play it the more I notice how seriously it's been toned down from the first game. I killed some beggar right across the street from a group of guards and they didn't give a fuck.
It has a less realistic art design, that's probably it, although it does seem like there's less up close detail if we can call it that.
dragonflys545 said:I find the crypts not worth it as well, kinda boring too in my opinion. Still an awesome game though.
neorej said:Agreed, the crypts are awesome. It's so much fun to have a focussed, semi-linear portion after all that free roaming through the streets. While the main game is more like "get there, have fun doing it", the crypts are more like "you need to get there, you figure out how the hell you're gonna do that" or puzzles for that matter, pretty much how the towerclimbing is a puzzle, even though the towers are fairly simple puzzles.
yeah, I get the feeling that it's kind of inaccurate.rockman zx said:It's me or the game clock works in a weird way?. I beat the game in 27 hours but I'm 100% sure that I played +32 hours at least.
Rez said:you're not even half-way, I wouldn't know where to begin. 0_0
knitoe said:Does this game get much better? Just pass killing Vera dude. Just seems all fetch quest and it's variatiions.