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Assassin's Creed II - The |OT|


MirageDwarf said:
Even though I hate feather collection, I will eventually do that. Like one area at a time. Achievements in this game are easy so this is gonna be my first game with 1000 points until new content adds achievements and screw my 100% completion.
If you're complaining about the glyphs, good luck with the feathers. :lol
Zeliard said:
The only thing that's been a stumbling block for me so far is this one Florence assassination contract where I have to kill some guy in a tunnel flanked by guards undetected, but everything I do gets me detected.
Smoke bomb?
Baker said:
Hiring hookers or thieves is easier.
Well depends, courtesans yeah because they automatically distract the guards. So yeah its 1 button press easier. Of course thats not counting having to find them, having Y to actually hire them and then having to walk them over to the guards.


98 feathers and I have no idea where I missed the 2. :\

Also how do you get that throw sand achievement? I've been throwing sand like crazy and it hasn't popped up. Also the sweep 5 and defeat 10 without hits seem really hard.
Baker said:
If you're complaining about the glyphs, good luck with the feathers. :lol

lol. I think I've already complained about it couple of times. Will see if I can keep doing this. Collected 31 so far in 3 days after finishing the game.

jett said:
:lol This guy is nuts, I think.

Dude, I got around 800 while going through the story. It is closest I've ever got because achievements/trophies are really really easy in AC2. :lol So I thought why not go for 1000. This is gonna be only game with 100% completion for short time.

Tonza said:
98 feathers and I have no idea where I missed the 2. :\

Also how do you get that throw sand achievement? I've been throwing sand like crazy and it hasn't popped up. Also the sweep 5 and defeat 10 without hits seem really hard.

You have to stun 4 guards at once. Use smoke bomb + hidden blade to defeat 10 enemies.


Lostconfused said:
Smoke bomb?

That was one of the first things I tried and it desync'd me immediately. :(

Baker said:
Hiring hookers or thieves is easier.

I've lured the guards on both sides away several times, but I still get detected when doing the actual assassination, no matter what distance I'm at. If you use thieves on the guards, they can run into the tunnel and knock over your target, and I guess it's possible to get to him while he's still getting to his feet and disoriented. That's basically the only thing I haven't tried.


Getting 1000 is easy in this game, I'm only 2 achievements away. Just need all the feathers and the cape one.


Lostconfused said:
Well depends, courtesans yeah because they automatically distract the guards. So yeah its 1 button press easier. Of course thats not counting having to find them, having Y to actually hire them and then having to walk them over to the guards.
I didn't mean number-of-button-presses easier, haha. I meant in those situations it's usually easier to hire people for distractions because 99 times out of 100, there will be a group right next to the baddies.

It's a lot simpler to send them to do the dirty work than to position yourself close enough (undetected) to set off a smoke bomb.

Tonza said:
Also how do you get that throw sand achievement? I've been throwing sand like crazy and it hasn't popped up. Also the sweep 5 and defeat 10 without hits seem really hard.
The sweep and sand achievements both follow the same idea:

1) Get two groups trying to fight you (the more the merrier of course)

2) Do each action twice. For example, do the sweep and don't even worry how many people get knocked over. While they're on the ground, charge the attack again. The remaining guys will close in and the downed ones will stand up. Unleash the attack and you'll take out everyone.
Zeliard said:
That was one of the first things I tried and it desync'd me immediately. :(
sounds like the gun is the way to go then
Baker said:
It's a lot simpler to send them to do the dirty work than to position yourself close enough (undetected) to set off a smoke bomb.
Well that depends on the situation. Usually i just prefer to stand 2 feet away from their face before using the smoke bomb, works quiet well.


Sorry if this has been asked already, but can I look for Subject 16's glyphs after I finish the main story?
Tonza said:
98 feathers and I have no idea where I missed the 2. :\

Also how do you get that throw sand achievement? I've been throwing sand like crazy and it hasn't popped up. Also the sweep 5 and defeat 10 without hits seem really hard.

How do you even throw sand, I cannot even find sand anywhere :lol


Zeliard said:
I've lured the guards on both sides away several times, but I still get detected when doing the actual assassination, no matter what distance I'm at. If you use thieves on the guards, they can run into the tunnel and knock over your target, and I guess it's possible to get to him while he's still getting to his feet and disoriented. That's basically the only thing I haven't tried.
How far are you in the game? There's an extra cheap method but it's the last "perk" you get.

Pizza Luigi said:
How do you even throw sand, I cannot even find sand anywhere :lol
Apparently the entire world is made of sand because you can do it anywhere. Just hold down X when you're fighting barehanded.

mjc said:
Sorry if this has been asked already, but can I look for Subject 16's glyphs after I finish the main story?
It was asked 26 posts ago :p

Yeah, you can.

Ranger X

mjc said:
Sorry if this has been asked already, but can I look for Subject 16's glyphs after I finish the main story?

You can look in the database, there's an eye icon showing on wich landmarks you can find a glyph. Most landmarks are easy to spot and they are also in darker grey color on the map. If ever you can't find them, I know there are maps out there already.



Running off of Custom Firmware
Yeah, I can't figure out how to throw sand either. And I'm too lazy to climb to the high shelf where I dropped the humongous fucking LE box.

As to the assassination of the dude in the tunnel guarded on both ends, just equip your money pouch like a weapon and start tossing your gold like mad. In the ensuing guard/civilian clusterfuck, just walk up to the dude shaded in gold (eagle vision), and shiv him in the back. Mission accomplished. No need to wait for the smoke bomb upgrade or involve courtesans or hired thugs.

Speaking of assassinations. WTF. I start Memory Sequence 5, and it's like I have an infinite number of these assassinations to do in Florence. I did 6 in a row last night, and the 3 Assassination Markers on my map/GPS are STILL there!? They're all uniquely named and logged in the DNA strand, but do they ever end?

WTF happened to the spacing out of missions there? Courier and Beat Up missions, by comparison, are far fewer and further apart.


I'm not sure if you can do it beforehand or not, but I was able to throw sand after the trainer showed it to me. But it's a move you don't pay anything for, I believe.

Baker said:
How far are you in the game? There's an extra cheap method but it's the last "perk" you get.

I think I just finished the fifth sequence last night. :p Still haven't been to Venice yet, though I assume that's coming up fairly soon.

My actual story progression through the game has been slow, as it always is with me in sandbox games. I have too much fun doing other stuff, even if it's just randomly running around and picking fights with guards, not even necessarily completing the side objectives.

Mejilan said:
As to the assassination of the dude in the tunnel guarded on both ends, just equip your money pouch like a weapon and start tossing your gold like mad. In the ensuing guard/civilian clusterfuck, just walk up to the dude shaded in gold (eagle vision), and shiv him in the back. Mission accomplished. No need to wait for the smoke bomb upgrade or involve courtesans or hired thugs.

Good call on the gold. Haven't tried that either, actually. I just realized I never use that move. :lol


Running off of Custom Firmware
Hmm, I've done all of the training available to me so far (including paying for the sweep and axe techniques), but I've not seen any entry for sand-flinging, and that includes the unavailable, gray-ed out entries.


Mejilan said:
Hmm, I've done all of the training available to me so far (including paying for the sweep and axe techniques), but I've not seen any entry for sand-flinging, and that includes the unavailable, gray-ed out entries.

I think he shows it to you under "unarmed combat", and it's the only move you learn there. I don't think it's specifically noted in the menu itself.


Mejilan said:
Hmm, I've done all of the training available to me so far (including paying for the sweep and axe techniques), but I've not seen any entry for sand-flinging, and that includes the unavailable, gray-ed out entries.
It's in there somewhere and free. Someone said earlier you don't even need to train to be able to do it either.
Mejilan said:
Hmm, I've done all of the training available to me so far (including paying for the sweep and axe techniques), but I've not seen any entry for sand-flinging, and that includes the unavailable, gray-ed out entries.

Its a learned skill that you get from Mario. There will be a point where he wants to teach you some more stuff. Should be very very soon for you.

*or at least he teaches you about it* Maybe you can do it before he trains you on it.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Hmmm, I don't even recall that as being a category (unarmed combat), so maybe I do need to progress a bit further first. Thank you.

Still, WHAT is up with all of the Assassination missions that open up at once. Oy!


I must admit, the ending came rather sudden. I was fooled by the fact I had just ended Segment 10, and thought I had a couple of segments left. I guess those are the extra missions?

But I really enjoyed the game. Fun, varied and so not Assassin's Creed 1 like.

I got the Collector's Edition and was looking forward the the soundtrack. I must admit I'm a bit dissapointed when I discovered that it's only playable through the DVD. I want Jesper Kyd goodness on my iPod, damnit!


slasher_thrasher21 said:
Its a learned skill that you get from Mario. There will be a point where he wants to teach you some more stuff. Should be very very soon for you.

*or at least he teaches you about it* Maybe you can do it before he trains you on it.
Mario never taught it to me. I was well into Venice before I even knew you could learn extra stuff from the trainer.

Kilroy said:
I must admit, the ending came rather sudden. I was fooled by the fact I had just ended Segment 10, and thought I had a couple of segments left. I guess those are the extra missions?

It goes to Section 14. Granted there's not a super large amount of stuff after 10, but the game doesn't abruptly end by any means.
Baker said:
It's in there somewhere and free. Someone said earlier you don't even need to train to be able to do it either.
Well I said you didn't need to train to use it. Of course I could be wrong, its just that I found out how to do it pretty early on and never visited the weapon trainer until like hour 21 after i finished the game.


Zeliard said:
Good call on the gold. Haven't tried that either, actually. I just realized I never use that move. :lol
Poison a guard, preferably one with a spear.
Throw money at his feet.
Enjoy the carnage.

Edit: Actually, now that I think of it, this is a wasted AI opportunity. In the first game IIRC, if a citizen caused any unrest, he was chased, and mercilessly killed. So in 2, when the guard in the above scenario starts whacking innocent civilians, I fully expected the other guards to get medieval on his ass. Didn't happen :(
Baker said:
Mario never taught it to me. I was well into Venice before I even knew you could learn extra stuff from the trainer.

Well there was a specific moment where he offers to train you more and I beleive its a story quest. Perhaps you can decline him though. I just learned the sand move last night from him and I know I didnt just talk to him, I had to go to him because the next mission set up was there. As a matter of fact, when I was talking to him and trained, afterwards a guy ran up and said some shit was going down. Thats where I stopped last night.

Mejilan said:
So, how DOES one throw sand?

fight using fists, I beleive you hold X or Square depending on system, and then let go. Don't know if you have to be target locked or not.


I didn't know how to fling sand until near the end of the game cuz I didn't do any practices at all. It's fairly useless since you can kill them more easily. And Mario never taught the sand fling. You learn it from the optional practice sessions. I learned it last night for the achievement.


Spasm said:
Poison a guard, preferably one with a spear.
Throw money at his feet.
Enjoy the carnage.


I've been poisoning guards and then tossing people in their general direction, but that sounds like a better plan. :p


Alright so this bloodlines glyph is driving me insane.
the seeds were planted as two worlds became one. behold, the assassins, the children of two worlds!
Normally I can figure the glyphs out in a couple of tries but this one is driving me crazy. Any help would be appreciated.


JambiBum said:
Alright so this bloodlines glyph is driving me insane.
the seeds were planted as two worlds became one. behold, the assassins, the children of two worlds!
Normally I can figure the glyphs out in a couple of tries but this one is driving me crazy. Any help would be appreciated.
I think that was one I had to strong arm the final 1-2, but if I remember correctly it had something to do with
pregnant women in the paintings

Glyph #19 seriously took me 45 minutes because I over-thought it and made it 50000000x harder than it was.


i love the glyph puzzles with the rings. i was able to solve them quite easily. but i used a guide for the ones with the numbers and symbols. those are way too abstract for me.


Baker said:
I think that was one I had to strong arm the final 1-2, but if I remember correctly it had something to do with
pregnant women in the paintings

Glyph #19 seriously took me 45 minutes because I over-thought it and made it 50000000x harder than it was.

That's what I thought. Only problem is that I can't really tell which ones are. I can tell a few but like the other painting puzzles the last couple are a bitch to see lol.


JambiBum said:
That's what I thought. Only problem is that I can't really tell which ones are. I can tell a few but like the other painting puzzles the last couple are a bitch to see lol.
Yeah, that's what I meant by strong arming. Just be a cheap bastard and pick the four you know are right, then go through every possibility for the remaining two until you get it. :lol

Like I said about #19, sometimes the concept is clear but you just have no idea which paintings are actually conveying that idea.

LiK said:
but i used a guide for the ones with the numbers and symbols. those are way too abstract for me.
Those were my favorite ones!


LiK said:
wow, really? those were way over my head. we should team up! :lol
Well there was always the clue on how to set the dial hidden in one of the pictures. After that, it was just figuring out the symbol patterns (
angles, 1-3-9, etc.

You have to admit,
that last one was hilarious. I think it was #20.


LiK said:
i love the glyph puzzles with the rings. i was able to solve them quite easily. but i used a guide for the ones with the numbers and symbols. those are way too abstract for me.

The final ring puzzle isn't fun at all.


ezekial45 said:
The final ring puzzle isn't fun at all.
Yeah you actually had to count on that one and couldn't force it. What was it,
eight clicks left for the center piece
before it would set up correctly?


Baker said:
Yeah you actually had to count on that one and couldn't force it. What was it,
eight clicks left for the center piece
before it would set up correctly?

It took me a few tries. The center piece was always off more me, and that was the piece i needed.


I love the ones with the rings! I hate the ones where you have to scour some fucking picture or match a couple of paintings.


Hi everyone. should i get this game? to be honest. i didnt like AC1, should i buy the second one? im really really interested in it. but i had the same feeling with AC1 so im a little worried i might be wasting money again. ( like with far cry 2 and ac1, and basically all ubisoft title lol :lol )


Felium Defensor
Camper182 said:
Hi everyone. should i get this game? to be honest. i didnt like AC1, should i buy the second one? im really really interested in it. but i had the same feeling with AC1 so im a little worried i might be wasting money again. ( like with far cry 2 and ac1, and basically all ubisoft title lol :lol )
Dude, just get it. Better than the first one in every single aspect. I played the shit for 2 days straight almost. It's a good buy, you won't be disappointed.

Playing this baked is one of the best gaming experiences I've had as well. My stomach almost drops every time Ezio does the leap of faith off a tall ass viewpoint.


Kaako said:
Dude, just get it. Better than the first one in every single aspect. I played the shit for 2 days straight almost. It's a good buy, you won't be disappointed.
I hope you're not mistaking :(
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