duckroll said:So about that patch...
Definetely coming but I don't know what fixes are in there.
duckroll said:So about that patch...
Ranger X said:Believe me I was the first to be worried, especially when I saw our first 2 quarter sales dropping like 54% in sales or something. We were like the only studio in the world that hasn't been affected by the recession yet and now Assassin 2 will probably let us back into positive numbers!!
Ranger X said:Definetely coming but I don't know what fixes are in there.
Yup. I crashed at least five times so I had plenty of time to get it. :lolJtyettis said:I'm guessing I'm screwed on the Fly Swatter achievement if I missed it during the mission?
Mejilan said:What are the details of that trophy? I hate miss-able, non-story trophies. Especially in extremely lengthy games. :/
duckroll said:Make them add the ability to replay memory sequences. When I say make them, I mean it in the same way the characters in Assassin's Creed "make" people do things. Okay?
AC2 will most likely make you realize how flawed AC is.Jtyettis said:I'm guessing I'm screwed on the Fly Swatter achievement if I missed it during the mission?
Anyhow the game is incredible and I was definitely one of those people who never finished the first, but this makes me want to go back and play it. Wish the games on demand price was $20, but I'm sure I could find it even cheaper at retail.
JCtheMC said:+1 to this. I want to be able to replay certain missions because they were awesome.
Of course if you play AC you will realized that AC2 in some parts just isn't as good.ThePeacemaker02 said:AC2 will most likely make you realize how flawed AC is.
Baker said:Kick a guard while on the flying machine.
I just browsed through the list and didn't see any other story-specific ones that are possible to miss.Mejilan said:Whew, haven't gotten to that point yet. Any other miss-ables like that, that I should know about?
You can't replay Memory Sequences ala AC1 and AC PSP? That's a huge disappointment! I wonder why they changed that...
Lostconfused said:Of course if you play AC you will realized that AC2 in some parts just arent as good.
Well of course that was just my opinion. But I didn't like Ezio's story and I think that the narrative of the 2nd game isn't as good. Also a the main story assassinations, except for one, weren't as enjoyable or interesting as in the first game.slasher_thrasher21 said:HUH? explain?
slasher_thrasher21 said:HUH? explain?
Baker said:I just browsed through the list and didn't see any other story-specific ones that are possible to miss.
Mejilan said:Much appreciated. I tried to get the stupid ones out of the way ASAP, such as wasting 300 florins via dispersal, 5000 florins via the courtesans, etc.
I didn't see any trophies dedicated to various kinds of kills (combo kills, stealth kills, counter kills, etc.) like the PSP version has. Am I right, or did I miss something?
Well you can also maybe add the sweep 5 enemies with the spear and blind some number of enemies with dust to that list.jett said:You're pretty much right. The trophies in this game are super lame and almost seem like an afterthought. In terms of kills there's only two, kill 10 enemies in the middle of combat without getting hit, and air-killing someone after poisoning him.
No but three come to mind concerning fighting...Mejilan said:I didn't see any trophies dedicated to various kinds of kills (combo kills, stealth kills, counter kills, etc.) like the PSP version has. Am I right, or did I miss something?
Lostconfused said:Of course if you play AC you will realized that AC2 in some parts just isn't as good.
jett said:You're pretty much right. The trophies in this game are super lame and almost seem like an afterthought. In terms of kills there's only two, kill 10 enemies in the middle of combat without getting hit, and air-killing someone after poisoning him.
No you only need to unlock the sweep. Throwing sand in the face is always an option, they just never tell you how to do it.Baker said:Those last two require training from the weapon guy in the Villa.
Lostconfused said:No you only need to unlock the sweep. Throwing sand in the face is always an option, they just never tell you how to do it.
Haha.Lostconfused said:No you only need to unlock the sweep. Throwing sand in the face is always an option, they just never tell you how to do it.
It might be a lightning deal in three hours so keep an eye open.neojubei said:Most of the posts here and the recent CO-OP episode is making me want to buy this game. I think I will sell my modern warfare 2 game and buy this.
Mejilan said:I actually prefer story-driven achievements/trophies over the skill-based ones, since most of those turn out to be a chore. It's one thing if a game rewards you for playing with style, but quite another to force you to grind stupid activities for the paltry reward.
I just trained up in long weapons and the axes, IIRC (expensive!), but didn't see anything about training with sand. The only category left is pistols, and that category is still greyed out and unavailable to me.
The not getting hit trophy, does that include blocking? Like, can I clear off 10 guys with blocks/counter-kills and still get the trophy? Only problem for me is finding a group large enough. They tend to start fleeing after I slaughter 6 or so of them...
jett said:Personally it's just the visceral level of violence that has been toned down.
Well in the first game there is the one where he grabs the enemies head with the right hand and jams the blade into the eye. Or there is one where he stabs them with the blade in the gut follows up with a punch to the stomach with the right and finishes it up with a hidden blade to the eye.ultron87 said:I dunno, I guess there might be less actual blood, but the actual kills are far more brutal if you ask me. I never remember (counter-kill spoiler)stabbing directly through a guys face with the hidden blade in AC1. And in this game you do it with double blades.
ultron87 said:I dunno, I guess there might be less actual blood, but the actual kills are far more brutal if you ask me. I never remember (counter-kill spoiler)stabbing directly through a guys face with the hidden blade in AC1. And in this game you do it with double blades.
Mejilan said:Whew, haven't gotten to that point yet. Any other miss-ables like that, that I should know about?
You can't replay Memory Sequences ala AC1 and AC PSP? That's a huge disappointment! I wonder why they changed that...
I am pretty sure almost all, if not all, of the sword and knife kills have been copied over from the first game.Mejilan said:The sword sweep counter kill is so satisfying to watch. Smooth and FAST.
Lostconfused said:I am pretty sure almost all, if not all, of the sword and knife kills have been copied over from the first game.
Yeah, an audible, "Holy shit!" escaped my lips whenultron87 said:I dunno, I guess there might be less actual blood, but the actual kills are far more brutal if you ask me. I never remember (counter-kill spoiler)stabbing directly through a guys face with the hidden blade in AC1. And in this game you do it with double blades.
It was a feature that was cut, it *should* be patched in because it fucking sucks to not be able to replay a certain mission to show it to friends,etc. The 3 saveslot limit is bullshit too.duckroll said:Make them add the ability to replay memory sequences. When I say make them, I mean it in the same way the characters in Assassin's Creed "make" people do things. Okay?
Ristlager said:posted this in the sales thread, but perhaps this is the better place
I have an unopened dragon age game. Should I trade it in for this instead? I liked the first one quite a bit, but I also like rpgs (first one for me this gen!!). What should I go for?
McBacon said:Oh mang, the theme you get with uPlay isn't a premium one![]()
Mejilan said:So the 10 kills without getting touched trophy... are blocks allowed?