Are you talking about Desmond?
Desmond and Shaun and Rebecca
Are you talking about Desmond?
I wonder when the reviews will start appearing.Wonder what kind of reviews this game will get. Seems so far there've been two camps, AC2 and B getting really positive reviews, and 1 and R getting lower scores around the 80% range.
I wonder when the reviews will start appearing.
I wonder when the reviews will start appearing.
The dungeons that did exist in ACR were great, but there were only two IIRC. And ACB had the advantage of simply having more content (more tombs, more puzzles, more missions, etc). But ACR had the advantage of having refined combat/movement mechanics and overall design (missions, city, stealth, etc), and part of that might be because there was less to focus on improving.I think the underground levels in ACB were better also, and the davinci's invention missions were freaking amazing.
I'd say AC2 and ACB got strong reviews, while AC1 and ACR got divided reviews. My thinking is that it has to do with how patient players are and how "experimental" (with combat, exploration, stealth) those players like to be. More patient and exploration-minded players probably prefer AC1 and ACR. Folks who just want to jump in and kill dudes probably prefer AC2 and ACB. Just a guess, though, based on my own tastes. Also, ACR got unfairly knocked for its admittedly terrible den defense. I say "unfairly" because those den defense sequences are incredibly easy to avoid, and it takes some serious neglect and balls-to-the-wall impatience to make them happen.Wonder what kind of reviews this game will get. Seems so far there've been two camps, AC2 and B getting really positive reviews, and 1 and R getting lower scores around the 80% range.
Just booted up Uplay to play some ACR and noticed that they have the Uplay rewards listed for AC3. Some unlocks are, Upgrade to Conner's tool pouches and Ezio's Brotherhood outfit.
Soo if I haven't played Revelations, will I be totally lost going into this?
nice, pretty tame as always, but better free then being some 1.99 dlc
I don't even remember anything about Revelations as I don't think it advanced anything. It was all about dat hookblade.
I don't even remember anything about Revelations as I don't think it advanced anything. It was all about dat hookblade.
Oh yeah I forgot about that. Is that even making a return in this game? I haven't seen anything on it being included.
The tomahawk bro.
Really? So you use it to scale buildings and get around, not just for fighting? I guess I haven't been paying as much attention to this game as I thought.
Meet subject 16's avatar in animus land
He is totally batshit insane
Shitty first person desmond crap
Ezio gets older, researches Altiar
Learn how to make useless bombs, also tower defense
Find out some more backstory shit about time traveling space assassins stuff
The tomahawk bro.
So yeah basically nothing. Also the first person Desmond platforming stuff was brutally boring.
But I do have to question the tomahawk. How the hell do you climb buildings with a tomahawk? lol
You don't climb buildings with it. There was some footage shown of Conner using it to zipline down from a building that was blowing up. Looked like a cutscene. If it will be used in-game is yet to be seen.
You don't climb buildings with it. There was some footage shown of Conner using it to zipline down from a building that was blowing up. Looked like a cutscene. If it will be used in-game is yet to be seen.
I hope they have something to help with climbing because that's where the hookblade was best. It was like a double jump for climbing and I rarely had to slowly circle around buildings to find the next notch to keep going up.
I hope they have something to help with climbing because that's where the hookblade was best. It was like a double jump for climbing and I rarely had to slowly circle around buildings to find the next notch to keep going up.
ACB and AC2 had the gauntlet which was basically the same thing.
This was more than those. The hookblade started with a leap jump like what you're talking about and then it launched you even higher. It was something the series needed after AC1 honestly.
Is that video that leaked for the first twenty minutes still around anywhere? I wanna watch that, but I can't find it anywhere now. Kotaku had one listed that showed some Desmond gameplay, but that's been pulled too.
This video contains content from Ubisoft and IDOL, one or more of whom have blocked it in your country on copyright grounds.
Best thing about ACR is the hookblade and how it sped up travel and climbing. Hopefully 3 has something like it. If any of these bad features like tower defense or destroying enemy towers in each area make it and an actual good upgrade doesn't it'll be upsetting.
How bad are the spoilers in that 22-minute Assassin's Creed 3 opening video that's been going around? I'm finding it hard to resist watching it.
Not from what I've seen after seven hours of gameplay. I really hope it shows up, since it added a lot to your arsenal of movement.
I would try to stay way from it, there's a cool early game twist they haven't communicated which I really enjoyed.
I really can't wait to talk about this game in detail next week. There's some important things to say before people play it.
Anyone else thinking this will sell under expectations? I just feel Reveletions harmed the franchise.
That doesnt sound like a ringing endorsement. Should those of us who preordered be reconsidering?
Don't read that deep into it. It's more in the vein of the game has a certain tempo to it, and is very much slowly giving you more and more of its world and systems, and not dumping everything in your face in hour 1.
Anyone else thinking this will sell under expectations? I just feel Reveletions harmed the franchise.
Don't read that deep into it. It's more in the vein of the game has a certain tempo to it, and is very much slowly giving you more and more of its world and systems, and not dumping everything in your face in hour 1.
Anyone else thinking this will sell under expectations? I just feel Reveletions harmed the franchise.
Oh ok cool! It sounds a lot like AC 2 in that regard then. You were several hours in before everything was unleashed. Are you able to speak about how long the game is before the embargo is up?
Oh ok cool! It sounds a lot like AC 2 in that regard then. You were several hours in before everything was unleashed. Are you able to speak about how long the game is before the embargo is up?
Main game is 10 to 12 hours, that's if you only do the main story.
That is dissapointing. I thought they said at Comic con 20-25 for the main story and double that if you do all side quests?
I watched the intro video that shows Desmond parts and I am glad they changed his look from the Adam Sandler looking model from Revelations.