This for sureNope. That OP is perfect. Exactly what I expect from an op.
I'm not gonna read a fucking blurb with 1 picture and a link.
This for sureNope. That OP is perfect. Exactly what I expect from an op.
I'm not gonna read a fucking blurb with 1 picture and a link.
Seriously this. Having doubts if I can wait it out also...
Because we aren't allowed ops like that now.Why are people complaining about the OT anyway..?
Because we aren't allowed ops like that now.
So the 360 version had a horrifying amount of screen tearing too? That's sad to know.
To this day I don't know how I was able to complete the game on PS3 with how much I hate tearing. It probably stopped me from going for a platinum at least.
Some random impressions after a few hours with the 360 version:
-Game comes on 2 discs. 2nd disc is multiplayer.
-There's a Uplay pass included, however you can play online without registering it. You will miss out on upgrades and extras though.
-Running and climbing is faster, more fluent and less frustrating.
-The new setting is great so far. Really atmospheric.
-Combat seems dumbed down, but this might just be because it's the beginning of the game.
-New finishing moves are visceral and very cool.
-Framerate is all over the place. Appears to be unlocked as well, meaning it will go anywhere from 60 FPS to low 20s depending on how much the engine has to render. This is really annoying and I'm pretty sure the other games in the series were locked to 30 FPS.
-Open world "jank" is still evident.
-Weird bugs like guards spawning directly in front of me causing me to fail a stealth mission and some weird stuttering when switching from cutscenes back to the action was slightly disappointing. Seems somewhat unpolished, but again this might just be unlucky open world "jank".
More to come...
Eight hours in and no tearing for me, had one moment where the frame rate dropped like crazy, but otherwise been fine. Running 360 and installed.
Since people are starting to get the game now, I'll just say somethng I feel is very important:
The first five hours or so are tutorial. The game doesn't open up untill you are around six hours in. The layout of Boston won't be finished until that point in time (the city won't be built to completin and there is not a lot to do).
So for anyone playing an hour and going "this is not what I was promised", have in mind that the game has a very long and slow start. You won't be hunting for a long while, you won't be trading and building your base for a long while, for the first four hours or more you won't be capable of doing the tree running stuff.
Eight hours in and no tearing for me, had one moment where the frame rate dropped like crazy, but otherwise been fine. Running 360 and installed.
Since people are starting to get the game now, I'll just say somethng I feel is very important:
The first five hours or so are tutorial. The game doesn't open up untill you are around six hours in. The layout of Boston won't be finished until that point in time (the city won't be built to completin and there is not a lot to do).
So for anyone playing an hour and going "this is not what I was promised", have in mind that the game has a very long and slow start. You won't be hunting for a long while, you won't be trading and building your base for a long while, for the first four hours or more you won't be capable of doing the tree running stuff.
Since people are starting to get the game now, I'll just say somethng I feel is very important:
The first five hours or so are tutorial. The game doesn't open up untill you are around six hours in. The layout of Boston won't be finished until that point in time (the city won't be built to completin and there is not a lot to do).
So for anyone playing an hour and going "this is not what I was promised", have in mind that the game has a very long and slow start. You won't be hunting for a long while, you won't be trading and building your base for a long while, for the first four hours or more you won't be capable of doing the tree running stuff.
Adidas and RGIII(Rober Griffin III, Redskins Quarterback) hooking up with Ubi to release a "Rock the Vote" inspired shoe.
Wait for the pc version is going to be hell
I dunno what to think now. Earlier someone was saying it took 12 hours to beat, but now someone is saying the city doesn't open up fully until 6 hours? I'm confused.
I dunno what to think now. Earlier someone was saying it took 12 hours to beat, but now someone is saying the city doesn't open up fully until 6 hours? I'm confused.
Pretty much sounds like the standard AC buildup. Good to know.You can free roam, open chests and explore from early on, but a lot of stuff like hunting and building your base up is triggered by story stuff later on.
Your post has me boarding the hype train.
Pretty much sounds like the standard AC buildup. Good to know.
Sending me off it. Most annoying part of ACBro/Rev is dealing with the tutorials and restricted cities and modern day nonsense before the game opens up.
Yeah, but no way in hell i'm double dipping when the release is one month apart.
I the world closed off by artificial Animus walls like in ACII and ACB or is everything accessible from the beginning?
I don't think you will get access to the Frontier / Outside Boston for the first few memory sequences. I could be wrong, but the way the game is set up, it would make sense not to let you explore beyond Boston for the first few hours.
Plus - At the beginning you don't have the tools available to utilise the general world around you. You can't hunt, skin or climb trees for some time.
That sounds... awful.
So i didnt play ac:b or ac:r, can i jump right in or am i gonna have a hard time not knowing whats going on?
The game is out in my country....
At least they started releasing pre-ordered copies.
But I shall stay strong (and I hope that my roomate will pick the game up quickly).
I'm personally in favor of less bloated OT's.
I don't like the idea of being a PR monkey shilling for publishers.
What country?
I'm fine with 3 starting slow like 2 did, which was important in both establishing Ezio as a character and not overwhelming the player with info. Even as an avid AC player Revelations was fucking nuts with info dumps, every load screen had a small little box talking about a mechanic and letting your practice it.
guys i need some help
a couple of months ago I bought all 4 AC games, and finally last week i started playing the first one.
in another thread a lot of people ponted out that AC2 has some important chapters of the story as DLC, and now i'm a little worried about the whole thing.
what DLCs am i supposed to buy for each game to fully enjoy the story and not a have a huge question mark above my head at the end of each game?
Sending me off it. Most annoying part of ACBro/Rev is dealing with the tutorials and restricted cities and modern day nonsense before the game opens up.
I was avoiding all footage (the last I'd see was E3's on stage demo), but last night I saw a commercial for the game and got super hyped.
Going to have to wait about two weeks for the Wii U version though. I was originally going to get it for the 360 but my Xbox Live Gold is running out and I like the idea of the map on the GamePad screen.
I hope I can last ... also aren't we going to see reviews up soon? Not that it really matters to me much (I'm getting it anyway) - but usually they'd be out around now, no?
Your loss. AC2 and forward has been like this.
None, it's over exaggerated. AC2's DLC was some weird out of place mission put in-between the time skip. No DLC has real story meat to it, and each new game sums up the previous one pretty well in the beginning. You'll never be left not knowing what is going on, but whether you actually care about the terrible story is up to you.
Darn, that's really disappointing.
The rest sounds good for the most part at least...