I will say this, the PC version looks absolutely gorgeous maxed out in 1080p. This is the main reason I keep playing plus I do want to see the ending regardless.
Also, is this the engine they are using for Watch-dogs?
Quick question (sorry if it was addressed earlier): Does Desmond's satchel/bag clip through him as much as it did during the Giant Bomb quick look? That was absoultely off-putting an awful, but did not see it as much on some other sites.
Why do my arrows, bait, and snares keep disappearing?
If it makes any of you feel any better, Far Cry 3 is about a million times better than this game, in basically every respect.
Quick question (sorry if it was addressed earlier): Does Desmond's satchel/bag clip through him as much as it did during the Giant Bomb quick look? That was absoultely off-putting an awful, but did not see it as much on some other sites.
Okay. Just beat it. Obviously numerous people (myself included) think that this a significant step down for the series, but does anyone think that it was partially due to the fact that traversal just isn't as fun? Boston is too spread apart, and there aren't enough ways to get through the city like in the older games. New York is okay, but you don't really do anything there. The frontier is neat, but unfortunately traversing in the trees doesn't really get you where you want to go, so you wind up just kinda getting on the ground and holding forward. That seems to be kinda what you do most of the game. Get on the ground, hold forward. Overall, movement just... isn't as fun.
Haven't made to NY yet, but I dig Boston. I think the atmosphere is better than any previous city. Navigation isn't as fun, overall, since it's mostly one levels, but the frontier is so good, I don't really care. It's different. i can dig. Mission design sucks a diiiick, though.
Haven't made to NY yet, but I dig Boston. I think the atmosphere is better than any previous city. Navigation isn't as fun, overall, since it's mostly one levels, but the frontier is so good, I don't really care. It's different. i can dig. Mission design sucks a diiiick, though.
Haven't made to NY yet, but I dig Boston. I think the atmosphere is better than any previous city. Navigation isn't as fun, overall, since it's mostly one levels, but the frontier is so good, I don't really care. It's different. i can dig. Mission design sucks a diiiick, though.
And this game is sorely lacking in Jesper Kyd's signature city themes -- Home in Florence, City of Rome, Welcome to Kostantiniyye. Easily some of his best work, and his gorgeous compositions are hugely missed here in ACIII.
Yeah, I'm on pc as well. Agreed about the music.only noticed how much atmosphere this game oozes when i got my hands on the pc version, the cities aren't as sprawling as previous games but they feel incredibly alive
the lack of music whilst exploring sucks though
just listen to this right here:
The feeling I got climbing up a tower while this started playing was just insane. Atmospheric overload
Discovered today you can hang rooftop guards from chimneys... Mind blown.
His music contributed so much to that breathtaking feeling you'd get when you'd reach the pinnacle of some towering structure and spin the camera around to take in the vista. Chills and butterflies at the same time.
It's criminal Ubi didn't ask Kyd back. Just one more instance of 'what the hell were they thinking?'.
I completely agree. I also do not believe that it's a BAD game, merely that it is a game that had so much squandered potential.I think it's all a collection of issues that add up to being, for me anyway, an overall mediocre product. I don't think it's a BAD game like some, but there are so many problems that it's impossible for me to play it and not be frustrated by the missed potential.
The cities are terrible though. I've been saying that from the second they announced which cities we'd head to and what time period we'd be going to that it sounds cool on paper, but they're going to be restrained as fuck by the realities of that time period. The cities were simply not developed or varied enough to function as great Assassin Creed locations. Good AC locations need a sense of flow, where roof travel is the preferred method and variety of landmarks and mission design make the cities continually compelling to go through.
But look at what they did to missions. The assassination missions are complete neutered crap and the mail delivery stuff is just sub-Animal Crossing mission design. And then even the missions themselves hardly take place in locations where one can really utilize various approaches to perform assassinations or exhibit compelling platforming. It's all just big step backs from what came before in city design and mission design. They need to return challenge tombs, return to a central importance of platforming and assassinations (a good assassination mission will have half a dozen or more entry points and approaches; will require some level of stealth; will be a unique location that has various platforming nuances. The old AC games had this. This AC game just shits the bucket every time. So few missions compare to what came before in past games..)
wait underground? You can explore that stuff? Thought it was just a one off mission.
Where do i find the entrance to those?
wait underground? You can explore that stuff? Thought it was just a one off mission.
Where do i find the entrance to those?
Man nothing matches the atmosphere and design of Venice. It slaughterfies Boston and New York.
Florence is a similarly well designed city. The great thing about these cities is that you can ALSO travel just fine on the ground, but roof travel is supremely effective.
In a game about being a stealthy assassin, I'd like to think they can focus on cities such as this. Cities with flow, with variable landmarks that really stand out (how many bland churches do you remember in Boston and New York? a lot. Compare that to Hagia or the Duomo!)
I am a huge fan of Revolutionary War history, but I could hardly get enough enjoyment out of that to offset the downgrade in city gameplay![]()
I adore it. That and the naval stuff are the best parts.Well, these cities were what they were compared to Venice and the like. The wilderness is what sets this game apart from the others, not the cities. Why aren't people focusing on that?
I've been listening to a series of documentaries on the Rev war and loving it. Have any recommendations, Ami?
Horses have somehow improved exactly zero in this series. So terrible. I kinda like him having to trudge through the snow. Maybe that will wear on me more the deeper I get into it.
I need some help:
End of sequence 5/modern day:Went to Manhattan, came back, put the power source in the right spot and had two conversations with Juno, then Desmond had the conversation with his father about how we had to be careful/finally sort of explaining Lucy's death. I continued on, and the Juno hologram is how on this ledge overlooking most of the cave, I make my way other there and there doesn't appear to anything I can do or anywhere I can go?
I continued on, and the Juno hologram is how on this ledge overlooking most of the cave, I make my way other there and there doesn't appear to anything I can do or anywhere I can go?
Juno hovers at the point where you'll need to insert the next power core when you get it. You'll get the next one after another few Sequences, and then just go back to where she is to plug it in.
If it makes any of you feel any better, Far Cry 3 is about a million times better than this game, in basically every respect.
"To say that nothing is true, is to realize that the foundations of society are fragile, and that we must be the shepherds of our own civilization. To say that everything is permitted, is to understand that we are the architects of our actions, and that we must live with their consequences, whether glorious or tragic."
I'm like halfway through and I'm honestly confused about all the negativity surrounding this game. I think it's the best one so far. It's like they actually listened to my issues with the AC2 trilogy and implemented the fixes I would have suggested.
Traversal simplified down to one button? Check.
Combat was completely revamped, taking heavy inspiration from Batman, and is therefore the first combat system in the series that isn't utter dogshit? Check.
Chill out with the rooftop guards, because there doesn't need to be one on every other damn roof? Check.
Plus I honestly find tree climbing far more fun than building climbing. Just jumping tree to tree through the frontier is a ton of fun.
And it's probably just because I'm American, but I find this setting and time period where I actually have some vague understanding of what's going on far more interesting than any of the previous games.
The amount of time I had to wait before I was able to fuck around and do what I wanted to do was VERY high with this game. Also, not a huge fan how (first 5 hour spoiler), a cypher with no personality other than that of a petulant child.just as I was starting to like Hatham as a character the game pulled a REALLY lame twist and then plopped me in control of Connor
I like the wilderness, dislike how slowly the map is filled in, dislike trudging through the snow, hate the story missions, hate the hunting, hate the homestead management, dislike the poor performance and bad IQ on PS3, find the game awfully drained of color and personality, and love the act of fighting groups of enemies.
It's the enemies that keep me playing. They are probably the only thing keeping me invested in this game. The story has been balls out terrible and I must admit that I am finding every second with Desmond to be the worst time I am spending with the game. I'm not sure if I'll play any more of this game. This is only made better by uplay being completely fucked and not letting me sign into my uplay account.
Also, I'm personally disappointed at how slavery is mentioned once and never touched on again (I have just finished the second power source mission). For a game series that has been known to touch on some oft-ignored subjects, this game steers clear away from an important subject in American history.