Why am I getting randomly attacked when I'm Incognito? I just respawned after dying, not in a restricted area or anything. All I did was take one step forward then BAM, half a dozen rifles being aimed at me.
This game is great one minute, atrociously bad the next.
Finished the game just now.
Also, those of you who are good at fighting off animals: help me! What are you supposed to do here? I thought each animal might have its own fighting pattern that you need to react to, which the sequence of button presses would be a metaphor for. But aside from the fact that they all seem to start you with O, the following button seems to be different every time. And do you need to keep pressing the button repeatedly? The faster, the better? It's driving me nuts. I suppose it's a good mechanic in that it replicates how dangerous wandering around in the wilderness is, and how some animals will easily overpower any human being... but if there's a better way to dispatch them, I'm all for it!
What's the key (PC) to grab a body when a firing squad is about to fire at me? This occurred once in the year long tutorial and I forgot.
It's a QTE sequence. Press circle once, press the follow-up button, and you're done. No mashing, no nothing.
I think this is the only game where I am motivated to finish all the collect-a-thons. Do you get anything if you collect all the feathers? I love running around the Frontier and the cities. So much detail and authenticity. Though it is frustrating when I need to go to a certain section of the Frontier and theres a huge, unscaleable wall and I end up running in the wrong direction to find an access point![]()
The reward for getting all feathers is.unlocking the original indian outfit for Connor he wore when he first came to Achilles
Oh...well that isn't what I was hoping for.Thanks.
The naval stuff is great. The missions are all a lot of fun, and the Captain Kidd campaign was excellent.
The narrative and gameplay both suffer from the "5 hours of tutorial", but the script is quite good down the stretch. (Spoilers)Even though he's not exactly the most likely lead, the journey of Connor being very naïve and getting in over his head was very interesting, especially the triangle of different interests and motivations between Haytham, Washington, and Connor. There is a good payoff when his actions lead to him losing his people, killing his tribe member was a powerful moment. Honestly, my biggest complain about Connor would actually be the voice actor they choose for him, not a big fan of his performance.
Desmond's story was ultimately a disappointment. Not much else to say there.
There was a survey from Ubisoft asking fans if they like Uncharted 3. I'm pretty sure we know where this series is going.So which team made the Captain Kidd missions? They were so much better and versatile than the rest of the game!
There was a survey from Ubisoft asking fans if they like Uncharted 3. I'm pretty sure we know where this series is going.
Now, If AC became more linear without the open world for fetch quests, how would that be recieved? How would it be done?
If the game became wide-linear like the Kidd missions or tombs, but longer, with boss battles being open areas that allow freedom in the way you tackle your target (no-kill stealth route > stealth kill target, stealthily eliminate guards > stealth kill target OR one on one fight, or straight up battle royale), I'm not sure I'd be bothered. They can still provide alternate gameplay ideas and have a hub/den/homestead area to develop and be a place to accept missions, contracts and new members. Hell, they should even let you choose an AI assassin companion (or coop partner) to go on missions to raise them through the ranks. If this lowers production costs and tightens their execution of design, I'm all fucking for it. As interesting as it was having complete freedom to wander, it didnt really do the actual gameplay any favors.
Am I screwed because I quit the game after the credits? I loaded the game and I am not at the homestead anymore.
]blacky[;46508314 said:I have finished the game in this moment. It has one of the greatest storylines of this generation. Much better than all of his predecessors. But the gameplay was mostly dummy.
I tried to get 100% synchronization in the main-quest, made all lookouts, only one side-quest and collect some of the treasures. Beside that I did nothing: No hunting, no naval-missions and all the other things you can do in AC3 (I am pretty sure that there are a lot more things you can do).
I have not much time, because of my work, so I ask you: Have I missed something really good stuff or should I switch to the next game?
I liked them really when I played that ones which are included in the main-quest. But I have so many other games to play ... I dont believe that there are really worth to spend more time into.Go back and do the naval missions. All of them. Now. Fuck your work.
On Sequence 9 and I can't help but think how much better this game could have been. The ship missions are fun I just have no motivation to do them. Nothing is as intuitive/easy as it was in Brotherhood and I just find myself frustrated and doing the main story missions. Beautiful game though, especially on PC. I hope in the next one they make side things have more motivation and I hope they cut stuff that is useless. This is a game that could really use some trimming, AC games have gotten a lot of bloat :\
]blacky[;46508314 said:I have finished the game in this moment. It has one of the greatest storylines of this generation. Much better than all of his predecessors. But the gameplay was mostly dummy.
]blacky[;46508314 said:Beside that I did nothing: No hunting, no naval-missions and all the other things you can do in AC3 (I am pretty sure that there are a lot more things you can do).
I have not much time, because of my work, so I ask you: Have I missed something really good stuff or should I switch to the next game?
]blacky[;46508732 said:I liked them really when I played that ones which are included in the main-quest. But I have so many other games to play ... I don’t believe that there are really worth to spend more time into.
]blacky[;46508732 said:I liked them really when I played that ones which are included in the main-quest. But I have so many other games to play ... I dont believe that there are really worth to spend more time into.
Does anyone know what the new Wii U patch...did...if anything? I miss multiplayer!
I'm on Sequence 6 and now that it's opened up I'm trying to run around and do everything but I'm not really sure what there is to...do? Map is really confusing. I did all the viewpoints in the frontier but they didn't seem to uncover the fog of war? Most of the frontier map is still empty.
Are Frontiersmen camps...missions? I talked to them and they said "go kill a sasquatch" and then the game gave me no further hints on wtf I'm supposed to do.
Should I play further into the main game sequences before I start trying to 100% all the sidestuff? Because right now a lot of the symbols are confusing as hell and I don't even understand the liberation sub-systems or what I'm supposed to be doing with the homestead besides saving people and adding them to it.
I enjoyed the 7 hour intro to the game and it's solid and atmospheric so far. I HATE the lock-picking mini-game and it seems like there isn't a whole lot of sidestuff to do at least so far judging by how empty the maps are. I miss there being a million treasures everywhere to at least make exploring the map's nooks & cranny's feel more rewarding. Chasing Almanac pages is kind of boring. Also traversing Boston isn't particularly fun since you can't run on the roofs for more than a minute before you set off alerts so you're stuck to non-roof traversal which seems kind of anti-AC.
Also had the PC version crash a couple of times, but at least it auto-saves all the time, so I didn't lose much. Still annoying.
Oh and what the hell is up with the crazy fog? Every synchronize cutscene in the frontier was staring at a bunch of fog instead of actually seeing a beautiful vista like past AC games. It's fine in the cities, but Frontier...wth!
So I enjoyed Brotherhood and Revelations and was hoping the same was going to be done with Connor (maybe one where he's in the French Revolution), but with Desmond dead, is this even possible? Has there been any hint to other Connor games before AC4?
I just beat the game last night, and I have my own theory on the ending that could give us another Conner game.Desmond may not really be dead- just locked in his own body. We could get a game where Desmond uses the bleeding effect to re-assemble his own mind and awaken from his comatose, deathlike state if they want to use him again.
is desmond really dead?
his body was fried and devoid of a pulse. however, the continued existence of subject 16 - or a simulation thereof - indicates that desmond's digital resurrection is not an impossibility. both the assassins and templars possessed the means to scan, record and store his data during the tumultuous events of 2012, which means that a digital facsimile of desmond could hypothetically play a future role.
near the end juno also says ""Still, you have made a difference, and will do so again."
based on what we know of the 6th sense (sixth method of salvation employed by the first civ), it could also be speculated that the biometric device he touched in the temple allowed a transfer of consciousness, and that desmond now exists within the temple walls - just as juno did before him for thousands of years.
How are you supposed to defeat those officers in the green uniform?!?!?
I keep getting killed by them. I can't even counter them without taking damage.
I just beat the game last night, and I have my own theory on the ending that could give us another Conner game.Desmond may not really be dead- just locked in his own body. We could get a game where Desmond uses the bleeding effect to re-assemble his own mind and awaken from his comatose, deathlike state if they want to use him again.
I'm finally starting to get the hang of how this game works for all the optional content. Definitely enjoying it a lot more now that I know you go "black markers -> white markers" and that you gotta uncover the map yourself.
A couple of questions though:
1. In all the AC2+ games you'd buy weapons and armor and paintings. Did they get rid of that here? Are there no armor upgrades? And no other weapons than tomahawk/hidden blade? No paintings or anything to decorate your homestead?
2. What are citizen missions unlocked on the map screen?
I'm finally starting to get the hang of how this game works for all the optional content. Definitely enjoying it a lot more now that I know you go "black markers -> white markers" and that you gotta uncover the map yourself.
A couple of questions though:
1. In all the AC2+ games you'd buy weapons and armor and paintings. Did they get rid of that here? Are there no armor upgrades? And no other weapons than tomahawk/hidden blade? No paintings or anything to decorate your homestead?
2. What are citizen missions unlocked on the map screen?
Yeah the homestead stuff seems weird. Instead of the fun city buying aspect of AC2, you recruit people so that you can spend a lot of time to craft items...that ummm...you can't use and are only for the meta-game of trading and selling for money?
Or can you craft weapons and stuff that you can actually use in playing the main game?
Everytime I play this game I run into glitches. Like tonight I did the first hunting society mission to kill the bear in the cave. I lured the bear out and then hid to try to stealth kill it, well it walked about halfway through the room and then vanished in thin air and the quest failed and I had to kill myself and do it all again... lol Also run into disappearing quest markers A LOT, which is annoying when it's the last part of a quest and it tells me to go somewhere but the marker isn't there. Definitely takes me out of it a bit.
I do like how the exploration/frontier feels almost like they merged AC with Skyrim and some RDR. It's pretty atmospheric and easy to lose hours just running around doing things. Though it doesn't hold a candle to the feeling of exploring and playing RDR.
lol, I was looking forward to unlocking the Kanien'kehá:ka outfit but I eventually stopped wearing it because of this bug. I couldn't take anything seriously with his hair like that.buzz cut connor, his pony tail, well most of his hair actually just fucked off somewhere